Please Add Breeding Centers

You know it’s bad because undead have literally been to hell and back to realm of living and they are surprised

Shiny pokemon are rare, every time you encounter a Pokémon there is a 1 in 4096 chance it will be shiny. Getting an pokemon shiny from breeding is even rarer, but however less likely this will be a focus of the game since our universe is entirely different from the Pokemon universe.

I don’t think they can implement this without being sued by Game Freak and Nintendo for copyright infringement. I do enjoy having the pets following me around.


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If they implemented the whole catching/raising pets part, then there’s probably very little to worry about :slight_smile:

You are on a roll keep it up

I agree though, pets in wow already have natures that we need to hunt for if we want competitive pets with meta speed, strength or stamina

Always thought being able to breed for those natures and qualities would make competitive pet raising more fun than just abandoning wild battles over and over

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I guess maybe I’m thinking more of a Jade Cocoon concept as well, where you could “Merge” your creatures (cant’ remember what they were called, but they were basically like Pokemon…that game was actually really decent) and come out with amazing combinations. Time to see if this is on Youtube anywhere…

is a quick review of it, best part starts around 2:30.


Why is this post flagged?

It’s a fantastic idea which expands pet collection and battling.

I swear 99% of the insipid people on these forums only read the title of a post and not the content.

It’s pathetic.

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The danish word for bread is

Get your mind out of the gutter and read the actual post. Not just the title. :unamused::roll_eyes:

In the pokemon games, you don’t get to actually watch the pokemon breed. (It’s a Nintendo game, duh)

The daycare center man tells you that he found an egg from your pokemon. That’s the baby.


You obviously haven’t read any of the OP’s other (and more disturbing) recent threads. They intentionally made a bait title.


Those threads are self-contained. Don’t let that stuff bleed over into this post.

Completely different thread.

Bait titles get clicks. Plus, they publicly out people who don’t bother to read.


gotta love how you got 15 disgusted quotes/replies who never actually bothered to read the original post who just wanted to breed wow pets like we all did when we were kids in pokemon red and blue.

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Why do some people take funny threads so seriously? /sigh

Considering how static the pet feature has been over the past expansions (only changes were additions like battle stones from different sources and “pet dungeons”) and the completely very stupid way Blizzard implemented pet “crafting” in ZM (the usual drop farming with some extra farming added - “hey guys you don’t need to hope for a rare to drop it, instead you just hope to… get that rare reagent drop and then another one and then grind some mobs”), I would tend to believe that such an addition is completely out of question.

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I’m sure there’s some degenerate subreddit that will give you what you’re looking for.

How to show everyone you never played pokemon when everyone else did 20+ years ago.

so many woolie wendigo wearers… hmm

better transmog than yours. nooblord.


Well see

Dragonflight is coming soon
Alexstraza is the new waifu
Op mentioned babies and families in another post
=breeding centre for waifus

It was the clear conclusion to come to :joy:


Who gives a damn about Pokémon. It doesn’t fit in wow. Those resources should be spent anywhere but there

I try to keep an open mind when reading posts; regardless of who the poster is or what their history is like.

So I read more than the title and look at what’s contained in the opening post.

What people are doing in this thread is akin to bullying.