Pleading to Overgeared LEAVERS in Heroic Dungeons

This is hard :smile:

Only if you touch them. Adds are too busy to stun you since they are chasing the OP Dude.

As I said, stop touching adds and you’ll be safe. That’s how my friends do when I carry them.

All of you that are replying with “press W”, “you’re being carried”, etc.
You are missing the portion stated where they LEAVE THE DUNGEON AFTER KILLING THE BOSSES. Hence the pack of trash coming back to eat everyone that doesn’t have insane movement abilities to “press W” or “just follow the guy pulling”.
Scholomance, for example, is one of the dungeons I’ve had this happen in numerous times.


I kill everything in sight. Leave no Bronze behind.


Do you even play this game outside of your bro circle?
Everything you just replied to from Maijoon was invalid as a response.
Adds do AoE stuns, CC, slows, ever heard of thunderclap, etc to anyone in proximity to their abilities, so YES, even if you follow said Jerk, you can and will be affected by the mobs they pull.
YES, it is “hard” to keep up with a tank class that can clear the span of Russia in 2 jumps.
There’s the door ----->


If you are unhappy with the way someone in your group is playing, feel free to vote to kick them.

Tbh the loss of boss bronze sucks if that happened but the instant 1250 cache is appreciated over the extra hundreds from mob loot. I don’t think you can really fix or solve these type of butthead players though. Anything short of despawning a boss when everyone isn’t present or teleporting the party to the boss seems convoluted.

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Let players get the daily scenario / dungeon rewards solo. That’s all they’re there for.

I have an idea - at an absolute minimum, everyone’s running speed in a group should scale to the person with highest speed bonus.

one of the issues I keep having is not on my main, but on alts. since cloak is not shared, gems cannot be mailed, your gear is whatever drops for you with fewer slots and you are still trying to farm up your tinkers - even with whatever temp speedboosts your class may have, it becomes an exercise in frustration, trying to keep up because those abilities unlike flat speed bonus - have cooldowns.

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I mean yeah, letting players get the daily reward solo would be nice. But I don’t think the RDF system is set up to handle that, unfortunately.

OK, I’m so sorry I did not slow down to give you a chance to follow me. I apologize if it’s difficult for you to keep up. :smile:
That’s just too much for you guys, and I totally understand. :smile:

When I do it no one dies, it must to be a special kind of player.

You better believe it.
It’s the toxic casual way.

when i do dungeons and stuff ill Que again when its over if 1 dps declines i instantly leave

Are you really flabbergasted that people would complain about something they didn’t ask for being thrust upon them?


They can. It’s not their obligation.

In my case I usually kill everything I pull, I just only pull what I need to to get through.

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yep 99% of the time they see a OP tank and think ill pull it all theyll kill it

Sounds like you attacked enemies that weren’t standing in a giant pile , imagine complaining about getting carried kekw


Because they attacked those adds instead of clicking the loot pinatas

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Hey, some people want to actually run the dungeon normally, but they’ll just need to deal with it as the rest of just want to plow through them as fast as possible for bronze. Especially since we’ve done them over and over from the start of this event plus years of timewalking runs. So there’s no real fun to be had running them (outside M+) for the 50th time.