Pleading to Overgeared LEAVERS in Heroic Dungeons

I “get it”, you just want the bags. I also “get it” that you can solo this content.
May I ask that these over geared players NOT ignore the fact that there is literally every level/gear level of player doing this content. You running from boss to boss ignoring adds to wipe an entire group then leave the dungeon really says a lot.
Just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you have to.
If you’re so “O.P.” why cant you kill the rest of the trash that YOU pulled.
You can still be amazing while not being a weenie.


I don’t understand.
If he runs from boss to boss, adds will chase him. In the boss fight, those adds will be cleared by his gems or passive AoE damage. How did you guys get wiped?


It doesn’t take much to pull aggro off of someone who facepulled, and it’s not that difficult to outrun chasing mobs either. I can easily see a group being stuck with a dungeon’s worth of angry mobs thanks to a ‘Leeroy’ running off like that.


Imagine not following the op dude then going “HOW DARE YOU NOT SIT SO FAR BEHIND WITH US REEEE”


Another Blizzard created problem.

The scaling is still whack, with a level 20 of just about any class able to run through the instance and 1-2 shot everything while taking little to no damage.

Meanwhile, the 65+ to fresh-ish 70s get floored by random aoe.

I know math is hard, but I suspect someone at Blizzard could adjust the power scaling curves such that low levels are not so OP and higher levels and fresh 70s not so underpowered while still allowing (requiring) 70s to spend bronze on upgrades to achieve ludicrous levels of OP-ness.

In the meantime, if you are an OP lowbie, just take an extra second or two and kill everything and if you are a higher level or fresh 70, just realize Blizzard hates you and try to keep up while realizing you may just get gibbed by something and it isn’t on you or the lowbies in the group.


Maybe don’t touch those adds and follow the OP Dude? Just loot corpses, simple enough, right? :smile:


The best thing to do if you cant survive the fall out is to stand near the entrance, dont even cast a single spell that could pull threat, let them do their one man show and leave the dungeon when he kills the last boss

Youll get everything in the mail and avoid the frustration of dying.

Its a small blizzard created problem, they should have added the ability to solo queue dungeons and get the same rewards as if you were in a group to avoid these disruptions


I can’t believe you guys are complaining about being carried?


yeah this is getting to be a real problem. They don’t need any of those rewards for solo queuing anymore but as I mentioned in another thread people are going to have to start kicking people who do that if they can and if there is a timer on kicks it needs to be removed for this content.


it is about them queuing as healer and doing no healing and letting everyone else die.

It doesn’t work like that - they move through at such speed adds getting left behind and are standing there waiting for the others. It may be dungeon specific though.


The worst is when they run past trash, pull the boss before people there, then the boss resets because people are out of the arena.

Didn’t really save time.

Or as I’ve explained in another thread about scaling about my experience as a healer on a lowbie with fresh 70s, I watch people who haven’t geared at 70 fall over in a GCD / one hit.

No healer can heal you through that.

So let’s not blame the player and put it where it belongs - on Blizzard.

Scaling should at worst (fresh ungeared 70) should be like running Timewalking content on retail.

In Timewalking if you don’t have great gear, you can’t just stand in every bad and expect to live, but you also don’t die to random AOEs in one GCD or die from one-shots from basic mob attacks, and any reasonable healer can keep you alive.

So sorry, but I’ve found getting matched with under-geared 70s to be a waste of my time.

I can either run through the dungeon with the other players in group that are not under-geared 70s and finish the dungeon quickly, or slog through while you still die over and over.

Guess which one I’m choosing?

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Have you guys not heard? This is the new frogging…

So what you do, is make a new alt on your Trial account and level it to 20. Then you go back to Blizz launcher and open a new window on your paid account. You run both games and get your two characters in the same party, then queue for Heroic dungeon. You only play on the 20 trial character and leave your main afk in the door. You then solo the instance on your 20 and your main gets full rewards. Just kick the afk and the runner will leave.

It will get nerfed soon, but these weirdos will go to this length to shave maybe a minute or two off a dungeon clear so just dont queue heroic dungeons until Blizz nerfs it

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they did no healing at all - they were running ahead of the group. It is on the player.

That’s annoying and I don’t do that - I will try to heal and kill everything.

But I’ve also had the fresh 70 tank keep running off ahead of everyone and insta-dying, and gave up trying to heal and just ran with the rest of the group through the dungeon.

It is just impossible to keep fresh 70s alive in some of the instances with the current scaling.

Again, I feel it’s a Blizzard created issue - if they smoothed out the scaling curve so low levels aren’t so OP and high levels / fresh 70s not so underpowered, we wouldn’t be having these issues.

It isn’t just fresh 70s that die in that situation. My character had 35k stamina and was dying to the left over adds because it isn’t a tank.

imagine not realizing that not everyone has speed boost that OP dude does. imagine not realizing that people may want to loot. imagine not realizing that trash DOEs start attacking you and slowing you down even further… do you even play this game?


Blizzard should know better.

At one point they ran a promo for $5 that covered the base game + current expansion AND were running refer-a-friend as a ‘get 300% XP buff when grouped with friend, if friend subscribes you get a free month’ or something like that.

Every other dungeon had some idiot running 2 accounts, with one account on follow doing nothing.

It was really annoying.


In Timewalking, gear for the average player doesn’t really matter at all. Item level is normalized so everyone basically has the same gear. Stuff like set bonuses and enchants are the only things really setting characters apart in a TW setting.

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If s/he is so overpowered, why not just walk in through the door and do the instance alone?