Pleading to Overgeared LEAVERS in Heroic Dungeons

Oh I know the differences, what I’m saying is the curve should normalize 65+ and fresh 70s similar to how everyone is set and scaled in Timewalking, not assume players at 65+ have min / maxed their gear and 70s have all done several rounds of upgrades.

It’s just a math problem and I’m sure Blizzard has someone that could ‘fix’ it, assuming they actually want to do so, which it seems clear they do not.

They would rather intentionally make players weaker as they approach and gain level cap to push them to spend their currency on upgrades versus buying cosmetics so it takes players longer to complete the event.

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You don’t get the daily LFD rewards for doing it that way.


First queued heroic / regular dungeon and scenario of the day give 1250 bronze.

The issue I see is that people are waiting till they get to 70 to upgrade their gear.

If you’re hitting 65+ and wearing mostly the same gear that you were at level 30, you should have already started to upgrade your gear.

You also should already have a few legendary gems.

The 65+ underpower feeling is mostly non-upgraded gear/gems.

Eh, I levelled by questing so was getting an item appropriate to my level from every box and combat still felt like junk from around 64 onwards.

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Just press W.

Do you have your jewelry unlocked?

As one of the aforementioned “overgeared” players, I actually go out of my way to pull extra trash (and kill it) when running these dungeons specifically because I know the leveling players/alts can use the XP.

Maybe I just like helping people too much. :laughing:


This was prior to account wide, I had a ring.

I’m sure now if I have max stuff unlocked and trade a bunch of legendary gems from my main to my alt prior to starting to level it’ll feel significantly better the whole way, but that’s not a typical experience.

Same thing in lfr. I’m max gear but I always try to wait til the last person is at the boss before engaging. People pulling to the bosses and getting half the group locked out is my biggest pet peeve in this game.


I run with them, and stick on them, and let them do all the work.

If they press W, I press W, it’s that simple.

My biggest pet peeve, and why people get locked out or die like with OP, is that people see an enemy and engage without assessing the situation, they don’t think, they don’t care if the tank has left, they just see an enemy and start pressing buttons.

If someone has ran off just run with them, who cares if you do half the damage you can do, no one who presses W and ignores adds is going to care about you and your DPS, just follow them.

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They are trying to get the same rewards you are,how dare they.
They probably don’t want to be there with you either honestly, Why not blame Blizzard for nerfing every farm and putting it on mandatory group content on a daily lockout?

so you didnt know how to kite.

it’s okay. you are learning.

Not simple, we have to keep running also to keep up with OP dude, and sometimes the mobs have stuns that slow you down and then you get stuck and get killed. And how are we supposed to pick up loot if we’re running after the OP dude AND running away from angry mobs?

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What does pressing W do? (I remapped all my keybinds years ago, I don’t remember what W is supposed to do.)

walk forward

ok, thanks :+1:

Ive done lfrs this week where someone will run ahead in lfr to the next boss and engage it before people who died on the previous boss are even resurrected. That kind of absurd go go go is what im talking about. Not when someone decides to do something else, but when the people literally cannot keep up unless they just run nonstop and don’t even loot.


It is a bit of an issue DHs are the worse offenders. Unlike other classes their max speed isn’t capped at 49%. Their mastery counts separately. I watched a dh outrun a mounted pally to kill a boss.


what wont these forums complain about is the real question

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