Pleading to Overgeared LEAVERS in Heroic Dungeons

I’m happy for the dungeons to go really quickly.

But sometimes it’s a case of ‘more haste less speed’.

It’s the difference between a 3 minute run and a 60 second run. Just run together unless someone is way too slow. It isn’t hard. You demonstrate more skills if you keep in pace with your group. You get laughed at as a sad case if you race off and a mishap unnecessarily happens.

There is some things to know if you are much slower - including don’t touch any adds and knowing the path to follow.

So, if you see someone run, run with them. And if you are dead or get locked out from the boss it’s not all that bad, you still get the boss loot sent to your mailbox

And LFR bronze from the mobs, not even worth the effort to stop and loot, as always, it’s the bosses that you want, not the trash.

Yes I understand that, does not make it less rude, which is what my issue with it is.


Once again, flaws come tumbling out as a result of poor planning for this mode. Why is that uber 70 even interested in dungeons? Let alone queued ones? Why isn’t there a more attractive bronze acquisition curve of graduating up the content levels to earn bronze ENORMOUSLY faster?

I’ll give Blizz a shred of credit on this that it’s not the kind of thing they might have thought of within 10 seconds. But like. What’s our progression path dudes. Why isn’t there a bigger bronze payout for soloing dungeons than using LFD, to encourage chasing the power curve?

I agree, OP. I had the nerve to once say something and the tank just said “suks 2 b u” while the rest of us were dying to trash.

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It’s usually warriors. They’re “special”.

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People normally don’t understand when I say: “Don’t touch anything, just loot”

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I never played warrior because I just really don’t like the play style but it seems like it’s hard for them to keep aggro all the time, idk. I did play blood DK so I know our aggro is good. Pallies and warriors mainly leave trash behind.

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TBH, If I’m in their group, only if the tank is a level 10 alt would keep aggro. otherwise tit will be impossible for him.

I’m almost 500 Ilvl I’m strong as a lvl 10 alt.

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Yeah I’m not sure if they leave them on purpose of can’t keep them. When I played blood DK, I learned from an old school player who taught me to always watch for my healer. So even now, as a DPS, I do that. If I see a healer get hit, I run back to help them. It just seems wow players are more about just go go go for a quick finish (which I get in the case of remix) but just don’t let us die lol.

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Also, ever since the game became about daily quotas, the “chill 2 hour Blackrock Depths with friends on voice chat” became a thing of the past. Most people are doing LFR for its rewards, not to “engage” and “progress” it.

And while I only speak for myself, some of the most fun I’ve ever had in this game was at the end of WotLK speed clearing heroics. The game was to beat the 15 minute queue cooldown. Speedrunning itself can be a source of fun - it’s not always “sweatlord” or whatever they call it.

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Not all warriors. I’m a good overpowered boy.:sob:


I genuinely got no idea how you hold aggro as a warrior? Do you have an aoe threat or is it single? I’ve done Druid and DK tanking and those were the easiest tankings lol.

So… we’re down to complaining that people are carrying too hard now?


Thunderclap spreads Rend and Revenge (a cleave) applies Deep Wounds. Snap threat plus two DoTs.

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Yeah. While I normally loathe this phrase, this whole Froggergate thing really does bring “first world problems” to mind.

Just say thank you for being carried and collect your loot from your mail box.

Why is it always the “I missed out” crowd who are complaining about Remix? Trust me, someone carrying you in content is not going to care if you fall behind and do nothing, just go in after them and loot everything.

Most people value their time and wouldn’t complain that an overpowered player clearing an ‘errand’ quicker. That’s the only reason many players queue for this content, the bronze caches and threads.

Next time, ask the player to slow down so you can experience the immersion and RP. See how your teammates like that.

I’m only 373 and Heroic dungeons feel like a joke. I just mass pull and my gems nuke almost everything. I’d like to think people would be grateful for getting that nonsense done faster.

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Straight to jail.

If someone wants the immersion and RP and all that they can make their own groups and run normal, it’s not all that much harder than LFR, although those getting carried will probably make out out to be harder.

This post is the exact reason we have a story mode coming up, 99% sure it will drop no loot and have complaints raised about it.

Oh I was being snarky/sarcastic. If somebody actually pulled that (I value my time) and was purposefully trying to waste the time of others as well, I’d probably call them out on it for being moronic.