Plea for bug fixes before any new content

For the past couple of years of Classic Era (after TBC) we’ve been seeing how the cycle of content updates and patches has affected Classic Era servers. During this time whenever a new client is pushed or updates are done to other versions of Classic we get introduced to new bugs in Classic Era. This has happened every single time with TBC, SoM, Wrath and, most recently, Hardcore. Many of these bugs, even though promptly reported, have accumulated over time and don’t seem to get a fighting chance at being worked on as they are not deemed a priority.

To mention two of the most important for me are the missing melee sounds and missing Seal of Command double animation. These are not game-breaking bugs, but they are, to me, experience-breaking since as a player grinding mobs you constantly see them on absolutely every single mob.

I, and I’m sure others too, would greatly appreciate if some time can be dedicated to tackling these before any new content or Era versions, and thus more bugs, are introduced.


Agreed. These are yuge. Halt all new money making content until these are addressed to the fullest extent of the development team.

why do you oppose bug fixes?

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The sound effects I can live without. The animations too. Not a deal breaker for me. I keep the sound super low anyways.

Yeah, I am strange.

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Soooooooo many bugs too.

Like how they in August gave succubus back its pre 1.10 cast while invisible seduce protecting it from mouse over counterspell / earth shock.

This is so tilting, you have no idea, its not even the only one, just an example.

Or how dodging seems to slow attack speed animation… (does it kill auto attack speed Actually?)

Or how cow melee range got nerfed but we still have the big hit box so now we get hit easier per usual but don’t get the bigger reach.,

Or how reckoning is poop since the PvP update,

I’m missing tons, but you’re 100% spot on OP, bug fixin is a must

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That was intentional so you couldn’t abuse it by spamming /sit while fighting someone.

Unless you mean how reckoning resets your swing timer and just gives you an instant attack upon being crit?

That’s been nerfed since 2019, what I am talking about is Reck drops charges when you’re out of combat; there are “work arounds” but its stupid.

That sounds dumb.

And this isn’t the “you lose reck charges when you get on a flight path, or enter an instance/loading screen” thing?

It just randomly goes away?

yeah just drops; its stupid. Been a problem since August, and kinda breaks the meme Reck spec.

There is also the most irritating thing… Enchant UI is trash, and I think its something to do with other peoples addons… Even if I disable all my addons or just un install them, the enchant UI constantly snaps to the top of the list when lots of people around.

I think its any UI addon that scans. IMO that crap needs to be deleted from the game any way, its half way botting in the same way that conditional macro that allow you to kick bot with out really kick botting were still in a way kick botting… (got nerfed recently thank god)

But that was not the only thing you can do with creative macromancy.