Playing with 'Friends'

Its funny. If all these forum people that complained about premades decided to group up and form their own. They would still probably lose. It really is a l2p issue.

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I believe it was established the controversy was bypassing the premade matching dynamic, to literally pitch a premade against randoms which means winning is practically guaranteed as randoms would never be able to out-coordinate a premade, regardless if the random taking the lead graduated the top of his/her class at West Point.

Which would never happen because thereā€™s a lot of nice rewards you canā€™t get solo. Exclusivity is the key. But it bothers the group collective when the soloers are too content enjoying the game by themselves. Thatā€™s the marginalizing effect: mobilizing the community to be more group-like. Thatā€™s why LFR became one of the biggest controversies of all time.

It really is two tribes going to war when you think about it. Iā€™m a proud card-carrying member of the imaginary Individualist Party.

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No it isnā€™tā€¦the OP literally pretends there arenā€™t 9 other players on her TEAM. In a team game she knowingly signed up forā€¦in which she knows for a FACT at least 5 players on the opposing team CAN LEGALLY coordinate. While ignoring her ability to do the same thing. All under the pretense that ā€¦SHEā€™S SOLO?!? IN WHAT UNIVERSE DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?!?


I propose that you are perhaps arguing apples and orangesā€¦or maybe apples and sports cars, because bruhā€¦where is the relation?

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Assuming you can even call a rabble of 10 people a ā€œteamā€, given how they act together to get the win. A team is supposed to be greater than the sum of its parts, Iā€™m sure you understand. Itā€™s supposed to be something better than 10 soloers bunched up together.

We donā€™t agree on the team concept. LFR means you can access it at least by yourself. Team-oriented stuff means you need to actually have a team assembled, such as Mythic 5-man. You canā€™t solo queue thoseā€¦yet.

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We donā€™t agree on the team concept because LFR means LOOKING FOR RAIDā€¦WHICH IS BY DEFINITION A GROUP OF PLAYERS. Sure, you come in alone, but once you are in the group you ARE NO LONGER A SOLO PLAYER.

You have been demoted to apples and alien lifeforms.


Alright, fine. You made your point well enough. But I know the OP has alternatives to this mess, and I trust heā€™d explore themā€¦

Thatā€™s a great deal of faith in someone whose first ever post on the forum (and all subsequent posts) was 100% hyperbole and complaining like a child.

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You make it look easy, and it doesnā€™t seem that the OP agrees itā€™s really that easy to resolve the problem that way. shrugs Thereā€™s a disconnect somewhere.

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My guess is that the disconnect is related to OP being unable or unwilling to befriend people in WoW.
It really is easy to do so. Did you play with someone well? Whisper them props and add them on btag. Or join a large guild and form/join a group for BGs together. Making friends in WoW is extremely easy assuming you donā€™t spend all your playtime raging and making excuses about everything like the OP.

There was a time I used to do that, before guild politics screwed me over too many times, when ā€œfriendsā€ are opportunistic jackholes who have no problems using you to get what they want.

Iā€™ve dealt with guild politics a number of times but havenā€™t been screwed over by anything except maybe getting main raid benched on my HPriest in Highmaul progression, it was justified though because my numbers sucked.
Outside of guildies I still play with friends whom Iā€™ve known since Cata.


I understand how much that hurts people. Because really, friendship is as good as how useful you are innately. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it, really. I would have more value for the real-life people behind the screens.

Thereā€™s a certain guy that already comes to mind: this big-time guild and server hopper. Always going after the BBD.

I been real life friends with people I met in early wrath, was at one of their weddings, had a serious romantic relationship with one that turned out to live in the same city as me, so this seems like user error on their parts
than ā€œpeople just suck.ā€

But hey want to I know, I just eat crayons.

Thatā€™s a sociopathic response, maybe thatā€™s your problem you are doing things tit for tat and thatā€™s not how the world works. I thought you said you were big in the church, arenā€™t you suppose to do things on faith not expecting a reward?

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That is how the world works. Thatā€™s not how I work, but I have to come to those terms. But Iā€™m really talking about in-game in WoW. If thereā€™s no serious accountability, what makes you think people would do things more in good faith not expecting an reward? As I was taught in MacroEcon, ā€œThereā€™s no such thing as a free lunch.ā€ In WoW, people are under no obligation to do good.

I would not screw people, but I have to believe that people out there can and will, so I have to watch my back and speak out against it.

I literally do that now, both in game and real life.

Nobodyā€™s forcing them, not even Blizzard. Blizzard doesnā€™t even encourage altruistic behavior. Iā€™ve known this since Vanilla, that anything I get from someone that has value comes with the expectation of a favor owed. There are exceptions, but those you canā€™t really count on. I couldnā€™t count on a warlock just giving me 80G when I talked about dreadsteed quest progression, and likewise back in WoD I used to deposit 10k gold for each active member of this guild and 25k for each officer every month into the gbank. I bought Tokens for people expecting nothing in return.

Getting raid benched? It is necessary if youā€™re not pulling the numbers. Like yeah people want to raid and have fun but raid groups also donā€™t want to be held back by weak performance. Iā€™ve been officer and role captain in numerous raid guilds and one of the most common complaints with regard to progression is about certain individuals lagging too far behind the overall group output. Itā€™s not trying to knock on the player himself/herself but specifically the numbers and performance.
At that point the officer/captain needs to address the concern with that specific player and see if we can help them improve via going over talents, enchants, rotations, etc. If they canā€™t manage it by the next weeks raid lockout then it has to go to the bench (assuming we have a good replacement). Yeah it sucks for the player but the concern of the team overall takes priority, otherwise they grow discontent and seek other teams to join in order to keep up with progression.
Itā€™s not personal, itā€™s raid life.

Iā€™ve only known/met a couple WoW friends irl. For most of the circle of friends I am a part of we do things outside of WoW together too. We play other games, talk about irl stuff on Discord and Snap. Iā€™ve helped one friend with irl test prep. Another streamed her wedding ceremony for me from the other side of the world.
I think a lot of people see WoW friends as just ā€œWoW friendsā€ and not actual friends.

The fact that it happens often enough.

And yet people do good anyway.

yeah I have just wow friends, but there are some if you play long enough with them eventually itā€™s just friends


WoW was always communal, though it is rather solo-friendly, for which Iā€™m grateful. It would be unrealistic to demand that they restrict group play too much.

Solo folks will almost always lag behind more organized groupers just due to the nature of achievable rewards, but often the gap hasnā€™t been too egregious in pvp.

I personally like the social aspects of WoW, but have never really wanted to make friends or connections here. More power to those that do, though.

ā€œfriendsā€ lol the premaders excuse

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