Playing with 'Friends'

guess only opinion that matters is yours… coming from a player who’s synapses have no clue what the concept of ‘Random’ means…

What part of no Random queue should face a composition of 2Tanks - 2Healers and rest dps???

Why does your Synapses think is premades v premades?? since went a Random queue system matches 2premades??

Instead of calling player ‘brick Wal’ why don’t support your arguments with facts…

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No you don’t understand that random is implying the maps are random, as there are specific ques for each bg map.
It has never been meant random players.

Since legion at the least maybe even as far back as mop

Oh, the irony.
Random refers only to the map.

Again, the irony. You’ve done nothing but whine and have yet to support a single thing you’ve said in this thread (or any for that matter). And when confronted you only resort to “but i has a family!” as though having a family means you can’t find a person to do BGs with in a game of millions.

Didn’t you say you were done with this?
Odd that you’d come back for a second dose of destruction.

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what more support do you want…
what did i just said…u can read… right! what did i just said??
2tanks 2heals and rest dps…

and i did; but went u come to my forums insulting other player that wont agree with you then u gonna heard me…
don’t like disagreements… then don’t reply or post anything

already post my experience while playing…
u havent said anything except blah blah blah and calling players names

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An MMO does not automatically mean it has to be played co-op 100% of the time, or even at all. There is no law or professional standard in the industry it has to be that way. That’s what made WoW so great was that it revolutionized a genre barely anyone could bother with. An MMO just has the infrastructure to support many people in the same instance.

The same people who believe that are the same ones who try to moralize me when I do far more on my own than they ever bother to do in groups. It’s all about getting that ticket punched, scratching this off from their to-do list. They couldn’t care less what others want.

It’s not quite so viable to do solo as an Alliance. The only thing I can recommend for you is to go Horde, where the grass is indeed greener. Otherwise, it’s the way of the group collective or the highway.


No…there are no standards…and you are free to accomplish what you can solo, HOWEVER guidlines HAVE been established by the creators of THIS game…5 players for M+, up to 25 for raids…and a minimum of 10 for BATTLEGROUNDS. Which we are currently discussing…not whatever mental fantasy you are currently entertaining.

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Normal/heroic raids are flex to 30 and mythic is 20

Where the individual is being exploited by the group given this controversy, it is a problem. The same problem that almost killed this entire genre 20 years ago.

“exploited”, “controversy”, “killed this genre”.
You should be a Fox News broadcaster. You’ve got the lingo, hyperbole, and sensationalism down.


TY for the correction…can you tell i don’t raid alot :slight_smile:

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But it has. You don’t know your MMO genre history. You probably don’t even give enough credit to WoW’s success. Even to this DAY, WoW is still a paid sub game. Practically every other MMO has gone F2P or discontinued completely.

Blizzard understood the individual was important, as in no less important than the group. If you’ve played other MMO’s, you would feel very small.

Just in the last several years, the good guys at Project Celeste made AoE Online F2P. AoEO was a favored MMO of mine, but it too didn’t really make it.

I’ve played MMO’s since EQ.
Remind me again, which former MMO was it that had a problem with premades in random BGs?

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…OK, I came here from Everquest…so what are you talking about now? TEAM PLAY in that game WAS FAR MORE OF A REQUIREMENT THAN WOW EVER CONSIDERED.

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LOL i’m going to the store, I think got this.

What do you want blizzard to do. Ask each player personal questions before they queue, to make sure they’re really “friends”.

And if these friend are winning too much. Should blizzard stop then from queuing together?

Do you want them to end friendships?

What do you want them to do.


That wasn’t the question. But MMO’s, and EQ is definitely a mortal sinner, completely take a Bajherran dump on the individual player. I don’t know which MMO’s had rigged premades in RBG’s, but I can tell you that they were rigged against the solo player’s interests.

Exactly, and that was the fault. I’m glad I played other online games besides that, like TFC, C-S and UT99. I’m glad I played other games where I mattered. And I was in my teens during EQ’s prime. My TEENS! If I don’t count my blessings every day I log on WoW, I’m not even trying to be thankful my first MMO is my best one.

While you’re gone, I may or may not give EQ the trashtalk it REALLY deserves! Haha lol, but seriously, WoW is the best there is, and that got the most epic love/hate relationship out of all of us!

Yes it was the question.
This topic is about people queuing together in random BGs. You came to the conclusion that individuals are being exploited by some friends queuing random BGs together and you relate this to killing a genre 20 years ago. I ask you which former MMO had an issue with premades in casual BG content. How is that not the question?
WoW is massively catered to the individual. With the exception of maybe Mythic raids and high arenas, everything is catered to individuals. You can level alone, quest alone, complete achieves alone, queue dungeons alone, queue raids alone, farm gold alone, and so on. Blizz introduced the entire LFG panel (the i button in game) for the individuals. In the case that you lack guildies/friends with whom to run content, you are given the tools to join all raids in the game, find groups for M+ runs, and find arena/pvp partners.
Blizzard has introduced specific solo gameplay challenges such as Legion’s Mage Tower, BfA’s Horrific Visions, and Shadowlands Torghast Tower.

WoW is absolutely solo friendly.

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That wasn’t the point I was making. I don’t care what MMO’s did different than WoW in terms of screwing over the individual. That’s immaterial to my argument.

Which is argued to be an exploit in the specific way the OP and others prescribed. “Exploit early, exploit often” is the motto behind that, granted, but it is what it is: individuals getting raked over the coals with thrown games. Which means the more this happens, the more you’d fall behind on CQ goals.

AND that’s what saved the genre. But it can always be friendlier. As a matter of fact, come SL, I can perceive it’s going to get super solo friendly.


How is that not the point being made? This statement seems very clear in it’s implication considering the subject of this thread. It implies that people who queue random BGs alone are being exploited by people who do not queue alone.

There is nothing exploitative about queuing with people in random BGs. I queue alone, I queue with premades, I fight with premades, I fight against them, I win, I lose. I’ve never felt exploited because I lost a random BG due to 3 nerds from the same guild farming me.

How so?

To be clear, a game being solo friend is good. But when solo friendly comes at the cost of marginalizing people who like to play together in a multiplayer game then it becomes a problem. WoW has many solo aspects to it but specific group content such as battlegrounds and raids are intentionally designed to be group content. We should not be seeking the end premades in group content.

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