Playing classic WOTLK rn and it feels so much better than retail

Idk I had fun doing it. I had forgotten how good the talent trees were for UH back then. I actually felt stronger and stronger with talent points, gear upgrades and leveling.

I did miss some of the already built in features of retail though.

Contemplating if I want to play it for a time, I’ll always go back to retail though. :heart:


I’ve enjoyed all of the classic content, but I was surprised at how different leveling is in Wrath classic vs vanilla classic.

Classes are so much more powerful and they’ve gutted a lot of the open world mobs, including pretty much every open world elite is now a normal mob.

I didn’t remember them changing it this much (they did, obviously) the first time though but now when vanilla classic and wrath are only 1ish years apart (end of classic to wrath pre-patch) it’s really noticeable.

I’d LOVE to play wrath but not without RDF, Blizz a bunch of potato brains for not having RDF.


I agree, that really sucks. I’ve seen so many complaints on the forums about this. It would have been nice for them to add for those that really want it. What would it hurt really?

Great, now just find the classic forums and it is a win for both sides.

having no rdf is not that bad. what they have rn is like how you find M+

the only difference is that there is no automatic teleportation to dungeon. you have to fly and ngl im liking it more.

I don’t do M+ or M0 :slight_smile:

M0 because

M+ because I hate timers


That’s fine lol butyou can look at the option rn on retail Its like that.

You can list your self for the dungeons you want to do and people or groups can look for people as well to invite that are listed.

So instead of spamming trade chat or what not there’s a middle man for it. and no words exhanged

you might get a whisper though asking if you want to do “X” cuz some people are polite and not just automatically inviting you without question

:person_shrugging: I don’t like it.

Alright Im just explaining how it works. :ok_hand:

I know how it works, I’ve played from BC to now without a break.
I don’t like not having RDF when playing an xpac that had it :slight_smile:
I’ll never do M+ again for as long as timers exist and I have to run there and I’ll never do M0 as long as I have to run there.

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See you in November when your mood changes.

I played Wrath Classic for the mount and even that was too much.

Played it back then and never again, rose tinted glasses 'n all.

I’m with Kaurmine about hating timers in games and it’s the one thing i dislike about M+!

It’ll come to an end soon. Once you realize that the classic community is trash gold buying exploiting faction stacking GDKP meta’ing parse lording meter monkeying super sweats in the easiest iteration of the game ever are, you’ll become disenchanted.

I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, but truly; the classic community is awful.


You won’t go above level 58-59 doing it. So you’re stuck playing a really crappy class vs Retail, doing really crappy quests vs Retail.

What can one even say about this garbage. This is an MMO. Its supposed to require time invested. The world becomes part of the essence of the game when leveling is a through process. When you can just rush to max in a very short amount of time, or even worse, boost - a major component of the MMO - the world, is foregone.

Such a minor issue to complain about. MMO’s are all about competition and comradery. There are few “quality of life” components in modern wow that are missing in WOTLK.

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I agree, but then again, a lot of them are undercut with unnecessary complexity, layers upon layers of systems, borrowed power and their respective grinds, etc.

While I could never go back to cars without power windows, I can understand the appeal. You can just roll them down. Car doesn’t need to be on, doesn’t require battery. It just “works”.

Sometimes simple is just better, or in this case, provides less friction to play.

Everyone is making fun of how antiquated the DK intro is like it isn’t still the exact same BS that retail DKs have to do.

I lost interest in my classic DK after just a day or two. I’ve opted instead to do an old fashioned leveling of an orc warrior in retail. No heirlooms. Read the quest text. Do some dungeons.

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I did the DK thing for the mount on retail and it was probably the most frustrating few hours of my life, at least in the last few years lol

I loved WOTLK and i smashed it as much as anyone else here, but it’s over and a lot of what made it amazing just can’t be replicated again.