Playing classic WOTLK rn and it feels so much better than retail

Was. For the first few days. Then people began to complain they couldn’t afk or sell and blizzard nerfed the hell out of it.

And every prepatch after that was anemic at best.

Classic version is closer to the nerfed version it seems.

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Also a large part was the storyline of arthas, now that we know arthas was just a little slave of the jailer it loses all its wow factor

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LOL given how many people played shadowlands i think there’s only a few would know what happened to arthas.

The only reason to play is for the DK bait mount.

Maybe, but it will never be the same. It’s too grindy. Gearing is too slow. Fast paced games are the new era

if its the new era then why is shadowlands not over populated? I just logged in and almost no ones in oribos but when i log in to classic theres a ton of people in org. LOL or even in the questing areas.

The amount of games, mmorpgs are also a dying breed , wow is very slowly dying retail or classic

yeah clearly that’s the reason. There were a lot of games back then too and MMO was fairly new so

Agree 100%. I got the Retail mount today and unless there’s another promotion I’ll never touch Classic again.

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Back then there wasn’t much that could compete with wow

false, back then there were other games to compete with wow. WoW was just better.

The quality of games now to compete with WoW is a lot different.

The MMORPG field in 2008 was what? Age of Conan? EverQuest? Aion? Nothing like today.


Many things people complain about now, started in WotLK. Or was worse during WotLK.

Yeah now wow isn’t. Wotlk is absolute garbage compared to the games nowadays

Got to admit that going through the death Knight intro quests brought back some good memories. Going through Orgrimmar, and the guards throwing rotten bananas, and spitting on you was memorable also lol. At level 60 logged off. that was my nostalgia fix.

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How was DK fun in WotLK ? Hit Icy Touch, Hit Plague Strike, almost already be out of ressources, Hit Blood Strike, be out of ressources… didn’t build enough Runic for Death Coil… wait… wait… Oh mob died to autos.

Hahaha. Yeah right.

lol if you’re doing solo stuff out the world or something way under leveled then yeah that would happen.

blood dk dps is actually pretty fun and they should bring that back

Like oh, I don’t know, the Mount promo ?

Nah, it’s not. It’s literally slow Classic gameplay with a lot of nostalgia dumped on it.

The really good part of LK, the dungeon finder, is missing, so no.

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What about the promo?