Playing classic WOTLK rn and it feels so much better than retail

I spent more time on the internet trying to figure out what the quests were asking me to do and where I needed to go to do it than actually doing the quests.

Wewt! Glad you found something you like!

Your experience is not universal and is likely not even a majority among monthly active users that play retail. So no, they should hardly consider any ā€œclassicā€ version as a template for the modern game.

While Iā€™m glad your personal experience with WOTLK Classic is so great, my own experience follows this.


No thanks, I could barely stand doing the DK stuff for the mount, that ugly UIā€¦ oof

Agreed. How are dks so damn fun in WotLK and this whatever it is they are now.


Because IT is better then retail

Retail is so bland

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I mean, actually it is. Given that shadowlands single handedly lowered wows population size enough to where they cross factioned the whole thing

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Show me hard credible analysis backed by verifiable data that the population of WrathClassic > Retail and I might stop laughing. :stuck_out_tongue:

you donā€™t have google? the information is readily available.

Hereā€™s a fact

WOTLK was the peak of WOW. 12 mil subs. Shadowlands barely probably breaking 1mil.

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I played pre patch and it is so garbage. I didnā€™t like it at all Blizz should defs not Listen to you.

Some people will enjoy wotlk some people will enjoy retail.

looking at population when wotkl was up and shadowlands, i guess theres more people enjoyingb wotlk back then than shadowlands now LOL

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I know that, but yoiuā€™re not answering my question. I didnā€™t ask about WOTLK in 2008, I asked about WrathClassic > Retail in 2022. :rofl:


Good thing I didnā€™t say anything about wrath classic population >retail population rn. I bet to wager its kinda even.

Iā€™ll admit playing Classic Death Knight feels so much better than current.
(I just really enjoy the resource management of runes and the need to have constant uptime of diseases on enemies.)

The lack of area-looting is a real pain though.


I havent even played the dk yet. I just boosted my mage to 70 so i dont have to worry about ports and food/water. but I am literally enjoying this more than retail.

WOTLK didnā€™t have to deal with mobile gaming or F2P, genres like MOBA and BR, marketing like gamepass, battle passes, along with the (d)evolution of gamers and evolution of technology over 1.5 decades etc.

Discussing subscriber numbers is going to be a lot more complicated youā€™re attempting to suggest.

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lOL WHAT dota was already huge, kick starting the moba genre hello?

How do you know what the population of shadowlands was ? Wow doesnā€™t release sub numbers anymore.

And wotlk classic pop < wotlk when it first came out.

If it was that great people would be rushing back and we would have 10 million players but we donā€™t.

wotlk classic hasnt been released yet, its on the 26th of september

Hahaha there is no way we get that many players. Classic wow , classic tbc didnā€™t have the same numbers as their original release why would wotlk.

Nostalgia hype is an OP feeling. Players will join and leave. It will never be the same as it was back then, the community is different , people goals are different, so many guides for games now,

Itā€™s just not that great anymore, just a slow boring grind fest

classic and tbc didnt have the same numbers as WOTLK back thenn too.