Playing classic WOTLK rn and it feels so much better than retail

Layering versus crz. And right now Wrath Classic is in it’s prepatch. WoW retail is the same during it’s prepatches and expac launches.

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A guildy and I are leveling toons. Me a mage and him a paladin.

Quality of life in Wrath is definitely not the same as Retail. I started playing towards the end of BC and Wrath was my first expansion launch and I will always have a love for it (hence the leveling a mage as I played rogue back then)

I know retail will my main focus but I am looking forward to both.

Wrath is the good parts of Classic minus a lot of the bad. Which is just another way of saying it’s an improved Classic.

It also lacks Forsaken Paladins so like it’s still pretty meh.

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The first time I made a DK was the day they gave us the trike.
I died so many times that I could not afford to pay the repairs and could not do any quests or send gold to pay.
Since then I made a lot of DK’s so I remember how to do it.
Just have to be careful :frowning:
So far I tryed to steal a horse, got my can handed to me, but I did finish the quest by going back the way I went down the hill.
So far…
I think I might play at the launching of the game just to Tank some.
We shall see.
Oh if I see 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 I will uninstall.
Not dealing with the bots.

Funny reading all the retail players coping with it being any good. SL is a horrible expansion and cooldown based gameplay is incredibly boring. Sure, Wrath might feel dated but the class design and gameplay is amazing.


The lower level zones in WotLK Classic seem more packed than retail, but I remember coming back to WoW near the end of the original WotLK (in the year between ICC and Cataclysm) and it felt just as dead as retail does now

I actually agree with this, all my friends are back to playing and I personally been playing more then I have since original wrath. I just pray they go the Wrath + concept and take it a completely different direction since Cata will kill it for most and I would rather just have new designs raids and pvp implements keep us forever 80 and just make tons of content.

Just there for the free mount. I played when it actually was awesome first coming out. That cannot be recreated.

It will be like all the other. Explode in the beginning and quickly die out.

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MoP would like to have a word with you.


What is MoP going to say? That it performed even worse than Cataclysm?


I was referring to the overall quality of MoP as an expansion, not how many subscribers there were at the time.

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Retail is in the Season 4 “More of the same before we rip it all out” doldrums.

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Im there with you. Doing it for mount as well, it was a nice nostalgia trip honestly but no quest area markers, trainers with high gold costs, old mechanics… again its nice to see it but I am not fooled into thinking its a better game.

If people like it then fantastic but it certainly isn’t doing it for me. I had bad social experiences in Wrath so none of the faux socializing is doing anything for me.

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I’m kinda wary of playing wotlk. I nolifed the absolute crap out of wotlk and have more or less positive memories of it but from all the other things i’ve revisited 10+ yrs after i experienced them, im of the mind i’ll realize its not that fun and the main draw is the nostalgia of punching scourge.

It was a fun, but mercifully brief, nostalgia trip to redo the DK starting experience.

The old game is clunky and feels like it’s missing so many QoL improvements that wouldn’t have hindered the Classic experience in any way(imo).
Things like AoE looting, better collection tabs, modern LFG(!) that was added near the end of WotLK and the removal of weapon skills(also at the end of WotLK if I remember right).
The Classic community also showed it’s ugly side once again with the coordinated killing of Thrall and Varian to prevent people from finishing their DK starting quest lines.
Add that along with the rampant RMT that has plagued Classic and TBC Classic and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by not playing it over again.

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Same, wouldn’t recommend actually playing it. Doing the DK thing was a blast from the past that made me appreciate all the ways they’ve improved just basic gameplay.


I did the dk starting quests on a nilbog a few months back and i’m 100% certain that quest where you’re supposed to torture scarlets is actually just to torture the player.


That’s just meta enough to be plausible.

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I WOULD agree but there’s no random dungeon finder so I can’t agree :person_shrugging:

How are we defining peak? If you do a search for class design you’ll find me repeatedly stating that MoP was the best :person_shrugging: Only thing trash about MoP is the shattering happened in Cata.

Wrath is great because it is a Pre-Shattering, Pre-CRZ, Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
Cata is great because it is a Pre-CRZ, Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
MoP is great because it is a Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
WoD is great because it is a Pre-Scaling world.

With Legion came scaling so no expansion after WoD will ever be better than any of the ones from WoD and earlier IN MY OPINION. I don’t care how many subscribers they have, an expac could bring Wow to 100m subscribers and it still wouldn’t be good as WoD and earlier gameplay.