Players would be more supportive of lesbian characters than gay ones

Nothing I love more than some F Draenei on F Blood Elf action…

Blizz plz!

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Fixed that for you, Champ.

That is… Acceptable…

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To paraphrase, here’s what I found out, for anyone else interested:

"A new study exploring the attitudes toward nonheterosexual men and women in 23 Western and non-Western countries found lesbians are more accepted than gay men around the world"

“Indeed, in countries including China and India, the survey found that strong gender norms are actually associated with greater tolerance of homosexuality — that is, people with the strongest beliefs in how men and women should behave were more likely to tolerate homosexuality, the opposite of the West, including the Americas and Western Europe”

"The report speculates that in some Eastern countries, “both gender norms and nonheterosexuality are considered ‘Western’ (or, perhaps, capitalist) concepts, and those who are pro-Western are more likely to feel favorable toward both.”

“It also placed American attitudes toward lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the context of other countries around the world: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, Spain and Sweden all have more positive attitudes toward sexual minorities than do Americans.”

So far, while there is certainly a glaring disparity between approval of sexual minorities based on gender, there is nothing to suggest that the gamer demographic is explicitly prejudiced as well. I’ve watched videos of a few streamers who reviewed the book and they have a largely positive outlook on flynn and mathias’ relationship. The same goes for the friends I have in WoW, and they’re all male.

There is also a 2018 thesis by a student aimed at increasing identification with homosexuals through video games by means of a small-scale experiment. Search “Putting the Gay in Gamers”. I’ll post the abstract here as well:

“Priming out-groups and taking the perspective of out-group members increases implicit and explicit identification with out-groups. Because the popularity of video games has increased dramatically over the past few decades and they have become an influential form of media, the current study investigated video games as another potential strategy to increase identification with and reduce prejudice against out-groups. Specifically, I investigated how manipulating the sexual orientation of the video game character participants used influenced implicit and explicit identification with homosexuals and implicit and explicit prejudice against homosexuals. Additionally, I investigated whether implicit and explicit identification with homosexuals would mediate the impact of video games on prejudice. Though I recruited enough participants to detect a medium effect size (169 participants in the final analyses), pre-registered analyses indicated that the sexual orientation of a video game character did not influence identification with or prejudice against homosexuals. Exploratory analyses demonstrated that among participants that identified with the video game character and played as a Gay character had increased explicit identification with and reduced prejudice against homosexuals. The possibility that increasing the strength of the manipulation by having participants play the game for multiple sessions, customize characters, and incorporating storytelling into the game are discussed.”

So yes, I’m less inclined to believe that most of the male playerbase of WoW is more likely to be prejudiced and than I am to believe that you jumped to conclusions.

‘‘Ruined by PCness’’ ‘‘Destroyed western countries’’

Odd. I live in Canada and I don’t feel destroyed. In fact I live quite well and the country is doing relatively well considering the circumstances.

C’mon man. You have to do better than that.

Japan isn’t ruined by ‘‘Pcness’’ whatever that word means, but it’s plagued by racism, sexism, a crushing, unhealthy work culture, one of the highest suicide rates in the world, an abysmally low birth rate… just stop.


Funny, I could replace this with women and it would still be chillingly missing the point. Maybe it is virtue signalling, personally I dont think it matters. What could just be virtue signalling now can actually be a thing that no one will question with enough time.

I am old enough to remember Warcraft as a series was a boys club with a token sexy female here and there. Nowadays no one would bat an eye at the range of female characters in WoW, or female players.

I just don’t want it randomly pushed out of nowhere. Like I don’t want something awesome like Whitemane or Yrel character development to be “oh btw she’s a lesbian nowwwwwww” and that’s that.

But they make the most degenerate stuff so they get a pass.

Yrel being straight would be just as random, by your logic. She was never implied to be straight or lesbian as far as I recall.

Wait you didn’t know what pcness is? Oh boy. once you find out please rereply to my comment.

Keep it that way. Hopefully the “Racism” against foreigners will keep them out. Also the suicide rates have gone down recently.

I take it you mean they’re not afraid to have scantily-clad women in their animes or to hate on LGBT people? Usually that’s what people mean when they rail on ‘‘PC-ness’’, I find.

I don’t care about the sexuality of a character in a video game. If it’s done well I don’t care enough to think about it. If it’s done in a way that I feel it’s pandering ,then I just roll my eyes & move along and be done with it.

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Came to find chaos.

Was not disappointed. .

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Gay men engage in different behavior than lesbians almost by definition. That society holds those differing behaviors to differing standards is not surprising. Not saying that’s how it should be, just that’s how it probably is.

The craziest idea would be to accept both equally and not ‘count’ how many there are over another, but what do i know.

Go figure that its more important to some people how many of something you have as opposed to the narrative they serve.

i think most men can associate more with lesbians. it’s a lot easier to relate to eating :cat2:, than :rooster:

i’d rather not have any of this. Including straight romances.

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Why is a GTA character (OP) in wow?

70% of the population(all races) are against a political correct society. so you are yet again a vocal minority and wrong.

I stand corrected.