Which is why having gay male characters is important. The men accept two women because it turns them on. Most wizard don’t think with their brains…
Guys need to get over it. Gay dudes exist. Always have, always will. Just deal with it already. FACT: Some of them use it to their advantage but will never tell you
I agree . I don’t think its a video games job to inject their personal beliefs and opinions into a public game . As a Christian it’s only fair . As I’m sure that anyone here who thinks keeping God out of schools is a good idea will agree .
I just want you to influence the fantasy world that I like to pop into to escape the world of reality, and not inject reality into my world of fantasy.
Then again . In a world of fantasy races such as trolls, elves, and orc’s. Who are we to say what is gay and what is strait to begin with. Maybe in Azeroth they’re no such labels. To that I say, they are the lucky ones .
That’s how it should be, but hun, people talk politics on my realm trade chat. People yell that fat people should be banned. People announce in general chat that every gay person will burn in hell.
I know and this is exactly why … People feel the need to draw attention to themselves about anything and everything. And other’s use that to make themselves feel superior to other’s.
Also whats the difference between gay, strait, and lesbian ? Just what the world needs. More labels . We only need 1 label . We are Human and we Love . That’s all that Jesus ever asked of us…
or…we’d find ourselves just not caring either way. Its not any of my business how people choose to live their lives and I expect them to stay out of mine.
I dont support them and I dont want them supporting me.
Not in my exeperience. My mom literally got rejected out of a family of Christians for figuring out she was a lesbian. You have to be very Christian or you burn in hell. That’s what Jesus asked of me and that is why I have no religion.
It’s how my world is… Christians have molded America like putty in their hands, and now the putty has hardened. Now I feel ashamed of having a girlfriend when I’m around my grandparents.
It is definitely one of the strongest emotions, definitely the best one to feel. Love makes people happy, and happiness is very important. I also respectfully disagree. Love is strong, but hate is strong to. I’ve encountered hate masked by love, and the hate is stronger. As much as I don’t want to admit it, hate is very common among humans.
It doesn’t really take a study. Even straight girls are socially allowed to do all kinds of things together that if a straight dude does, they would instantly be flagged as gay and harassed. The stereotype and role people have for men doesn’t allow for any degree of that. The role and stereotype people have for woman typically accepts those types of actions.
I am truly sorry for all the sorrow in your life child… And hate is very strong . LOVE is far stronger… I will use Jesus as another example .
We cursed him, we spit on him, we beat and tortured him, and we killed him. He had every reason in the world to hate. But he never gave in… with his dying breath he asked for forgiveness for people.
True love at it’s finest… And he did not love just men , or just women, or even just children. He just loved .
Your outlook on Christianity is new to me. For now, I am content to be without a religion, but you have shown me that there are different ways people perceive the Bible.
supposedly the Tomb raider reboot was going to have Lara shown as gay and ultimately in a relationship with Sam or at least wanting one. I thought it was a reasonable plot direction given how her character was in the first game it wasn’t a leap.
Was ultimately scrapped but a lot of guys cheered removing it calling the original arc pandering much like you see around here.
You have groups of people that believe everything is pandering now, even if it isn’t. Way too much of a hurry to show how anti SJW they are and assume everything falls under that category.
Would be ironic to be flagged in a thread full of flags . But agreed . Religion is a label as well. I also do not presume to speak for all those who have labeled themselves similar. I speak only for myself
Call it whatever you like. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, black, white, yellow, blue, green, red, gay, lesbian, trans, ECT. The one common denominator is LOVE. People do not always get it right. They let them other pesky emotions decide what and who is deserving of love.
Leelinn, you are loved. I would go as far as to say that your religion is LOVE .