Players with repair mounts



But that doesn’t mean ever last person with one does.

I am just simply stating that anyone who owns one should not be penalized because we may have other things we are looking to go do.

It’s not really a problem unless you insist on making it one and no, Blizz does not need to change that to make the players who are using others to be happy.

Plenty of people are nice about it, I’ve run across them several times before going out and getting own, all it takes is being nice about it and asking the person with said mount and also to be fair alot of players don’t have their sounds on as well.

I would have to honestly say for all you know those afker are doing their business in a bathroom for all you know.

The convience of those types of mounts are for those that want them to use at their own discretion.

So at the end of the day we can agree to disagree on this matter becasue not everyone who has them are jerks about it and as mentioned, if someone says to me “hey can you hang on a minute” or " hey where can I get a mount like that" there are quite a few who will help out and those I would honestly say outweigh the ones that are jerks about it.

these mounts are bigger than some peoples ego.

it’s not as if people check every possible camera angle to check for players who may be using their vendor/s prior to dismounting…


2 of 3

groused; grousing

intransitive verb

: [complain]complain), [grumble]grumble

groused about the higher prices

I think the yak is 120,000 with no discount. Seems like I paid 100,000 even but if I did I don’t remember how.

People with repair mounts are the real heroes of Dragonflight. How many repair vendors are there in all of the Dragon Isles? 4?

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Were it up to me, if you use one of my vendors, the price would be increased and I would get a cut since I am the Yak Repair Ringleader.


I think it’s more about expecting someone else to cater to you and being mad at that not working out how you wanted.

I have gotten angry whispers about this before and like??? i was DONE with my mount??? why would i check around every time i need to sell stuff before dismounting or leaving???

I’m sorry if you think that is being a jerk but I am just playing and using my own mount.

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OP has to be trolling. Why would we care if we got ignored by them?


I try to summon my vendor mounts away from packs of players so I can spot if someone has run up and give them a few extra seconds. But I have absent-minded moments.

I can see other people having equally absent-minded moments, where they momentarily forget I’m not an NPC there for them and get a flash of frustration. I’m a wee bit less sympathetic for people who manage to reach the forums before recognizing that the frustration is their own issue to deal with.

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I usually wait if others are using; I often have them up during a BG.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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If I see a auctionsaurus mount I will usually /thank them. Even if I just repair on it.

I feel bad when I dismount on my mog mammoth and I see someone targeting MYSTIC BIRDHAT. And I hope to the Light they saved their beautiful mog before he despawns

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Yeah that’s my problem is I often just don’t see them. Or I’m not even paying attention. I just summon my mount really quick to fix a quick swap that happened during a dungeon and then I do my repairs and sell off junk, am ready to go about my way, but someone needed it too and I didn’t see them come up to me to use it.

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Probably got that discount threatening the vendor with stealing their soul and using it to power your Fel Moonlight night light.


:rofl: With Grummles that’s liable to get you the mount for free.


Lucky Doos and Souls!


Isn’t it 120k?

The grand yak mount is the best mount in game I think. It’s so handy having a vendor, repair and mog all in one and it’s super cheep to buy.

I don’t know of anyway to see if anyone is actually using the vendors when you dismiss them. (Why don’t we make commission on mount item sales/repairs???)

I think you need to communicate better.

Click the player and then in chat:

/say Hey - I need to rep and sell can you hang for 3 mins?

There is no way anyone is going to just stand there for you just because you are close by without communication. People that do are saints and probably being too nice.

Even with you chatting them that, the other player might not see your message or have already been moving. You are freeloading, so if you are bothered by it - as other people said, grind yourself up some gold and buy your own mount with vendors.

Best of luck!


they don’t cost that much o_O

OP you can’t afford 1 still?

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