Players with repair mounts

How can anyone not afford a yak in DF era?

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3 minutes? They better regale me with a song, Thain of the Took


Get your own, solved. <Heroic leaps away>

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it was NEVER 10k lowest was 16k with exalted.

Omg I could never ask someone to stay there for that long! Or really any length. Just save the mog mid-style, and pick it up at one of the mummy men. You’re very patient.

I would have demanded they let me take a screen shot of their new mog so I could save it for memories, since I’ve aged waiting for them to mog :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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The vendors’ voicelines are only heard by the person interacting with the vendor. You won’t hear them if someone else is interacting with them

Only real way is to target the player and see their target, but that requires you to see them first.


Even if you see that they have your mount targeted , you have no way to know that someone is actually using the mount. They could have just clicked on you.

For the OP - I still think they they just need to communicate better in game. It’s not like you get a prompt that says - “Sassy Hardwrench is using your mount, are you sure you want to continue?” when you dismiss it.


Lowborn forgetting their station and using MY vendors and transmog services?!

Back to the fields with you, serf! See to your styes and turnips. Your lord shall hear of this insolence!

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The mammoth is literally what…13k or something? That’s like doing a week of the gold world quests and weekly quests. You can have your own mount then and not need the rest of us to provide it for you.

The yak also tends to be big enough and the vendors small enough that you aren’t always visibly using them by default…not that I’m going to stick around. Plenty of vendors exist everywhere. Plus I don’t recall your contribution to my once upon a time past mammoth and then later yak fund…

we should start charging taxes and a service fee for players like op :sweat_smile:

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As an owner of one of these shop mounts (the cheap one cause i dun wanna spend more) and have used others for the sake of convenience. The trick is to get an addon that auto sells junk and repairs your armor so you can snipe a repair and junk sale in mere seconds. Also i dunno about others but I bought my mount for me to use (and maybe my friends) not you. I might stand there for a while longer if i notice someone is probably using my shops but if it takes too long I am going to leave so i can go play the game i payed for. Just save up for one it’s not too difficult, especially for the mammoth.

That name.

The lucky doos and don’ts: how to be servile and obedient peasants, in the modern age.

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I do try to be observant and not dismount when someone is standing next to me, but often ADHD takes over and I’m on my way to my next adventure

On one hand… If I see a player close to me and I’m not in a rush and I see that they have the trader/transmogrifier targeted, I’ll wait until they’re done, or whisper them asking how long it’ll be.

On the other hand… That’s the risk of using someone else’s repair/transmog mount. And half the time they probably don’t even see you down there. Especially if it’s in a large city. Sooo many players around in those.

I hop on my Grand Expedition Yak because Me, Myself and I want to use it. I don’t hop on it so others can use it. If they can use it before I am done with my own business, good for them. But my mount doesn’t exist for your pleasure, it exists for MINE.

I’m one of those people. Haven’t played since MoP. I was wondering if these mounts were still around. I would love it for the transmog option. Leveling keeps you in the worst looking gear.

Buy your own.

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so i went over to panda land and got the grand yak

Buy one of your own then.


noun: grouse; plural noun: grouse

  1. a medium to large game bird with a plump body and feathered legs, the male being larger and more conspicuously colored than the female.

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