Players with repair mounts

Get your own, peasant.


What if I don’t want a peasant? Can I get a noble instead?


Of course.
As long as you’re not complaining about my own, Copperfield.


Wait…you can’t have a copperfield I refuse to be owned by you. Can I interest you in a jeeves model instead.


Just go buy the Traveler’s tundra mammoth in Cystalsong Forest from Mei Francis for 20k gold. Then you’ll never have to worry about it again.


If I am parked on my Repair mount…doing some reading on the Net or whatever…I only usually move to stop from being logged out…you only have to move a bit to stop that.

I understand how you feel OP. It truly is an awful world.

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I’m not really being serious, but I could use that dollar… my rent is coming due.


How do you feel about people who stay mounted but boot the npc’s off so no one can use them?


I know it was all in fun and games but I wanted to use the gif. :rofl:


/moo :cow:

I do this on purpose when people try to use my mog mount.

Go buy your own

angry Goblin noises

If I see a person using the mount I will wait if I have time. I mainly use the Bruto but occasionally I am on the transmog mount.

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Get your own. If I notice someone mogging I hang for a min but their time is not more valuable than mine. Everyone should have 100k easy at this point.


I remember the first time I saw that mount, 20k gold If I recall w/o the rep bonus. Ended up buying one for multiple toons and they paid for themselves by not having to destroy or go back to vendors to get rid of items. These days about the only reason somebody doesn’t have one is because they don’t want one (WoW token not needed).

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I did the same and that’s why I did that, for the convenience. In dungeons or battlegrounds, I would typically hop on my mount in case anyone needed to repair/sell.


That is fair, however for the people who are having troubles getting this, I just got done questing through all of the vanilla zones and most of the BC zones and I’m sitting around 120K. Took a little over a week but wasn’t really grinding it out either. It honestly isn’t that hard to get the gold needed for a lot/most of the useful fun things in the game. It is when you start wanting them all is when it gets expensive.

And how long do I stay there? When the first person I see is done using it? What if another person starts right after? You tell me when I’m allowed to move that doesn’t result in your little complaint happening to someone else.

No one has ever asked me to give them a moment longer(outside of friends/guildies). Most of the time they move on (because who cares) But the second most common thing is a sling of insults in a whisper. I don’t think the building of a better community is being stalled by people who go off and keep playing the game after using their mounts.

If that is funny then you should try kicking out the vender and sitting there.

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I own a repair mount and a transmog mount. If I notice someone is using my NPC’s sometimes I’ll slow down what I am doing to let them finish, but ultimately I do not exist for their convenience, my game time is my own to do with as I please, and my choice to stand still for a moment to let them use my mount’s services is also my own choice.

I don’t have any service mounts…except the og chopper that has a side car

How much are they now

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