Players with repair mounts

Then buy one yourself! The cheapest one is like 20k. The one with the xmog is like 100k

Lol I’ll have to read up to who said that. I also loved your use of the word. People struggle with a lot of words unfamiliar to them.


Buy your own repair mount, problem solved.

Well that certainly ruffled my feathers! I can’t help it when I want to fly off, sometimes I just want to preen myself and then go, not stay for the season. Running out of bird stuff here, better migrate elsewhere!

So you would be happy to sit around acting like an NPC? Yeh OK, you do you than.

What Rita said.

Otherwise, get in the habit of knowing directly where the transmog, repair, and vendor junk buttons are so you can reflexively do it in half-a-second if you’re too lazy to mount up on your own vendor mount like I am.

With rep discount it’s like 18K.

That’s 36 dragon races with change to spare.

Anyone who refuses to earn 18K in the last 15 years should have someone move when they are mid use.

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When I call up my mounts, it’s so I can use them quickly, for my convenience. I don’t even notice if another player is using it. I call up mount, get stuff done, repair, transmog, sell crap, etc, then I’m off of it, and on to a mount that can probably fly off on.

The only time I leave it sitting up for other peoples convenience would be at the start of a Gnome/Troll run, or maybe some holiday or RP event.

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Yes it does Fuzzbutt…all repair mounts count.


I can’t tell when people are using my mount, so it’s not personal if I leave when you’re using it


No they are not doing Transmog when my repair mount…cause my Repair Mount is the Long Boi…now they might use the AH but they are not changing mogs with my Long Boi out…

Use to be able to hear if anyone was using your repair NPC or trade NPC use to make somewhat of a clicking noise but I think they removed that sound from the game…I remember hearing it years back when I had my Mammoth up and players were near it and using it…

I cannot see myself expecting others to be available for me and my convenience. I bought the mount because I like to be self sufficient in game and not rely on others as much as possible.

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I laughed wayyyy too hard at this!! YUP!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Star Wars reference much? :joy: :joy: :heart_eyes: :heartbeat:

Think the Yak is like 100k?

It’s the WotLK Repair mount that’s around 10k.

100k is still a lot for a fair amount of people.

10k should be manageable though.

All I can think about is how sad it is that people do not even have courtesy these days even in a game like WoW.

Your mount and character is going to die off somewhere in this matrix when you don’t play this game.

The least you can do is if you hear someone using your repair mount, just be nice and let them finish. Maybe they don’t have enough gold yet to purchase one themselves. Maybe they are a new player and just wanted to check it out and chose to check your mount instead. Perhaps make conversation with that player and role play.

So many people with repair mount are just sitting in AFK mode until they hear that merchant voice and then it’s suddenly a problem. If it’s such a problem, ask Blizzard to make the mount inaccessible to others but you.

If anything, WoW needs more people and players who are nice and willing to help out build a better community and atmosphere in the game.


Your mixing up the mount costs now …the one for 10K is a Wooly Mammoth with no NPC’s on it…Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth is also available from Mei Francis for 20,000 .


I wasnt sure if the yak was 12k or 120k
im sure it was 12 some thousand

All you folks posting here that the Tundra Mammoth cost only 10K are completely wrong…the Wooly Mammoth is one for 10K…the Tundra Mammoth is 20K…

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