Players with repair mounts

But it is being used?
By the person who paid for it.


You block people for having different opinions?

This is why you buy your own…

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for lying, yeah.
Pretending the OP ISNT demanding someoen sit there while they shop when they CLEARLY are complaining about just that.

ive been thinking of getting the yak to replace mammoth i got back in wotlk.

but i dont play all that much to farm that 100k back.


if i see someone using my repair mount, i’ll give them a bit of time to do their stuff unless i have some thing really pressing to do. anyways, if it’s an issue, just buy the mammoth in dalaran since it’s only 10k which isn’t much gold at all in this version of the game. /shrug


If you want to use the repair vendors that badly, say something in chat or IM so I know you’re using it, because often times I have a big frickin’ window in the middle of my screen from the repair/transmog vendor AND my bags open. I prob cant even see you there.
So if its that big of a deal, try messaging the person to ask them if they can stay on it a second longer/remount instead of expecting people to magically know you are there and wanting to use it.

Not having it isnt a big deal, its the attitude of the OP and a few others here that makes me physically ill.
I HATE entitlement attitudes, and thats exactly what is going on with a few here and its been bad enough in game that I literally stopped pulling my yak up and bought like 700 of the attire rearrangers and have a stack of them on EVERY character now over the way entitled players behave when one of us pulls up a yak and they expect you to sit there.

Like a couple others said, Ive gotten those deranged entitled whispers myself a time or two when I shut the yak down when I was finished.
MY game time. Not theirs. I dont owe them 10 minutes of MY game time sitting there while they window shop.

My guess is you arent like that and would respect someone else game time enough not to pull that


Buy your own then. I’ll stick around if someone asks or if I notice someone’s using it for a bit but I ain’t there for you. I got the mount for me.


As if. You know they are doing transmog… :wink:

What’s “to grouse?”

It means to complain about something. “Grandpa is grousing about his comfy chair again.” I would guess it comes as a variation of grump.


I’m doing my own thing in my menu, if you try to use my mount and I move that is on you.

You can buy one or go to a vender as others said. I got my mount for myself and I’m not going to sit afk for others use.

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“grouse” for the curious:

(from etymonline)

grouse (v.)

“complain,” 1885 (implied in agent noun grouser), British Army slang, of uncertain origin. OED notes “a curious resemblance” to Normandy French dialectal groucer, from Old French groucier, grocier “to murmur, grumble, complain,” which is of imitative origin (compare Greek gru “a grunt,” gruzein “to grumble;” also see [grutch]. Related: Groused; grousing. As a noun from 1918, from the verb.


Nope. Just one click to repair. And I have my own transmog toy.

Y’know, I’ve had moments where I’d choose to be lazy and use someone’s mount instead of summoning my own, but if they ride off it’s like…okay, slightly annoying, but I did use another player’s mount knowing they might do that. Guess I’ll use my own or find an NPC. Never thought to write a thread about it.

I sometimes get whispers about my mog mount, and I’m happy to wait for people if I notice them. If I don’t, that’s their problem.


Thank you all for the replies.

To those who said that a repair mount can be purchased at Dalaran, thank you. I’ll do that.

“Grouse” is not a “big word”.

And for the one who got “physically ill”; oh, please… I sure hope that nothing actually serious happens to you in real life if you got physically ill from this post. It’s only a game, you turnip.


How does this of all things actually get traction

People say some things are obvious bait, but this is ironic bait level of obvious.

Well…I bought the Yak for my own use so I don’t have to go back to cities that often.

I mean if you want to ignore players based on them saving up to go get something like the Yak then that’s up to you .

It’s up to us if we want to sit around and wait out others to use, We might just be doing a quick adjustment and ready to move along.

I’m pretty sure if you were polite and did as others suggested of putting up a say or whisper the owner might be willing to wait a couple minutes.

If I see someone else using mine I’ll sit around for a couple minutes but if it’s taking longer than 5 to fix your gear and decide what mog you want to use, I’m not sticking around to wait however long it’s going to take, if it goes past those 5 minutes I’m moving on to work on whatever I was getting ready to go do.

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