Players with repair mounts

I think the transmog ones are about 100k

You can buy your own mount for a mere 20,000 gold in Northrend’s Dalaran.


Uh…no, they arent lmao.
when a player pulls up THEIR mount its so THEY can use it.
No one is selling you anything or asking you to use the mount or to be too cheap to buy your own.
And yes, its VERY entitled for YOU to think I OWE YOU MY game time for you to window shop just because I pulled MY vendor/mog mount


the OP said repair mount.
its 10k outside the pet shop in dalaran.

I could swear I paid 10k for the mammoth years back.
Maybe not.
even 20k is chump change in this game anymore. Buy a token.

If I happen to notice someone might be using the mount, I’ll wait. The chances of me noticing tho, are pretty slim. I’m quite oblivious.


If I’m sitting there on my yak feel free to use it. Just know that any moment I could go about my business and run off/swap mounts.

I had someone whisper me once when I started to move asking if they could finish mogging their gear. I agreed, until the dude had me sitting there for 20 minutes telling me he was almost done every two minutes or so. Since then I don’t do that anymore. Go find a mog NPC, or use that handy dandy transmog NPC toy that was in the trading post a while back, or go buy your own mount.


The price actually varies based on your Kirin Tor rep. 20K is the base price and it can go down from there. If you use a goblin for the Horde variant, you get more of a discount.


I got my own. Does count towards mount count for those mount achievements

Because there’s a 90% chance I don’t know you’re there.

it’s not like we’re notified when you use our npcs.


I havent seen anyone using them, i only see the transmog ones with repair

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Someone cultured tell me what this means.

I ain’t wasting my time so you can repair >.>

If we are partied up I’ll wait but if not, we are on my clock.

"Grouse’ is another way to say complain.


I need to save for the Yak. I wish you could buy it with other currencies.

Well that’s silly.

Hence why the vast majority are calling them entitled. It is the equivilent of them calling for the manager of the mount, only to find out they have exactly no power to do so.

I applaud you for ability to not understand what a joke is

The definition of grouse in this context is “complain angrily.” It is a fairly old saying. My Silent Gen Grandmother used to use it all the time.

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ah…I see. Didnt realize that.

I wont even use my Yak anywhere near other players. Just the mammoth.
I stockpiled the engineering attire bot a long while back when someone was selling them really cheap on the AH. If I need to mog around other players I just use that. they have a couple minutes to get changed just like I do, lol.

in the past Ive had them stand there for like 10 minutes. Im trying not to be rude but BUY the damned thing yourself.
Sorry but anyone who says they cant pull 120k together in this game is either lying or lazy…or doesnt play the game.

The English vocabulary is full of “bird” terms to refer to annoying things, squawking, quacking, chirping, singing, cockadoodling, thumping, pecking, etc, etc.

So to not be able to connect the word “grouse” with complain is just bizarre to me. I think people are acting cheeky just to act cheeky inside the obvious nonserious, cookie cutter thread, that should not have this many literal, unironic answers in it lol.