Until Rita replies, this thread is dead to me…
EDIT: Rita just replied before I did! I thought there would be more Gnome love!
Until Rita replies, this thread is dead to me…
EDIT: Rita just replied before I did! I thought there would be more Gnome love!
Made me lol.
No, my post is about about trying to understand other people’s viewpoints. Way to twist what I said.
Female gnomes were at least cuter before the update. After they all ended up with chihuahua eyes. And perpetually angry face.
I enjoy playing a strong masculine race, and there is no race stronger or more menacing than an orc. My warrior main is an orc as well. Very strong
Gnome male emotes are hilarious. The “Hurray!!!” for /cheer and their /charge “GET THEM!!!” both kill me for some reason.
Im in your raids… tanking your bosses !!
I was onced killed by a gnome warrior on my tauren shaman in wotlk. I thought it was so funny. To be killed by something so small, cute and viscious!
I started playing one, they are actually quite fun, and it’s adorable seeing the small races kill such big things. And it feels like you are moving faster, in comparison when you are running as a tauren, it feels like you are moving so slow.
Small mobile classes like warrior, rogue, monk etc feel cool to just move around.
Escape Artist is pretty lit for melee PvP.
It would be silly to call any other race this name. Plus warrior gnomes are just fun as heck.
Ah yes, they are tiny too [and goblins]! Though at the time, neither existed when little pip was created.
because its funny
Idk what you’re looking at, but I see a stud
In high school, they played football and the coach said “Be the ball” and they took it literally.
grabs nearest gnome
Have you seen the face of the female Gnomes? Look at them closer, it is supposed to look cute at first glance, but when you look closer, you see rage, lack of mercy, coldness. Like a haunted doll that’s gonna destroy you and enjoy your pain.
Next time you see a female Gnome, tell her to stop a bit so you can take a closer look, and look into their eyes. You’ll see that you Orcs, Zandalari, Tauren, Forsaken, etc. are little kittens in comparison to them when it comes to looking menacing.
Because Gnomes are best race.
You don’t have to explain yourself. Just move on…
I have at least one of everything. If they came up with a talking cow class, I’d want one. Oh. Wait. They already have talking cows.
That would definitely cause me to throw a mouse after the 15th time.