I’m not attacking or disrespecting anybody’s choices, I’m merely asking because I’m curious. Sure we all have preferences to our favorite classes and races, and even though I personally dislike some, I can understand why others would play them.
I would personally never play Dracthyr, Draeni, Troll, or Tauren but I see why others would. With that being said, I can’t for the life of me find one reason ANYBODY would play a gnome.
If you like shorter characters that are hard to target and annoy your opponents in pvp, dwarf is far superior and looks way more menacing than gnome.
If you want a caster, literally any elf race would do a better job.
Gnomes look so off-putting to me. Their proportions are weird, their mouths are deformed, eyes look like something out of a exaggerated shojo anime, facial hair is WHACK, and I cant imagine wasting a good transmog set on a character with baby features.
Is it a cutsey thing? Because I think if you’re going that route, Vulpera are a much better choice as well… Not that I would ever play one, but I get it.
If you’re looking to play something ironically, I refer you to the Pandaren. I have two myself.
So tell me gnome mains…
Gnome mains are 100% cooler than every gnome hater
It’s a fact
because they want to be smol beans
Once upon a time, the Int racial made gnomes superior mages.
That said, I stand by Nelf being the best alliance race for casters, and I will die on that hill.
They are cutie pies to me, and I know other people think the same thing because I’m always being petted and patted 
Gnomes are the most intellectual race on Azeroth, and way more interesting then being one of the mass yet-another-elf races.
Why does the Alliance have flying machines, and submarines, or most higher end technology? Because of Gnomes, who had both of the former up and going by the 2nd War:
The most those elves could do by then is wield a sword or fling a spell here or there, same as any other race on Azeroth.
And as for mechagnomes specifically, no matter what class I can both pick locks, and have a tool and station for whatever I may need, add in some combat stat bonuses, a death save, and optical images, a mechagnome is prepared for any occasion.
“I’m not attacking or disrespecting anybody’s choices”
Proceeds to attack and disrespect other choices …
Don’t be overly sensitive. Am I not allowed to ask the community a question? I didn’t attack anybody directly stop it
I feel the same way about Orcs lmao. To me they’re the epitome of irl insecurities. Oh hey look at me I’m playing this buff orc because I’m probably a neck beard irl. Not saying you are, that’s just always what crosses my mind when I see orcs.
I made a mechagnome for the cyberpunk vibes.

I’m buff irl. I like my character to reflect that
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You’re poking the bear… not a good idea. 
More like poking the hamster in this case.
Nothing like spilling the guts of people who are usually very much larger than you. Pride comes before the fall.
Ever watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail? …the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog? Keep laughing…

Funny enough, the gnomes from Kingdom of Reckoning Amalur.
A game I never finished but made a gnome then deleted that same gnome to use the name for this mechagnome-- strangely a bug kept the posts and topics because of the same name and I still get the heirtage set.
edit: Though most likely I would’ve gone with a gnome eventually as I adore funny characters. Reckoning inspired me to come back during WoD and make a gnome.
Long ago in a distant land… From another time immemorial…
Noggenfogger Elixirs made gnomes difficult to mouseover target if enough was taken. This made PVP hilarious, if not also obnoxious at times. This didn’t last long, but the influence was more than enough. Similarly, a funny thing regarding gnomes and Rogues allowed complete and total armor ignoring which allowed low level gnomes to gank the living hell out of geared max level characters. This too was fixed relatively quickly, but the impact still remains…
Legend say, they’re still stabbing night elves who /dance on the flag.
I tried Gnome.
I really did.
But… Human is better.
Void Elf is better even with their… quirks and insanity.
Draenei Females are Top Tier as are Lightforged Females.
Small profile is awesome. Makes the world feel more alive.