Players "skipping" queue lines

I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s up with whitemane? It’s easily the most crowded realm in Americas. Did a lot of top raiding guilds from retail join there?

I’m really curious. I tried searching around but found no clue why it’s so popular.

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have they not noticed people skipping ?

I’ve tried relogging the queue and it sends me back to roughly 210 every time but I am on pace to get in only after another 20 hours, seems right?..lul

I am also on Skeram. I’ve been in queue for 3 hrs 10 min. A friend of mine’s wife logged in and got in instantly on Skeram. I bout punched my monitor…

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Yea I’ve been wondering why sometimes the queue randomly increases. I first I thought it was just a graphical bug, but people somehow skipping the queue makes more sense.__

I’m currently in the Middle-East and can confirm that the oil princes are skipping queues. Their camels get to skip queue too.

I’m more curious to know why sometimes the queue just suddenly drops. Twice now I’ve come back to my computer after joining the queue to see myself back at the main login screen.

I play whitemane as well and i queue up at 12:30pm Pacific time and its now 6:37 pm and I’ve been hard stuck at 38-40 in queue for about 2hrs… This supposed hotfix has done nothing but make things worse I feel.

Same situation here on Whitemane…However as I was typing this, I went from 100 in queue down to 60 in 5 seconds. Something seems to be happening again.

here is how i feel about it

Yes, same here, I’m on Whitemane too. Queue just dropped from 154 to 115. Hopefully it will start moving.

Think about the logic. How would such a system work?

What probably happened is if you were in queue before the hotfix, you had to stay in queue but if you were able to log in AFTER the hotfix, then you most likely were able to instantly get in. /shurg

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Jokes on you sir

They bought a fastpass

This is definitely happening. I was just sitting in a 3hr + queue, my friend had been in queue for 4 hrs for Skeram. Another friend logged in and instantly got in. I had another friend try and they were able to get in instantly as well. I canceled my queue and hit enter server and instantly got in. So why the hell was I sitting in 3hr queue?

I think they fixed it. My queue wasn’t moving the whole time people were able to log in with no queue. Now it is finally dropping consistently again.

their is adon that let you cut que time in half