Players "skipping" queue lines

I was at 15k queue on Herod but skipped the queue by going on this other server that wasn’t called Herod anymore. I skipped that whole queue and was instantly playing with huge amounts of new people. Great minds think alike it seems.

I was 10000th place in one queue, clicked back on ‘browse realms’ button, selected the same exact server, and it put me in 3000th place

I was stuck in the 2400s for 3+ hours but I’ve dipped to the 1600s on Whitemane.

My uncle works for Nintendo.

I’ve been waiting in the queue for two weeks. A friend of my brother’s cousin’s milkman got into the game five minutes before he logged in.

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this is true i was the milkman


Been in que for 6hrs at 6000pos. 3 hrs of that was spent at 400pos