Players "skipping" queue lines

Holy crap my est is now all over the place. Keeps going from a few minutes to like four hours. Just bouncing all over?

The time is definitely buggy. Over a span of real life 45 minutes I went from estimated time of 91 minutes to 88 minutes.

I got a dc and was able to go back instantly. I’m sorry to those who are waiting

I’ve been at 100 for at least an hour on Whitemane. You are not alone. Not sure what the hell is going on.

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dc’s should hold your spot for 5 mins


I doubt Pagle would have that level of troubles. I’ve been able to get on no troubles even when it bugs out. Never know though, but aside from a buggy queue yesterday, the queues weren’t bad, aside from Monday :rofl:

LoL I think that hotfix broke more than it fixed.


Been trying to get on for like three hours now on Pagle. My kid got home and insta logged in. So something buggy is going on for some people.

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I am going down 1 per every 10min… 220 to go… only 36 hours left?

great hotfix on the queue.


been waiting on pagle for about an hour have 15 mins left so it probably isnt working as intended tbh

I tried logging into every full server, all of them had very long queues. Some on the shorter side were 1500+, others up to 13k. Didn’t skip to char select on any of them.

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Did you play since 12am today?

I wonder if its a bug from the grace period. On day 1, booted from game = back in the line. Yesterday booted from game = straight back in. Perhaps a limit wasnt set?

I assumed they gave players a grace period if they DC’d on day two. I believe you had 5 minutes to log back in. But right now the hotfix seemed to do more harm than good if you’re still in queue.

can confirm. i instant logged on my server when i got home from work

been at 184 for an hour on Whitemane

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In queue four and a half hours so far today. about the same yesterday . Sitting at <1 minute for 30 minutes
Resub’d for this garbage

been at same or increasing for hours on whitemane now, the queue does not move since hotfix, please restart the server, a lot of people skippin.

leave the queue and see if you skip the line

Yesterday I got disco’d at around 3pm central time. Sat at "retrieving realm list for at least 20 minutes. Then in que for a good 3 hours. About an hour and a half ago, same thing. Currently 2288 in line with an est of 42 minutes. No, 100 minutes. NO 90. So maybe by morning?