Players "skipping" queue lines

I don’t mind waiting in queue. I know what i signed up for when I made my character on a high population server. I don’t want a refund or free transfers when the game has only been out for two days.

However, what I don’t enjoy is hearing reports on the forums (and also from irl friends) who just got off work and were able to instantly login and skip the queue time while I have been waiting since 3pm central. It’s currently 7:45pm and I’m sitting at 2378.


They’re lying to you.


Same thing happened to me. I am in que my kid gets back home, and instant logged into the same server.


Hopefully blizz is fixing, I’ve had friends just get home from work and get in instantly, while ive been in queue for 5 hours.


I signed into queue on Whitemane at 3:30pm EST, been 5 hours. I have been around 300 for over an HOUR alone. Something is broken on the queue. People are definitely getting in ahead of others.


They’re not. My friend sent me a snapchat of him instantly logging into Whitemane.


Yeah man, Blizzard is secretly handpicking certain privileged individuals (which happen to be your friends no less) and letting them skip the line! I mean, even Asmongold is getting locked out of his server by the queues but your friends, they must be oil princes of something.

The level of tin foil hattery is out of the chart right now.


What? You didn’t pay extra for the fast pass?


I’m showing my ticket to the gate and jumping ahead.


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i have been stuck on 192 for the past Hour

Yeah I was just noticing I have been sitting at 170 in queue for a LONG time. Been in this queue for about 6 hours now. Queue was moving steadily until I hit 200 and since then it has been hardly moving. Estimated time still says 3 min… how I wish that was true :slight_smile:

I mean no one said they are hand picking, but the hotfix must have bugged something out in the queue. People are getting in instantly.


Yeah its weird half of my 10 accounts are logged in right now instantly while the other half are in queue making multiboxing difficult

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Now that is not what people are saying, but something buggy is going on.

I think it may have happened to me yesterday. Logged on and was in a queue of at least a few hundred. Suddenly I was in. Possible the whole queue suddenly got in but seems doubtful

A hotfix was implemented and intended to make log ins smoother. So some of us will get in instantly, others will still have to endure the queue still. I’m in the “In Queue” Cam, but it is moving very smoothly. 17 minutes as of this post.

Two of my friends also got in instantly. I had been in the queue for a few hours. I tried leaving queue (I probably wasn’t going to be able to play at that rate anyways so why not). I waited 5 minutes, tried again and went to the back of the line (from 3300 to 7400). This was on the Skeram server. Is it possible something to do with the layer that I was in at launch? I was able to play as soon as the server went live and haven’t been able to get in since.

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Wait till it shoots back up to three hours, which just happened to me, when I looked. I was at 19 minutes though lol.

Been in queue for 4.5 hours. What am I doing with my life?

I don’t mind a queue but when its BROKEN I care. 5.5 hours now in queue and an hour of that has been sub 300 but it won’t move.


Is there a fast pass you can buy like at Cedar Point :).