Players overpowered by this point

The ideal scenario, which won’t happen, would be to actually reverse it and start groups only accepting people LESS THAN 1000 stamina cloak or whatever number makes ssense. But we would be purposely making our runs harder just to spite those people and they’d still find groups. It would take everyone being on board.

No. If you did not farm frogs it’s impossible with current 70 scaling. It does not matter what your skill level is, without exceeding the 350 ilvl scaling for all mobs at 70, you will get one shot.

Actually you would just be dying. Currently the scaling works like this, at 70 all mobs scale to ilvl 350. As a fresh 70 you are around 240 ilvl. There is a major issue with scaling. At lvl 27 you were stronger in heroics than you are at fresh 70

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That’s been fixed.

…and no one can stop you from starting a group with some friends and Guildies if you feel you’re being excluded otherwise. It’s not like only the handful of players who farmed frogs are doing Heroic and Mythic content.

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some have 70.000 stamina a 6000+ stats ( leech included) so can solo whole pandaria

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The best thread farm right now is still timeless elites, even with the coin nerf.

It was not fixed last night. Link the blue post.

It’s right at the top of GD if you cared to look.

Okay I just read this and it’s not what you think it is. It’s not actually a total fix. You actually reduce in power at 70 or rather gain nothing as you gear until you exceed 350 ilvl. The mobs scale with you. So yes this may help with DPS at fresh 70, making it viable, but as the mobs still scale with you all this does is effectively create a damage plateau until >ilvl 350

Dude please read the whole Blue post.

Yes I see that, but I still don’t see how this went live this way.

Capping the people who had over 20k threads to 20k threads is a major whack to those who did hours of frog farming. Lol

Very clearly, if in any other version of the game the mobs scaled at max level with you, outside of dungeon/raid difficulty the vast majority of the player base would be unhappy. It’s just poor planning. No one wants to finish leveling, and begin gearing to have the difficulty increase as they hear. The mechanic for this is normal, heroic, mythic, not world content scaling.

Blue Post does not address how players can catch up to those with that have 9000+ threads…

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But the world does scale and it has been an issue for players since the Broken Shore in Legion. The problem in Remix is the scaling is borked not that they added something we’ve never seen before.

It’s one week in. Relax

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I am in no way anything other than relaxed. Mop is like laxatives. Helps keep bowels regulated

The amount of just insanity in this thread is amusing

I wonder what it is like to “love” a gaming company that sees you as a number lmao

also the community member doesnt play WoW if they think there is no gatekeeping “Must have x iLvl for M2s right now and M0s” Like get real.

SO sick of boot licking, they are company, not you friend. They don’t care about you, like, at all.


There is a limited type of gatekeeping, always has been. It has been gear scores, ilvl, AotC achievements, IO score, even what realm you’re on. I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with that.

But there isn’t “absolutely gatekeeping,” as in someone preventing me from running a +10 key in retail or running Remix Siege of Org if I want to. If they won’t accept me I can just make my own group and I should have hundreds of people just like me with a “normal cloak,” applying to fill the group.

When I think of Gatekeeping, I am reminded of when I played Ever Quest for 10 years. There was no instant content, it was all world content and guilds would @#$%-block your guild by making sure you didn’t get the raid kills needed to progress to the next tier. People would camp out in zones and periodically check to see if a rare was up then call in the raid to kill it within 30 minutes.

That to me is true Gatekeeping verse Ever Quest 2 and World of Warcraft where everything is instant and the only thing holding you back might be your class, gear and skill.

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theres absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that 1/4 of the mop remix players did 3 months of farming in 3 days ok, just catch up 4head

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Exactly, if Joe Somebody could sit outside of a raid and literally block me from walking in that’s gatekeeping. Saying “find another group you aren’t good enough for ours,” isn’t. That is just reality