WoW Remix Tuning and Adjustments -- May 20

We’re making a number of changes to address issues players have been reporting with scaling and improve the overall Remix experience by improving the viability of all content for earning additional experience, bronze, and gear. The following updates have already been made to all realms via hotfix:

  • Enemy power scaling, particularly in group content, has been adjusted to be less aggressive. This is particularly applicable in the player level 40 - 70 range, before players have been able to power up their cloak, upgrade their gems, and increase their item level.
  • Gear drop rates have been improved from world rares, rare elites, and quests. This will help players who have had their item levels fall behind as leveling speed increases, especially at higher levels when cloak bonus experience is powered up.
    • This will also increase player Bronze and appearance acquisition by increasing the number of items to place into the Unraveling Sands for additional Bronze.
  • The first time bonus for queueing each LFR wing will grant a Thread of Experience in addition to the existing Lesser Bronze Cache.
    • This should improve LFR as a viable choice for leveling main characters and alts, without players feeling like they need to grind the same LFR wing repeatedly.
  • We have added bonus experience to each boss in normal dungeons and scenarios so they are a viable alternative to questing. Bonus experience has also been adding to the last boss of Heroic Scenarios. Heroic dungeon bosses will continue to drop bonus experience.
  • We’ve increased the number of prismatic gems dropped from bosses in normal and heroic scenarios and dungeons.
    • The increased stamina offered by Legendary Prismatic gems boosts player survivability considerably.
  • We have increased the Bronze granted from all qualities of Bronze Caches by 25%.
    • These caches are available from a wide variety of sources, both solo and group. This includes the Minor Bronze Cache, Lesser Bronze Cache, Bronze Cache, and Greater Bronze Cache.

There are more hotfixes on the way, and as always, we’ll detail all of them in our next hotfixes update.


He just posted five minutes ago, it’s possible you got one shot before the update went live.


The scaling fixes so far have been for base level 70s basically, as reported by wowhead

It’s a good start. Any fix coming for the power imbalance between normal players and those who exploited the frog farm?


Thank you Kaivax,

Its a start but we still have a ways to go on our community wishlist.

With 1:1 cloaks stats for alts and account bound bronze, that there will greatly help the enjoyment of the event.

Account bound bronze would levitate the risk of lvling alts or not because currently they are a time waste. There is currently absolutely no reason to level alts in this mode. You lose the time it takes to get bronze for the very large inflated costs of unlocks, vs sticking with one character.

I read it takes over 1.5 million bronze to unlock everything! There is no way that is done in normal means if you are trying for alts too.

The only fix to this to be alt friendly is to give (as it was first announced and intended) 1:1 account bound cloak stats, and account bound bronze.

Edit: Adding for the evidence the 1:1 cloak account bound stats was intended at the start:
“…An addition power you earned on your cloak’s strongest character is also shared with alternative characters created for the event, making leveling even faster.”
It won’t let me post the video link but its on youtube on WoW’s channel.
WoW REMIX: Mists of Pandaria | Overview and Features


Please re-consider the amount of bronze needed to lvl gear. Maybe add +% to bronze on cloak.


This is the best you can do to replace the degenerate amount of bronze players we’re getting from the frogs?

I hope this is step 1 of 100.


It’d be cool if those of us who rushed a lot of the one-time achievements on our first character could get compensation for all the Bronze from those caches that we missed out on by just playing the game normally.


Cool, wanna address players who are doing thousands of times more damage than everyone else? How about the new aoe farms cropping up?

Really not fun at all queuing for anything where players just murder everything and I get to watch like a toddler looking up at an adult.


Yeah. I did alot of the achievements already. I missed out on all of that extra bronze. 25% still isnt enough though. There needs to be increase of bronze from all sources are add it to the cloak as a modifier.


Doesn’t mention tank threat, doesn’t mention the bait and switch on the account wide cloak stats.

Bronze acquisition change is pathetic. Putting 9 items at a time in that scrapper is already ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz - giving us more items to scrap is the worst passive bronze increase.

Buffs limited acquisition bronze caches in a tone deaf move.

Hopefully by “more hotfixes on the way” you mean, “I’ll post the full changes after this cup of coffee”.


Make the cloak account wide. If you must put some form of weekly stat cap on it to prevent the frog farmers from having an account of demi-god characters.

But I was really looking forward to playing multiple characters and not repeating the same grind. Variety is the spice of wow.


Theyre not limited though

Nothing about frog farming and it’s consequences? How about actual adding an efficient farming method that will allow us to get the stuff we want, while also getting “overpowered”?

With the current bronze and thread rewards, it’s impossible to max out even one character and the rewards. Playing any sort of alts is flat out pointless.


This is a great start. Please also consider reducing the cost to upgrade gear by 20-30% and making ring/neck/trinket slots account wide. It would be great if alts were more viable.


It’s a start I guess…

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This all was hotfixed yesterday to my knowledge? I guess this is just an official post on it.

I am fighting for you guys. I am. I made a post on the WoW CC forums about all this if you want to check it out.


EVERY CHANGE needs to be documented. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I dont care if the patch notes is just “Fixed a misplaced pixel on a chair in an inn nobody goes to”. EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE DOCUMENTED AND TOLD TO US.


So I can do achievements again?

will this fix high vs low level scaling?

doing A Brewing Storm, heroic scenario

level 20 ele shaman doing 600k single target dps
level 70 arms warrior with upgraded items + cloak + gems doing 50k single target dps