Players overpowered by this point

thats all people can do when they have no solid argument, leap to the most extreme they can to make you look like the ludicrous person insinuating thats what you want. they are always disingenuous.

we have known people gatekeep in wow since day one, from vanilla with guilds keeping boss kills secret, to BCs guild poaching, to Wraths gear score, its in the soul of wow players to gatekeep as hard as they can to prevent certain individuals from easily being able to experience or clear content.

All by making certain requirements the norm and thus limiting the pool of people available for those who try to make their own groups to circumvent it.

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I guess you missed your chance bro. Deal with it.

Wouldn’t groups being capped at 5/25/40 w/e mean that Blizzard is gatekeeping you form playing? :thinking:

This is not the takeaway.
MoP was a great xpac. And I still enjoyed replaying the quest zones while leveling again through this event.

The problem was that this event suffers heavily from outside, like the scaling issues and the bait and switch blizz pulled from PTR to launch, rather than any of the MoP content itself.


Me, personally, there are only two zones I can stand: part of Kun-Lai and all of Dread Wastes. I hated everything else. lol

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Whoever is controlling & limiting from entering or participating in something, is gatekeeping.

Whether its Blizzard or something / anyone else.

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So the whole gatekeeping argument kind loses its meaning, since gatekeeping is naturally all around us.

Not really, it’s dependant on the context and how it’s applied

Besides, even if it is immensely common – That doesn’t necessarily mean that it loses meaning … Greed & hubris (immense pride) are all around us, but they certainly don’t lose meaning & we still strive for a world with less of it negatively impacting others.

Now that the frog thing has been out, it’s either roll back those who did it, or probably more relevantly - open the floodgates for people to achieve the same result via other means.

it’s the end of an expansion, this is supposed to be a temporary, fun and very much separate mode to the normal game.


isnt the objective to have everyone be op, for fun? lol

why is this a problem


I think some of those players will give back to the community in the form of selling services. With their ability to face roll Mist of Pandara content now they are primed to make some serious gold based on how the Token has risen.

This is a really silly statement.

First of all, you can’t say something that represents all, or the majority of, people who play the game - you literally have no data to support your claim.

Second of all, there are literally factual mechanisms in the game that, in conjunction with mods, allow for players to gatekeep every form of endgame content that requires a pre-made group to participate in. Until these offending mods and associated data collection is banned, or reliance on pre-mades is reduced, then there is a problem with gatekeeping.

This is because players are forced, one way or another, to use these mods or have their data harvested in order to be accepted into pre-made groups. The more this occurs, statistically the more gatekeeping is actually occurring. Therefore the problem is on the rise.

To argue against methods of data collection not existing or being problematic is, quite frankly, delusional.


It’s …fine. I’m ok with running through the quests once since it’s been a good while, but the idea of levelling alts through it with the nerfed cloak?

I think in general I’d enjoy the alt-level process more just running quests and instances and “normal” timewalking with Heirlooms in retail. Which is a shame as I’d hoped to level a few new alts just for funsies and transmog in this, but repeating the same thing over and over with a capped-exp cloak is less appealing.

NGL,. the frog situation and the bait-and-switch of the cloak makes the whole process a lot less appealing. Probably going to just go back and play other games since S4’s M+ changes in regular retail are also unappealing.


Nail on the head.
I enjoyed going through the zones, dungeons and scenarios, doing the quests, seeing the cutscenes.
I didn’t enjoy being turned to paste by everything past 65 and the millions of bronze I’d need to invest to actually become OP and finally have the fun I was advertised. I hated those things, in fact.
Actually now that I think about it the only things I actively hate about this event are things that weren’t a part of Mists to begin with. Funny, that.

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Except for the fact that the people who had been doing the quest/achieve route instead of the degenerate frog farm are now permanently screwed out of that (for the stuff they’ve already done). Except for that little thing of course. Lmao.

Blizz needs to retroactively mail everyone doing the quest/achieve route +25% missing bronze. Then they need to reset the stats on the cloaks of everyone who did the frog farm. Do that and then we’ll actually have a level playing field.

For Petes sake, there’s already videos online of clothies tanking raid bosses and doing 5million+ damage.

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To be fair your last sentence is intended gameplay. What wasn’t intended is people reaching that level of strength in 2 days. Unless something changes everyone who didn’t abuse frogs will likely have to wait weeks or months to achieve a similar level of power. People talk about all the bronze you get from frogs but they don’t seem to mention the huge amount of threads and gems they got from turning in charms.

For 10 charms you got one of those timerunner chests, about 60 bronze, a random epic thread, and a gem voucher. Even farming frogs at a casual rate would get you 1500-2000 charms per hour and frogs also droped epic threads. I also haven’t seen anyone mention this yet but I ran every raid on normal yesterday and didn’t get a a single 12% xp boost thread from any of them.

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meh…personally I dont want to breeze thru the content. One shot kills are BORING. Let the kiddies have their ill-begotten goodies…I want to play the game the way it was designed.

So the 2% or whatever of the MoP playerbase will only group with themselves? Leaving the other 98% to all still play together


That’s assuming they even keep playing. I’m not sure why they would since they should easily be able to purchase everything at this point.

Well, other than to rub it in the people losing their minds about the frog nerf’s faces.

Me personally, if I get in a group with someone doing a million DPS, I’m happy for the free loot.