Players overpowered by this point

Didn’t say I got declined to frog groups.

This thread is about frogs. If you have a different topic, you should start a new thread.


It’s too late. They probably should’ve capped gains and increased it as the event went on and this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. But man you have to laugh at how such an innocent enough event could go so wrong

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You replied to me about gatekeeping, so I don’t see why it matters now.

Most of those players wont even give back to the community, they will most likely do hc and mythic 1 time and get out, apart from few of them that might help guildies and few that showboat in pugs.

Now im not saying they should do it, they are right to quit because they did everything there is to this. But this is blizz fault for making insane unfun grindy mode, giving few selected people a workaround to fast blast it and than closing the lid for the rest.

A sensible thing to do here would be to set cloak limit and bring overpowered players to it, and giving bonuses to rest of us to catch up, than after we all cought up, uncapping bonuses again with monitoring future exploits, but they will never do this as they need people to grind this untill TWW.

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This would have been nice.

Full circle. Removing unintended power creep from killing frogs is unrelated to you being declined from groups and is also not gatekeeping, as is it does not prevent you from entering into any content.

I think you need to reread this.

I did. It was a quick read.

Please list the content in remix that you’re unable to participate in. Other than those due to skill issues.

Decided not to care anymore… just going to get some things from this event quick and leave it go back to normal wow

next time blizzard you do some events like this test it more before releasing it…

Plunderstorm enjoyed it way more than this honestly


Yep, this exactly.
I just have a few more cosmetics to grab and then I’m done with it.

I can literally just level faster in retail and more consistently without all the screwy scaling.


I knew this was gonna be a s show

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Yea I only found out being late to the party cause i’s questing with a friend.

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Some may stop right away. Some may keep playing. One can only hope they keep playing since they are super busted unless blizz does something about it. Then again they did say it will be busted.

Hopefully, we can all walk away from this with a common understanding that Mists was not a fun expansion.

People don’t want to play it unless they’re overpowered, and wish that they were farming frogs before it was nerfed, so that they could stop playing and it would just be over.

Some “fun” expansion.

Ahead of what? It’s an event for transmog.

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They need to either put the frogs back to how they were. Or nerf players who farmed them. The gate keeping is insane already.


Nah, it’s not just us. I think pretty much every WoW race is covered by at least one forum regular and that’s the real determinant of how someone tends to talk around here.

Your post did still make me pause and reflect for a minute though. :dracthyr_sweat:


Don’t be ignorant, group finder was full of them.


well, regardless of anything, i even doubt that they say something about it, and imagine the miracle if they’d somehow fix that sht out… (Somehow, Blizzard returned lmao)… would be glorious on the most wet dreams of any azeroth player that miss they way of act like some ages in the past