Players overpowered by this point

They literally added Raider IO scores to the base game lol… Theres only one thing this information is used for

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I’ll get this cloak to buffer overflow if I die trying

I forgot to mention —

  • I made a new Timerunner character as a monk last night, and despite being in Brewmaster (tank) spec, some hunter who was also level 12 had FIVE TIMES the amount of HP I had!! :sob:
  • What’s worse was I couldn’t get much quest progression because they were just auto-shotting everything in sight with ease :no_mouth:

Those who got frog-farm pre-nerf also apparently do rather well in levelling 60-70 on alts too :person_shrugging: Those who didn’t however? … Well, they tend to get 1 shot by trash & significantly struggle around level 65 :pensive:

Thats quite the swing to an extreme. Being able to carry your own weight doesn’t mean anything if someone else applying to the same group can just do 10x your damage because they took advantage of the frogs before it got nerf’d.


Did anyone lose their gear and bag and items in Remix MoP?

Game bug or unintended feature, I couldn’t sit in one spot and try to farm bronze which is the only thing I am after anymore. When I left this game back in 2011 for SW:ToR, in my 5th year of play I found a game bug that I duplicated to confirm and then reported it to BioWare.

I was symmetrically suspended for 3 days and had over 600-700 million currencies removed. That destroyed me because I was out of work for health issues, so I played the game a lot and farmed hundreds of hours to get that money. Now I am out again for health issues, so I am playing a lot of World of Warcraft.

I enjoy leveling toons, collecting mounts and toys first then trans mogs as well as helping my fellow adventurer / gamers out. What I don’t enjoy is game bugs (causing deaths [really wish death statistic was gone]), not balancing the game properly with adequate testing (players will find any advantage and not let the developer know).

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600 mil before the SWTOR economy went crazy? That’s actually an insane amount of credits, that’s horrible they’d take that, I’m sorry. I love that game but I’m glad I’ve never had to put in a ticket there.

Nah this doesn’t happen

Just be a average player and u clear all content aside from mythic

I played from December 2011 - December 2016. Was out of work from February 2013 - March 2016. I literally did every daily / world quest and farmed ever chest I could find and vendored a lot of my loot. When they introduced the planet invasions my guild was the 1st to conquer all the planets and we went toe to toe against one Republican guild that after our third invasion they asked what planet we were invading because it just got too costly for them to attack the same planet as us.

I had love to raid and became a mercenary after my original guild got the achievement, I helped fund other guild to get there achievements.


Do people even know what this means anymore, or is it used to describe anything they don’t like?

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:person_shrugging: Considering the definition of gatekeeping was posted above and people still think that it doesn’t happen, means that people don’t read.


This one?

Not exactly Merriam Webster.

You can raid before max level. Content is not locked behind any “gates.”

This one, not the one I posted.

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What content are you unable to access?

In retail as a hunter I get declined to pretty much everything that is current content. Most players tell me it is because I am a hunter.

It’s likely for other reasons, and they’re just being nice.

seems a little excessive to suggest players who exploited the frogs be banned though

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I never said that, at all.

Not really sure what I did to upset multiple different realms and players to cause it to be other reasons. :person_shrugging:

It’s common, don’t feel bad.

I have doubts that it’s frog related.