Players overpowered by this point

People are not really gatekeeping when it comes to most content in retail.

You are the only person that can gate you from anything in this game. Stop blaming others for your own failures and downfalls.

Of course they aren’t, because it’s literally impossible for a player to gate another player from content.

I’d say they reap the benefits being on the mountain peak, whilst everyone else who freshly hit max level or didn’t farm frogs make futile efforts & struggles upon an enormous climb attempting to reach such heights. :person_shrugging:

I mean to be fair they got a point — to an extent …

Those who hit max early & farmed frogs were able to get ahead, but now that they’ve removed it: New people onwards who hit max level won’t be able to catch up until far far, FAR later.


The rest of us still can’t be gated by these other players.

not enough people frog farmed to be statistically important

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You mean they won’t be able to catch up ever.
Cloak doesn’t have a limit to how high it can go, unless you count managing to break through the system’s numerical threshold somewhere in the millions or billions and your stats going negative as the limit.

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Did that become a thing again? Haha some things never change.


I mean due to those other players overly abusing the system, the rewards from such were nerfed & thus the rest of us are sort of gated from receiving such spoils from their loot.

— Although I get your point, it’s why I said “to an extent” – because it’s not the typical ‘gating’ its just moreorless sucky & unfair for the rest of us, than us having actually be gatekept.

They should add a sky-barrier where after you’ve hit a certain point the progression slows down immensely — Specifically to those on ludicrous lengths.

I’d wager those already OP people would whinge, but it would ultimately be best for the overall game & playerbase. :dracthyr_nod:

It’s always a vulpera worgen or panda that talks like this i’ve noticed

Could have fooled me honestly considering how crowded it was on every server I hopped to LFGing frogs. I haven’t seen that many people in one place since tauren mill vs south shore. Quite common in groups too, every group I’ve joined has had at least one giga frog boosted person in it.

Which the more the merrier IMO. Gives a whole new meaning to quick clear when one person is doing twice the DPS of the rest of your entire raid… combined.

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You’re right, we won’t be able to abuse the system like they did but they still cannot gate us from content. No players can gate another player from any content this game offers.

Sure they can’t prevent you from forming your own group and doing the content yourself but people definitely gatekeep groups in raids and M+. Not like this is anything remotely new, people have been gatekeeping since vanilla with basic things like gear score.


How? How can a player gate you from doing content except by not inviting you to their group? You aren’t entitled to that group. Not being invited to a group isn’t gating you, it means they don’t want to play with you.

Challenge accepted!!

20 priests with life grip
20 evokers with rescue

We might be able to gate keep one player (who is in the same raid as the above) away from the enterence of a dungeon.


Player power and tuning of content go hand in hand. The reason Heroic/Mythic content is tuned as it is, is there is an expectation that it will take 2-3 months grinding to get that power… they players have short cutted that to a weekend.

The big issue is should players be encouraged to do a one hour raid or farm frogs for an hour. Realisitically the raids SHOULD reward you more player power. MOP Remix it doesnt.

A major issue is there is not enough player power rewarded from doing milestone/on time per character achievements… that is where most of the player power should come from.

Yeah just go sit in LFG for awhile, the true final boss of wow, and then form a group with a bunch of other people no one wants in their group with half of them leaving after the first wipe anyway.

You’re being gate kept from playing with good players or getting easy clears. Now if you don’t do any high end content group content then this really isn’t a problem.

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Oh, okay. So you want a free carry.

No, and the fact you’re leaping to such extremes only proves that you’re being disingenuous.


It probably wouldn’t because this event is time-limited, all of this power goes away thereafter, and past a certain point (which I’m sure some have already met or exceeded) progress doesn’t matter because you’ll be smashing raids either solo or in Scenario sized groups.

Since the only appeals of this event are an alternative leveling experience and the cosmetics on offer, why even have so severe and costly a gear-grind to begin with? Well it seems obvious to me; it’s a wall to keep people playing, and it’s built well higher than that Plunderstorm had. I hated Plunderstorm, still do, but they at least had the decency to let you grind renown to 40 by day 2 or 3 rather than effectively make you wait until day, say, 20 or 30.

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I guess it could also come down to perspective in some cases.

My guy, the literal definition of ‘Gatekeeping’ is –

  • GATEKEEPING: The activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.

If player groups are controlling & limiting who can enter their parties & raids …
That’s gatekeeping.

Sure it’s by the players & not Blizzard — but Blizzard removing the means for other players to reach the same level, and not putting a cap or any sort of limitation or restriction on those who already soared in strengths … They’re not exactly faultless. :grimacing: