Yea, I have no desire to reply Vanilla again. I’ve found a wonderful home on Grobbulus with some really great people and I’ll be there until they quit or Blizzard shuts down the servers haha.
Yea, I have no desire to reply Vanilla again. I’ve found a wonderful home on Grobbulus with some really great people and I’ll be there until they quit or Blizzard shuts down the servers haha.
cool niche opinion
I’m happy for you.
Same for me with the gold raids, except my friends and I are slowly being shadow banned for it. It’s pretty disheartening. I hear community this and community that but mine is kicked into the dirt.
But really, strip away classic from all else and it is just a bunch of dudes hanging around having a good time, so I am happy for you.
Stop being expressionless.
Bro he’s going to quit fresh like he quits everything else.
“SOM is the way” then proceeds to hate it after a few months.
“I literally can not play anything but HC” then proceeds to hate it after a few months.
I wonder when the switch for fresh will be with him. God knows one of these days he’s going to just start hating it like everything else he parades around as “superior”.
Absolutely! I really don’t want to shift this to GDKP because there are other threads for that. I’m pretty sure you know my views on it so we don’t need to get into it. With that said though, I’m sorry to hear you and your friends are getting banned for playing what is a Blizzard supported activity on Era servers. That sounds weird actually… I’d say appeal but we all know how useful Blizzard support is.
With that said, I agree. At the end of the day, finding a group of people to regularly play with and is what this game has always been about for me. It’s what’s kept me playing almost the entire last 20 years. That’s also why, when I finally had enough of what retail was doing and stepped away from it, I almost quit because I didn’t have that community anymore.
I hope you can find a way to still maintain a connection with a group of players, GDKP or otherwise!
No we’re not getting banned, I said shadow banned for a reason.
The recent update changes for the new servers following SOD’s stance.
Eyr asked, and I answered honestly but that is the big push behind why I will still play a TBC. I have some close friends who don’t partake in now banned activities who love TBC and I love them so I’ll come carry whatever bads they invite for their raids. Being allowed to make the raid comp, promised glaives and the only rogue spot does help though.
I appreciate it. Who knows, I’m not against a fresh without the banned activities 100%, just 99%. There is a chance that maybe I find people like myself and enjoy era past leveling to 60 and shelfing. I won’t fight it if it happens, but if it doesn’t, then I’ll see you lads in TBC.
Also if you ever see a Night Elf Rogue on era named Distractgodx, say hi, it’s me. I probably won’t be on that toon again, but, on the off chance I do go back to era for banned activities, that’s me Good luck out there friend
Oh I’m sorry, then I don’t understand what “shadow banned” means.
Do you have a lot of alts that follow this naming scheme? If so, I think I saw you a lot during my R14 grind. I was playing a Paladin named Smellybeard
(Also, ditto… I will likely prep that paladin for TBC. I have no desire to replay Vanilla but I’ll take the next year to get him ready. I don’t even want to spend a ton of time in TBC but there are some good elements that I enjoy playing.)
I am not affiliated with the other “…godx” characters.
But yeah about a monthish ago I was doing the R14 grind. I got to like 10 or 11 and then just stopped caring, and haven’t been back on since. The toon existed as a little “I just want to go level in era and I havent played Alliance since I was literally a child so lets go relive Redridge and Duskwood, and see end game zones from an Ally perspective”. I just enjoyed the pvp a bit longer and did some of the grind to pass the time until I had my fill.
I’m not trying to make the thread into something it isn’t so I’m being a little more loose with some wording.
I’m basically saying that Blizzard is “banning” me via banning things I enjoy. I’m sorry I just can’t go back to normal SR MS>OS pug raiding for my alts. I just can’t.
Very nice choice, Paladin is very solid. Great Util, great buffs, strong versatility, 1 of 2 plate wearers, only healing plate wearer, basically the only person who wants exclusively 2 handed weapons for dps (hunters sit down stat sticks are not prio’d to you over melee), great aoe farming for gold, just all around fantastic. Maybe I’ll see you on those floating rocks in a year.
You going pvp server?
Of course I will. After a year+ of consistent fun and enjoyment
I hope you do actually.
Don’t let me catch you slipping talking about how much you don’t like it in 6 months though. You have a pattern of doing it, especially with HC.
Or it could simply be that “Classic ERA” is the “TBC” waiting room.
However Blizzard, please confirm that we get to keep the TBC server and have a forever server (just a single PvE and PvP server is all we need), also please provide an offramp to all those silly ERA folk who are stuck in time and do not see the greatness of TBC, and which would prefer to remain in ERA, and not venture in to the bright new world with more balanced classes and better raids.
yes 10char
Ah fair enough, that wouldn’t have been you then
I understand now, thank you For what it’s worth, I don’t think I could PuG raid in general either, not as a regular activity.
Probably not. I like PvP, but I don’t really like the harassment and mentalities that tend to crop up on PvP servers. I’ve always played on PvE servers, but I would always level flagged. Which really just means that if someone decides they want to take things too far then I can just unflag, wait 5 mins, and then carry on until they get bored and do other things.
If humans would just stop humaning for one dang second then maybe I would At the end of the day though this is a me thing… no judgement on PvP servers or those who play on them, this is just how I like things for me and PvE servers give me a space where I can have that preference.
I play on a PvP server now, but it’s very low pop and nobody really corpse camps or harasses in ways that take things too far. Unless the target is a professional farmer running exports to Whitemane. Then its open season and we will corpse camp those guys for hours until they log off. Gotta protect our server, you know?
Yea, all that discussion above about me rolling a character in prep is entirely contingent on whether or not that server is going to remain. If it’s not, I’m just not going to bother.
It’s just, I really don’t want to sound too elitist when I say this, but pug raids without any incentive to be better just suck. Like actually the players in them are some of the most selfish, self centered people I’ve ever have had the displeasure of interacting with. Grey parsers who “play the game their way” and their way involves wiping the rest of us. People refusing to buff or play correctly with their own character, arguably doing more harm than good when compared to them just being an open slot. Atleast open slots don’t get targeted by mechanics then mess up the rest of the raid. People who get to boss 3 of whatever, don’t have their one piece drop, then leave raid because who cares it’s a pug and I don’t need the rest of the raid so buh-bye. It’s just so exhausting.
I feel that. It’s what made me go from pvp server in classic 2019 to Mankrik in TBCC. I knew I was going to live out in the world and just didn’t want to be bothered. Pvp servers attract a certain type of tism that can become unbearable. Right now on era, I can almost promise there are some trash can tier players sitting on a roof in Duskwood, and if they aren’t there right now, they will be in time.
Honestly not professional enough. The real play is doing it on the HC servers, then dying for the free xfer to Whitemane. It’s how I have both Horde and Alliance on a pvp server.
Still good to farm them into oblivion. Those clowns are why my favorite raiding style is gone so please, farm them. Farm them till their corpses create a dustbowl due to the lack of farming anything else.
It’s why I’m going pvp server this time around again. I saw them in Netherstorm on Mankrik back in TBCC and all I wanted to do was slaughter them but I couldn’t. Not this time. I’m either farming rocks for gold or I’m farming bots for pleasure, but the farm will commence.
Pvp/pve server aside, bgs make the big world small. Still maybe will see you there come tbc.
yes, the point of the GDKP ban is to join this thing called “a raiding guild” remember those?
You’re such a snide snob and I actively dislike you.
Don’t start something that you and I both know you can’t finish.
The reason they do this is because they get free transfers off my server. I think the same goes for every other server that’s low pop and considered dead, but I’m not sure if it’s universal like that. Regardless, Blizzard won’t do anything about it. They’ve openly stated that they think it’s good for the main clusters to have a constant influx of materials coming from other servers, presumably to meet the consumable demands and that they don’t see a problem with it. Meanwhile we have 10+ hunters on both factions locking down Black Lotus and Rich Thorium Veins with Eagle Eye scripts.
It’s been like this for months now. It’s a group of people from Indonesia doing this. They barely speak any English and when you engage them in PvP, it’s clear they aren’t very good at the game. So it’s a pretty reasonable bet they aren’t doing this to supply their raiding mains on Whitemane… which means they’re selling the mats for gold wich they then turn around and sell to others.
So we try to chase them around the zone and disrupt their farming as much as we can in the hope that they’ll get annoyed enough and go to one of the truly empty servers instead. If they actively participated in our raids and contributed to the server in some way it would be fine, but they just make resources scarce on our server so they can profit.
It’s a bit of a bummer.
Funny part is most of the anit-GDKP group don’t seem to want to join a raiding guild but simply want SR pugs but to have geared players carry them, as GDKP is really a non factor if you actually progressively raid with a guild.
With the GDKP ban, now I suspect they will simply move on to the try to ban parsing and logs, since they still aren’t getting the groups they want.
I agree that those people are silly I will be joining a raiding guild and avoiding all the nonsense though, so it doesn’t bother me.