While I don’t plan to raid in Fresh ERA, if I did it would be the same, honestly its the only way to raid if you want to gear out in my opinion.
I’m not saying I don’t believe you, I really do believe this sentence, but I would just like to see where it was said. I’m a firm believer that Blizzard allows bots for profit. No other game I know of allows botters to run rampant for months while knowing that they’re a botter. I’ve heard Blizzard’s reasoning “Oh we don’t want them to know what triggered it” like ok lmao don’t tell them then but instead of letting them run around for months, generating enough gold to make a profit for the account, doesn’t actually hurt them in the end. Their bans should cost them money they can’t recoup, not a standard business expense.
It’s gross and I hate it.
Yeah same, doesn’t account for my mountain of alts I would have made. I’m just going to raid log if not farming. Can’t wait to see the “I can’t get attuned” complaints due to lack of incentive to go back to prior raids, because god knows I’m not going back to P2 raids without an incentive.
Bump for tbc era servers.
wrath is horrible and we saw that by how bad wrath classic was. Vanilla and TBC have actual longterm playability and immersion
Another reason to join a raid guild, they will when needed do quick run throughs for attunements for guildies, but an absolute no on SR pugs, not worth the pain and suffering or all the wiping, though of course other peoples experience will differ…
Hopeful but not realistic.
If you’re not in a top tier guild that requires multiple characters, then you’re going to be hard pressed to get even half of the raid willing to go back to older content they don’t need, on a non raid day, for your alt.
Most guilds attempt this. Attempt.
A common thing I’ve seen for mid tier guilds is to have their members pug older raids for their alts, because of the difficulty of getting the entire raid together on a non raid night.
I’m not saying what you’re saying is impossible in all cases, but let’s also not pretend it’s an option in all cases either.
Hard to say, all the guilds I have been in did that, but they were all a bit on the sweaty side. I will agree for more casual guides, hitting the attunements will be more challenging, but most of them will struggle in places like BT and SW anyway so at least until the heavy nerfs come in, not sure it will matter that much, and after that all the content is pretty simple. Would so love if they didn’t nerf the content this time around, it took so much fun out of the raids.
It’s from a conversation on twitter (X?) one of my guildmates had with Aggrend. If you want to talk about it further maybe reach out privately?
I agree with you on the rest though. I saw that PirateSoftware video where he was talking about chargebacks. I certainly understand the logic but hey, it’s been 20 years, and botting is only getting worse. Clearly it’s not working, time for a new strategy. As it is, it’s really hard not to connect the dots between a lack of strong enforcement and the fact that Blizzard gets $15 per month from every bot account that is active.
Still, I do want to point out that as long as they’re not using botting software for their activities, professional farmers exporting materials to Whitemane aren’t doing anything against the ToS. It’s just a really gross practice that harms our server and is expressly enabled by Blizzard keeping Free Character Migrations from our server open. It’s been years. Everybody who was going to leave has long since left. There are also very obvious differences between someone who made their character in 2019-2021 and wants to leave, and someone who made their 50th level 1 alt yesterday, loaded it up with materials, and transferred it off the server.
TBC has all the same problems of wrath
Yes, we agree. The higher tier guilds will do it more than likely, atleast for a majority of their alts. It’s something I’d do for guildies, but I’m also on the sweatier side, but I’m not 23 other characters in the raid. That’s the hard part for a lot of guilds on non raid nights.
At best these guilds get half their raid and half pugs for their run, and been there done that, it’s basically a pug raid tbh. It never goes smoothly, and is always a hassle. It burns out a lot of those guildies quickly. A few alts will get attuned, the rest will just be told to go fully pug it. Seen it too many times.
The banned loot system helps with this. My rogue will not need SSC or TK come BT/Hyjal, and no if I don’t have belt of 1k deaths or whatever its called from naga mommy, I’m still not going back to farm it. I highly suspect my friends and I come TBC will drop SSC the second 2 criteria are met, and that’s P3 dropped + bear has the belt. After that, gg, we’re not going back.
But that belt is perfect incentive for the banned loot system. That is a massive belt. Pretty much everyone who can use it, wants it. It gives a reason for someone like myself come P3 to want to go back. We go back into the raiding pool with this system. Without the banned loot system, it will just make pugging harder, and consequently, the guilds that are also relying on pugs for their alts, will have a harder time as well.
We won’t feel the affect of the ban in P1. It will be progressively more felt as the game continues though. There will be a hard drop off in raids being logged.
I’m good, but I do believe you without the evidence presented. It’s really the only logical conclusion I can come to for such dumb banning practices.
Yeah, that’s what I was referencing when I made my post. Like, I get it on the surface without a second thought, but that assumes chargebacks are allowed in the first place from the seller. They delivered the product, as far as bank is concerned, the seller met their end.
Switching gears real quick, people hack FPS’s like COD and Valorant, CS, etc. A big thing with Valorant cheaters is they get banned really quickly, so how do they sell their cheats? Well they sell cheats that are already detected and will get you banned within a few games. Valorant clips of cheaters show that they’re always using some new way to obtain the cheat, because Vanguard is on them quickly. Riot for better or worse as a company, does try to take the credibility of the games seriously, especially since they’re heavily involved in the esports scene where that credibility matters a lot.
Blizzard I guess doesn’t really need to care. What’s the competition? FF14? Ashes of Creation? New World? Blizzard has had to crown for too long and it shows, it shows badly.
True, but, selling the items at an inflated price to then turn around and sell the gold, hits breaking tos criteria.
If a player exclusively farms for mats then transfers for non monetary benefit, then it’s scummy but yeah not TOS breaking.
If only we had GMs that could go into game and physically investigate.
Indeed, and even then those aren’t really competitors. The only alternative to WoW Classic right now is private servers, as far as I know. I don’t think anybody else is offering this type of gameplay. I’m hearing good things about Ashes of Creation lately, but i haven’t looked too hard into it.
Absolutely! I just suspect they do that on separate accounts so that their supply doesn’t get compromised. If I were doing that kind of thing, I’d make all the money, then distribute it to other accounts to sell.
I’m going to drift ever so slighty into the GDKP conversation here, and without judgement on players like yourself who are using GDKP in a positive way, but if it were me, I’d scrub all my gold in GDKP first before I sold it, then redistribute it elsewhere after that. I can’t imagine it would be all that difficult and Blizzard isn’t really doing anything about it.
You just can’t help yourself, can you?
whats so fun about vanilla? the only classes that are good and people actually play are warriors and rogues lol. End game has no content just spamming BRD to get pre bis and boring molten core .
True, especially due to the nature of the games imo.
MMORPGS fundamentally work differently than a tac shooter. Tac shooters have to for the most part be similar enough to each other, otherwise you venture into just FPS like cod and battlefield, or arena FPS like Doom, or BR like Fortnite, or any of the other very specific flavors of shooters that are separated by tight criteria.
MMORPGS are a bit more loose in what is and isn’t an MMORPG, so direct competition is more or less chalked up to being a distant relative over direct competitor.
It really doesn’t matter how well FF14 does, because wow players will just stay in wow for the most part. On the other hand, Valorant dropped as a game, and CS playercount dropped with it. It was so bad that Gaben himself had to finally go update CS after years of stagnation because of Valorant. Many CS pros directly left CS for Valorant and many of them never returned. That’s direct competition and I don’t believe wow really has that same pressure.
I haven’t heard much, but who knows, maybe it’ll be the wow killer, that totally hasn’t been said a million times lol.
I don’t really know if scrubbing wow gold even is a thing. Supposedly Blizzard can track the gold and it’s unscrubbable, but if that’s a lie and it is able to be made “clean” then gdkps are a very solid place to clean the gold as it mixes with clean gold and is then instantly redistributed out at the end.
Which if it is cleanable, then idk, once you see who’s selling it just ban the seller lmao. If the seller got the gold from a gdkp host, then surely within all the mysterious data that people parade around that Blizzard supposedly has, they can see where that gold the seller sold came from then, and that player should also be banned if found to be one of the gold funders for the seller.
Idk I just feel like there are better options to combat gold buying and selling that isn’t focused on a loot system that can innately exist without RMT, but then again, this most recent reasoning for it’s banned never even touched on RMT so I guess I’m glad that Blizzard stopped calling me a gold buyer. Silver linings I guess lol
That 15 a month times how ever many bots and sellers makes the shareholders happy. Shareholders have no need to care about anything other than what makes the bottom line the most bottom line possible. Who cares about longevity when you can get rich now and cash out at the expense of the product.
No, he can’t.
Sort of… I do think the WoW player base has demonstrated that they will jump ship when things are extreme. We saw this when Shadowlands got really bad, a huge wave of players all went over to FF14.
In that case though, there was an alternative. The FF14 experience is actually reasonably close to the retail WoW experience. There’s no alternative for Vanilla though…
Haha for sure, and I don’t mean it that way. I was mostly just speaking for myself. Era is filling a niche for gameplay that I desire but isn’t really offered anywhere else. I may always still play WoW, there are non-gameplay ties that keep me here, but it would be nice to have the option to consider other possibilities.
I think it’s more that it can change hands several times, passing through legit accounts, making it harder to track and action on. The main accounts, the ones that do all the farming and supplying, remain intact while their disposable accounts (the ones that do the selling) are the ones that get banned.
By the way, you can do this on the AH as well. I suspect this is why you see items with absurd prices sometimes, but you can do it with normal priced items too… it just takes more time. The quantities in GDKP are just higher for a single transaction.
Again, my intent here isn’t to take a shot at you or GDKP. You’ve been up front about how you use it and I’m not attacking that. I’m just saying that if my goal was to participate in gold selling, this is probably how I would go about it in order to mask my activities and protect my main farming accounts.
Not even close
Wrath and after is just a job that isnt fun