Player Housing - Your Wants? Needs? Ideas? Share them here!

What about a system of “neighbourhoods” where houses are phased but you can see not only your own home, but a few nearby ones of friends or random people as well? (With some sort of privacy toggle to opt out of being visible/visitable)


Eh idk… I just remember loving how in Star Wars Galaxies I’d see whole player cities as I zoomed around on my speeder bike. I thought that was pretty cool.

Going to keep my wants and needs simple…

  • I need four walls and a roof.
  • I want to be able to customize the inside of those.

I see a lot of hate for the FFXIV system, but I love the community aspect of it—I like seeing a neighborhood of people, feeling like I’m part of that. Imo, a good compromise would be to have “prime” neighborhood phases that, if you want to be a part of a community like that, it takes some real effort/gold to get into it, and you have to maintain a certain level of activity to hold onto it, like in FFXIV.

But if you don’t gaf about that kind of thing and just want a house for yourself, you can just choose to have your own place in some other phase and mind your own beeswax for free. People are often vehemently against solo phase player housing or ardently in favor of it. The logical path is to satisfy both crowds by giving both options: FFXIV-style neighborhood housing, and private phase housing. Your choice.

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Many good ideas, I want a lot of what everyone else is saying.

I hope they add things that encourage people to explore the housing plots of other players. Maybe unique home currencies you can only find by interacting with items in other players homes and use to buy items for your own home. Maybe some homes have burglars sneaking around, and you get to be the neighbor that heroically hunts them down. Maybe some homes have a mouse invasion, and you gotta kill 10 rats.

I hope there will be fun interactive elements that make it desirable to really interact with homes and explore.


It would seem you’re in luck my hookah-loving friend, I grabbed this screenshot from the upper floor of The Broken Tusk Inn in Orgrimmar:

I would agree that interactive elements will be a make-or-break. A hot tub you could AFK in that accrues rested XP faster; a card table where you can play games with your friends; a garden where you can grow different kinds of plants. You could even have the option to plant fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetables, etc., then use cooking to craft placeable food in your home. Little touches - a pie cooling on the windowsill, a fruit bowl on your kafa table, would add a nice level of charm.

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I think housing should be FACTION based, not race based. Race based is going to mean 25 different styles of homes.
I would like to see neighborhoods. Have players pick out plots and do a reverse mortgage to buy it (this would keep location purchases fair)
I would like to see 4 styles of Faction homes. (Cottage, House, Villa, Mansion as an example)
Property taxes must be paid monthly (What you thought this was free?)
I’d like to see variables on roofing and indoor colors of homes
Placeable items
Placeable trophies (From all exapnsions)
Be able to decorate outside
Seperate hearthstone
New tradecraft - furniture / trophy making
Center area for village gatherings for the RP people
Guild homes / halls?
Be able to decorate for holidays… ((Give me back my halloween + Christmas at my garrison!!!))
Companion pets should be able to wander the inside of the house.
No house NPCs, No house merchants
Crafting stations in the middle of neighborhoods so people can (gasp!) socialize while crafting.

This is off the top of my head… if I think of more I will add them.


I want it useable. :wink:

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Most important thing for me would be that it’s all optional. No forced quests to get your house setup, no NPC following you offering mortgages, no weekly tied to housing stuff, etc.

Hopefully it’s a big hit for the people who want it though!

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I agree to a certain degree, but I don’t want my Nightborne sitting around in an Orcish mud hut.

I agree with the sentiment I’ve seen of instanced neighborhoods, that way you can have an interior and exterior.

This but flooring as well.


I wouldn’t mind this but it should be required you pay them a salary (Goblins can have Gobber as a roommate for free). I wouldn’t mind being able to keep a staff for a mansion or castle. I need my Downton Abbey fantasy dammit, lol

Swg housing was something special, my house was out in the sticks, it would take 20 minutes to ride there from the spaceport and i could navigate there just by recognizing geological features, but boy did i go there alot.

But alas, that system only works in a procgen and low poly(in the modern age) environment.

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I’m trying not to have expectations and remain cautiously optimistic about the final product.

I’d like to see things, but I find it safer to wait and see than hope and have that dashed.

I just do not want it to be race locked, i play with a lot of roleplayers who live with races different to their toons and would hate to see them disappointed that they cant let their human live in the pandaren home of their dreams.

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Would the above satisfy your housing itch? I have no feelings toward housing either way.

a way to /leave instance chat.

Use as an unlimited bank instead of having to buy slots for warbound toons

I made a thread as well but to consolidate since my thread is tiny, I’ll link here.

Since the Dev team said they want people saying what they do and don’t want in housing I figured I’d put in my two copper.

Things I don’t wanna see? Player power, garrison stuff. I just don’t wanna feel like housing offers anything overly valuable. No crafting resources or power bonuses. The exception perhaps being maybe an XP bonus to leveling or something and a way to fast travel to our homes via hearthstone. And absolutely no limited lots! The worst thing about FFXIV is fighting to win an open plot because you have to compete with others! That is the worst!!!

Things I’d like to see? For starters I’d love for housing to be seamless like garrisons were in terms of no loading screen and being able to see your garrison out in the world. Having it auto load your house instead of having an instance portal or such would be a great carryover. This is assuming there will be plots out in the open and not a FFXIV neighborhood system.

On that matter, I personally like plots out in the world at key locations however I think a combination of neighborhoods and stand alone locations could be neat. I wish we had more information to go off of on this matter.

I think being able to place your warband characters in your house would be neat! ESO did something like this with mounts and certain NPC’s but if I could set it so my Warband toons I’m not logged into can just hang out in my house that would be neat (though also a huge technical hurdle I bet… Maybe something for the future?

I also would love a roommate feature! A way to set another player as a roommate and set what they can and can not do. That way if you have a family member or close friend you can share your house with them or even make guild housing!

I think housing should be warband wide and we should be able to own multiple houses and decorate as many as we desire. This could also be done for guild housing but being able to buy larger plots and set permissions based on guild ranks and such.

I think furniture and house decorations should be added to professions across all the expansions in addition to vendor purchases or dropped decorations and not just added to the latest expansions profession levels. Give us a reason to want to grind out previous expansions or use previous expansion materials for certain housing items. Expansion specific paintings through inscription for example.

Unique Profession Tables like the anvil in BRD, or the leatherworking table in Brackenhide. If unique Profession benches that are required to visit for specific recipes could be unlocked and crafted for housing that could be a cool questline/gold sink for housing objects. Especially in shared houses with friends or guild mates.

Adjustable weather for non-neighborhood plots could be cool! Maybe I want it to rain because I like the in game rain! Perhaps it should rain fire because Ragnaros isn’t too happy about me kicking his butt not once, not twice, but three times! Being able to pick the weather based on zone would be cool!

In that same vein, I think being able to pick music for our housing area would be cool and even having jukebox items that could change the music for everyone in my house.

Being able to save layouts would also be nice. That way we can have seasonal themes. Maybe I wanna decorate my house depending on the season or holidays or just have specific layouts based on what I have planned. A normal cozy layout for myself or if I am planning on having friends at my place, perhaps a group meeting or such, I can have a setup better suited for guests.

I think a lot of toys could make for good games in the housing as well. Like the untangle the wires game, the follow the pattern game, etc. could be nice to have fun interactive objects in addition to just visual props.

Limited FOMO. Decoration items? Sure, maybe a decoration for KSM or what not. But good lord please don’t make plots limited time rewards or anything huge limited time. Please keep FOMO type stuff to decorative pieces/trophies.

Dedicated Account Wide Storage for Decorations! Please give us dedicate storage space to store decorations in some capacity. My banks and warband bank can’t take any more abuse, haha.

Without knowing more details on how WoW’s housing will work it’s hard to give much more feedback so hopefully we learn more sooner than later :slight_smile:

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i don’t really want player houses to be in the open world although that would be cool if you could place it down somewhere but that seems unlikley so i would go for “private” island homes which you could sail too and perhaps you could build a small island town by inviting let’s say upto 5 or so people to your island although that is a bit much

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2 copper, 2 gil thoughts and desires:

FFXIV player perspective here, and since it might be vaguely related I wanted to start with Garrisons. I note FFXIV as I was not here during Garrison’s being new and so my view will not contain a historical bias.

Have been having a lot of fun with the Garrison and was sad about some of its abilitys were reduced, but one thing I noticed that made it a huge problem, (even minor for myself), especially as I was reading guides, was that it is per character progression. I think a house per character is fine perhaps, but perhaps if the system utilized also the Warband system for certain ideas… that you can have it do neat and valuable things without it becoming ‘gross’.

Like I was reading how players would have 15 garrisons and it was insane and bad for the game. Made worse since we can share resources between characters so easily. So certain rewarding features, I wouldn’t mind existing (kind of cool), but if its per character I think it could get messy (especially if it wasn’t weak, but why make it weak if you can just reduce the more crazy behavior of running 15+ of them).

Short list:

  • The mission table encourages camping, there is nothing wrong with having a mission table but perhaps there should be some system and choices in place that reduce feeling the need to visit every hour. In FFXIV they had retainers where you could do a 1 hour venture or an 18 hour, there were circumstances where 1 hour is better but to be honest the 18 hour was totally good choice too (and depending on what you want, could be better).
  • The hearthstone should function like Death Knight or Druid teleports where you can return to where you were. This can allow people to get back into the world more readily rather than just sleep at home.
  • Some of the reward systems being character instead of account bound meant that it encouraged players to play a lot of excel / mission table further… I think this damages the system’s ability to provide rewards without becoming a balance concern (which I can see WoW nerfed, perhaps in part due to this), and also encourages what I’d consider unfun optimized play (where you do it because its good for the numbers but is not good for your fun). So like… maybe there are houses that are character specific, but some systems go “warband” wide (just like some quests are warband wide, ensuring that they can be rewarding and account wide based rewards without it becoming a problem).

For housing particularly:

  • Please make placing objects easy and powerful. In FFXIV we can make really cool designs but it requires insane bug manipulation or 3rd party tools. … Just cut to the chase and let players be goofy so they can make what they want to make.
  • Location options… self explanatory
  • If you didn’t which I’m sure you did, please look at ESO, Wildstar, FFXIV, GW2 - they all have something neat (or bad that should be avoided). Like its cool in ESO you can own multiple houses in multiple locations, quality use of phasing with many location homes would be really interesting. Wildstar had a create housing system with interesting mechanics and values. FFXIV has great decorations and a horrible housing system, please don’t even slightly force wards on us lol. GW2 is more new to me, but it looks interesting at a distance.
  • If I cant own multiple homes, like in ESO, please allow layout saving (so switching up the theme isn’t a pain). If you can, as a FFXIV player being able to move between them like a Howel’s Moving Castle door would be neat (but it would strongly encourage buying many homes, and would definitely add MANY teleports… weakening some elements of travel).
  • Dont be afraid to add cool things, just be mindful of like forcing players to do housing, especially PER CHARACTER, in order to progress end game. There are a lot of neat things in Garrisons that coming at it post content I still was like ‘oh that’s cool’. But I can understand being forced to do it in order to go into a high end content would be obnoxious, especially if I was doing it multiple times.
  • Unique choices, like Garrisons (small, medium, large plot system that offers some features but locks out others), is fine, but if you don’t allow multiple homes (ESO) or per character, then please dont make it a huge pain the butt to switch (like worst case scenario example using Garrisons would being able to permanently unlock those buildings so I can go back to previous setups without challenge). Similar to the game how you can choose a faction to rank up each week, but you’re not locked out of another. Or in other words don’t go towards covenant type deal (when looking at it from a big picture at least).
  • If possible combining with other expansion building content, even if it was housing type specific, would be cool. Like if we had an ESO type system (many houses) then you could have a house in your Garrison. Alternatively there are interfaces, or portals, to those other systems. Like a house, or feature connection, to the class hall (which is a cool feature that I was sad was also stopped).
  • Good luck with player communication, cause people have a lot of established examples to pull from lol.
  • Rotational stuff is fine, but for the love of Thrall no (true) FOMO. This remains my biggest concern playing the game, like I see neat stuff in Mage Tower, or whatever else content, and just see that it’s removed … just because. Limited exclusivity is totally fine (which is why I say “true” FOMO), but /no/ true FOMO… please… It feels emotionally abusive, like a toxic relationship.

Arson. They should add arson.