Player Housing Wishlist

Cooking stove, storage trunks, mirror that functions as a barber chair, personal reagent “fridge” that stores meats, drinks, spices, etc. Mail slot where I can write and retrieve my mail. Hearthstone game board that lets me play against other players that are in my home. Guest keys so that I can share my home with friends when I’m not online.

Increased logout bonus for rested experience since I’m sleeping in my own bed.

Picture frames that let me assign personal screenshots on my wall

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I just want it to have a diversity of themes… Like Undercity themed for Forsaken and not savage hut.

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Problem with this is, these items are usually universal, meaning they’ll end up in my bags, and i wont interact with player housing meaning they will stay in bags (and deleting individual items if they don’t have a sell value becomes a nuisance).

I do realize I may be one of the few players who don’t care for player housing, so I kind of make my posts in jests concerning this stuff

Best part of Eso housing (imo) which I hope Wow uses, is the ability for players to go beyond just decorating their house
and using furniture etc in unintended ways to create works of art.

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As someone with a medium plot in FFXIV, here’s my hopes for WoW’s implementation:

  • Personsal Housing. No limited plots. I’m okay with an instanced island if that’s more practical.
  • Fully featured and placeable items. FFXIV system is s good reference.
  • No “gameplay incentive”, which was the critical flaw of Garrisons. The motive for decoration should essentially be the same as transmog.
  • Incorporate professions and quest rewards. Feel free to add items to old reputations too.
  • Minimal microtransactions. FFXIV isn’t entirely innocent here (seasonal event furniture is common and goes on the store the year after the event), but you really don’t have to buy furniture from the store because you there’s more than enough options otherwise. Paying for baseline features from the store is a HELL NO, though gold is… bloody hell, the tokens screws with that, doesn’t it?
  • Ever-expanding evergreen feature. It mostly comes down to including new furniture each patch.

Pick your spot in a zone your faction owns/contested zones in the open world, and out side of cities and town. And make it old world zones only for lore reasons.

Do it like camps fallout 76/rust. So like you can have a plot in grizzly hills, or duskwood. Pick up and go style.

My housing wishlist

  1. House location of player’s chosing.
  2. Let the player customize their house.
  3. Add trophy room for bosses that players had defeated for HoC/CE.
  4. Inv your friends into your house.
  5. Cost of house needs to be reasonable.
  6. Add some upgrades to the house with again reasonable price.

I suspect they’ll implement a new furniture tab, so the items don’t have to stay in the bag and rather get added to some sort of catalogue.

Time passage. So the sunlight will shine through your window and fade and you’ll get moon phases and stuff, weather would be cool too, like hearing a rain storm while you’re inside.

The other thing would be some type of flavor cooking. It would be separate from Cooking and it would just be a thing you did in your house for cosmetic flavor, it wouldn’t need to give buffs or anything, but it would be cool if it did. What’s important are the animations.

That’s something I really love about Valheim and Project Zomboid. During down time you can cook and it’s really relaxing.

No AH. No professions. Keep those in the cities so they don’t become garrisons

I want to see:

Armor mannequins so I can show off sets and mogs I’ve collected
Weapon racks and displays
A mount stable where I can show off a few of my favorite mounts
A pet stable for the same reason
A bed you can log out in (and maybe faster Rested for using the bed to log out?)
A mirror for character customization
A transmog station (probably a wardrobe or a dresser)

I want every thing to cost real currency

Yeah in SWTOR you don’t really carry trophies and furniture in your inventory, its in your Stronghold’s inventory when you go into edit mode.

A comfy pillow for Arfus to sleep on.


If not customize a zone, then at least have different settings (beach, mountains, forest, haunted forest, desert etc.)

One architecture per race.

Boss trophies as many people have said above.

A local inn near by

I hope it’s just a slight extension of the garrison.

I would love to be able to have multiple homes that can be purchased in a vairety of styles like a fishing shack in STV, a hunting lodge in Grizzly Hills, a tree house somewhere the night elves haven’t been burnt down yet, a cozy little home in Elwynn… you get the picture.

I think some additional localized storage is warranted, along with a training dummy and perhaps a crafting station or two but no bank, auction, quest hubs and what not.

Would love to hang trophies of boss kills, collect music and furniture from around azeroth (like mop inn music and some of those pillows from illadans haram or whatever.)

I think you should have to be exalted with a faction to buy a home in their land and that carpentry as a new profession that can craft furniture (along with raft mounts bows, staves, wands, shields, etc.) would be a lot of fun.

Lastly a stable to show of mounts, along with having some pets out would be great too.

My only wishlist is that it don’t suck.

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I want to be able to actually build my house like have a tool to set walls and furniture. Although I’d still be happy with being able to select from a set of prefabricated houses as long as there is a large selection of them. I also hope we have the option to build an instanced house in any zone in wow we want so I can have a creepy Duskwood house or a STV beach house, or a Grizzly Hills log cabin, etc,

I also hope they make it something you have to work form. I don’t think they should just hand every player their own mansion for doing nothing.

I also hope they have an option for a separate guild house to come and hang out in.

I think instanced is the way to go. Having said that, it would be neat to see us be able to put down housing portals/doors temporarily in designated " approved" areas, and have them stick around for a week or so. Or to have a mount you can park on (in town) that looks like a caravan and has a door people can click that teleports players to your housing.

I would love for there to be multiple types of environments to pick from. Starter homes should be a nice little spot that is based on a players race choice, with a small item count and an option of a bare plot to build from scratch, or a pre-fab home they can put their items in. Plenty of ways to evolve that over time, so skipping onwards…

What I want to see:
Special housing environment drops: Just like farming mounts, transmogs and pets. It can be an environment that is a rare drop (Castle nathria, but its all yours!), achievement based, or even reps (for example if you are exalted with Therazane from Cata, you gain access to purchasing a crystalized geode cave that you can build in).

A profession (or two, or three!) based on housing. Woodworkers, taxidermists, Electricians, Arcantricians (making functional houses extra functional!)

A robust system that encourages people to use houses, and to visit houses, and to rate and seek out houses. Perhaps even reward systems or competitions people can put their houses in. Think trial of style, but with more purpose.

And thats just for starters!

Because we’re smart enough to realize that player housing and garrisons are not the same thing.