Player Housing - What I'd be happy with

Bunny people, player housing… ff14 is right there, you know? :sweat_smile:

The other primary MMO that I play is ESO. They have player housing from small inn rooms to huge estates. Most can be bought with in-game gold but some are crowns only (real money). I’d have to log in and count to get an exact number but I have around 35 houses now.

Most are decorated, some I’m working on, and some I haven’t touched yet. There are entire guilds dedicated to just player housing and quite frankly it’s fun to get patterns, make/buy furnishings, and decorate. Decorating also extends to building from scrap btw.

It’s a good way to spend time at the end of an XP while waiting for the next one to drop. Shame this game doesn’t have it.


WoW lacks A LOT of features in general. Be it customization options like sliders, color palettes, dye systems for gear, actual 3D armor, player housing, you name it. WoW is just really, really limited in so many ways.


The irony considering your BEST argument is that no one asked for dragon riding but people are asking for player housing.

Then you cant even comprehend why its not even an argument.

Never claimed to be.

However the only place I ever see people talk about player housing is the forums which in itself is a minority so by common sense if the minority of posts of the minority of the player base then by default the people wanting housing are a minority.

“please dont refute my points because I cant actually refute what you said so I am out”

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The irony is that he came in here with “you don’t know what you’re talking about” right off the bat… when he’s never even experienced player housing in MMORPGs to know what he’s even talking about.

I dislike their housing system, it’s trash. And the game is horrible to me.

I play Old Republic and Palia and ESO and Rift for housing. Used to play Wildstar for housing. But sadly it’s gone.

That doesn’t mean people should be dismissed because other games have it. Why can’t our favorite MMORPG work toward it eventually?

These threads are about ideas, things we’d like to see if it’s ever implemented.

It’s counter productive in a feedback thread where people aren’t raging insanely to just say “go play something else.”

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What’s really funny is that I was initially just trying to share what I felt I’d want. And then it turned into all this. ^^^^^

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I think there was some good conversation about actual player housing there for a minute


Says who?

PS I was talking about how making player housing would need to be applied to WoW specifically.

Well, this is what happens. You place an ordinary rock down on the ground and watch it somehow get turned into a wasp nest by individuals using alt accounts.

Beautiful isn’t it?

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Decor should be collectibes like mounts and tmog

yes, garrisons are player housing.

Just give me a Garrison without the mine and herb garden, and located on Azeroth, in present times, story-wise.

and allow my Warband alts to just hang out in there when I’m not actively playing them.

and don’t give me that “it’ll make the game less social” nonsense when ya’ll are all holed up in your private discords, using addons to keep randoms from talking to you, actively ignoring the general populace, and not being social at all anyway.

the “social aspect” boat sailed a long time ago.


If they were, why should that stop them from doing it successfully? I mean, if one were a fan of dragonriding, one could say that standard flight is a failed version of flight, and then they made dragonriding, which succeeded.

They did an early version of player housing in MoP with Sunsong Ranch which had all the bones of a player house; it was instanced, it had plots that could be improved and had external decorations added, you could do limited improvement to the farmer’s house, they added a sort of mission table set up and so on. It worked well, was very popular and they took it further with garrisons but in a completely wrong direction. If they had continued to use the pattern of Sunsong (allowing enlargement and improvement of the base building, allowing a large range of interior design, etc) they would have actually created player housing.

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I’d settle for

  1. Instanced, in every faction city.
  2. Can invite people in Party
  3. Vegetable garden
  4. Mailbox
  5. A variety of different houses to choose from
  6. Stable

I love the idea of the Housing. The Garrisons were an amazing idea, just poorly executed with too many reasons to not leave the instance.

I LOVE the idea that certain professions like tailoring can make carpets and blinds, Skinning/leather working for paintings or wall mounts.

It just gives another interest into professions that is sorely needed.

Runescape is what i keep returning too in my head. it provides utility to the game that a single player can build up to, but not break the immersion by providing too many assets that the outside content can also offer.

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They could add Woodworking as a new profession for making furniture too. Then every existing profession could make stuff as well, and even archaeology as we could dig up things to put in the house.


I definitely don’t feel a need for profession stuff, a lake, a stable, or anything like that. It’s not a garrison, and even if some people are rich enough to own their own pet dinosaur, I don’t feel we really need mansions.

What I would like is a bookcase where I can place all those gray books laying around. A trophy case where I can put nearly any item I want to show off. And maybe a refrigerator to store food and ingredients for cooking.

Housing needs to be fun and optional - a transmog, not something that generates an advantage, like a Garrison.

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Unfortunately, those who don’t know anything about player housing or don’t like it enjoy coming in to tell everyone they’re stupid and should be ignored.

I would also like to see current professions be able to to make decos. All of them! Alchemy can make dyes for wall color or vials for placement, Inscription can make books or scrolls n stuff, so on and so forth. Would be awesome to have all sorts from all professions!


They tried player housing before, they called them garrisons. People complained it turned the game into a single player RPG, public areas were all ghost towns because there was no reason to leave your garrison.

I’m assuming you’re hoping for something like FFXIV has. That’s not happening, chief. Not in a million years. It would require an entire expansions worth of development and content and a rework of their server network to host it all. The housing works in FFXIV because there are a dozen other systems built around it supporting it. The game has gone way too far in one direction to shift gears like that. At this point, it’s actually smarter to keep going their own way in regards to housing, because trying to chase what FFXIV is doing this late in the game will only result in something subpar that’s constantly compared to it and found lacking. It will also introduce a number of other problems you would hate, things you would only know about if you owned a house in FFXIV, or more accurately spent months camping just trying to buy one, only to lose it in an instant to someone just moving their existing house. Just believe me when I say you don’t want that.