Player Housing - What I'd be happy with

If we simply got the following, I think I’d be ecstatic:
*profession tables for crafting
*the garden of Halfhill, for ‘food’ not for ‘herbs’
*At least two possible locations on each continent
*Instanced, like Garrisons
*A portal to whatever main city currently exists (or Org/SW as alternative)
*Some thematic decor options
*Stable if I’m a hunter
*Access to class halls (which I think need to be revisited and utilized)

What I don’t need:
*bank, be it personal or guild
*too many vendors
*individual design customization, like furniture, etc.

I’m okay with simplicity, and I don’t want full wholly isolated housing that removes me from the world. What I want, is to be able to pick where I’m going to be so I have certain vistas, music, building style, etc. and an opportunity to craft away. While having thinks like banks and auction access would be nice, or trainers, etc. that removes from the world too much and it will never happen. As long as the reagent tab is working properly for crafting, I’m good. Especially with warbands.

I can grow some crops that I turn into food, I could fish in a pond (I forgot to add that above), I could do some crafting in peace, and then head back to the world when I’m ready to.


What you dont want AH at your house, and here all the people that want AH mounts

This I need. Otherwise, it’s just not evergreen content.

Decos create an entirely new path of earning and crafting fun things. Every profession could craft things, every facet of the game could drop things, every rep faction could have things.

That’s part of what makes housing personal and fun— and keeps it evergreen. Like earning portraits or medals from harder content every season to put on the wall.


I have no problem seeing ‘medals’ or ‘trophies’ visually display somewhere. I just don’t think it’s currently possible for them to give us customization at the levels of randomly putting things places with the current engine, so to me it isn’t something I want to prevent the option. And I disagree about that preventing it being evergreen. By being able to constantly provide current (or past) expansion items for crafting, or growing, fishing, etc. it’s still evergreen, just limited.

What you are describing is something “new”, not something evergreen. There’s a difference.

I’m not sure why not. They do it in their own buildings with their own system. It’s possible to have hooks like Old Repbulic.

It’s not stuff most care about with housing. I don’t need nor want some garden nor crafting. That’s not housing.

How is being able to constantly always be able to acquire new decos for constantly changing up the look of your house not evergreen?

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So going off your list, you’re fine with the garrison if they made these updates:

  1. Different locations (which was originally planned but removed, so might not be feasible)
  2. Change the herb garden to the halfhill garden
  3. Add the profession tables (you already get this with the huts, so that should be easy)
  4. Portals to class halls and main city (you get the latter already but there’s an extra portal hop required)
  5. Updated decorations, in addition to the Winter Veil & Hallow’s End decorations

I think the garrison has a stable option but I can’t say for sure since I’m not a Hunter.

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I feel after playing ff14 the housing system just won’t be as successful or as community driven. Sure it might be nice to have a building to dress up but I feel it will be a pretty empty system aside from showing a friend or two. I doubt they make a instanced base style like FF14. I suppose it’s a way to add a few new achievement points to the game if anything. (That all being said I imagine there are some Rp players that would love this and I can’t be a debbie downer for those players since If it makes some people happy that’s all that matters)

I could be wrong but we will see I guess. I feel guild halls are more welcomed at this point since guild system seems on life support at this point.

Guild halls are unlikely. Blizzard’s one and only comment on the subject was, “Guild halls sound like great fun for the guild master, not so much for everyone else.”

And that was that.

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Purely cosmetic, maybe with a little bit of utility, such as mail and bank access, but no access to the AH.

I wouldn’t be happy with anything less than what ESO housing is like, with SWG being the gold standard. So ideally SWG style, but with access points around the world like ESO. I think they would probably need to be in cities to remain relevant, given how travel works in WoW.

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So… the garrison? With basically one or two minor updates, what you are describing here is the garrison.


For decorating and unlock purposes, that’s how Old Republic’s are. But the perks that rotate weekly and the transportation perk help the whole guild.

Unfortunately, this community has a conniption when guilds get even the most useless of perks, so we’ll never see anything like that ever again.

WoW’s engine cannot handle free-form building.

You can’t even drop items on the ground and pick them up again, in WOW.

You can get a “mister potato head” list of menu options, like the garrison used, using pre-fixed points, but that’s about it.

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I love my trading post AH Bot in my Garrison. Too bad it’s only on a few characters since it’s not account wide and I don’t want to collect it on every one of them. Engineer AH Bot access is nice too, but not everyone is being an engineer.

I’ve played this game for 20 years without player housing, and never played a game that did have it, so honestly don’t see what the big deal is.

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Not really, no.

  • Garrisons have no access to class halls
  • Garrisons had access to a PVP city, that’s all.
  • Garrisons were only in one location.
  • Garrisons offered no decor options
  • Garrisons offered no garden of food (just herbs, mining, fishing)

And on top of that, I even described multiple garrison features I didn’t want included.

Yeah no this is a must for Player housing. The whole point of Player housing IS Design choice. Customization. Player Expression.


ain’t gonna happen then, at least not with the current system. Hope Wow2 works out for you if it ever exists.

Ugh no. The garrison is just a fort. Let us have different types of homes. If people want forts fine, but games with actual housing have houses. They also have other things like boats and stuff to decorate and customize. Garrisons are boring.


I’m sure the cosmetics would be up for negotiation. As long as people are ok with 1 of ## templates.

They already stated at Blizzcon that they had to go in and rebuild a lot of old code for Warbands to work. Meaning the ability to recraft WoW’s base code is there. While I don’t think We’ll get Housing in TWW. I do think we will get it.

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