Player Housing possible Leak, "Dragonflight." Let's talk

Professions have little to no point, they used to have a point, but now they are just for legendaries/pots/enchants. Player housing is personal character development that can be utilized in many different forms other than just getting out into the world.


How can you truly feel comfortable visiting a zone where there’s really no place to stay because the “inn” is a stairwell filled with trash, broken boxes, and spiderwebs?

Oh my gosh, being able to walk out onto a porch or lay on the roof of my home while staring up at the Highmountain night sky is a dream.

That’s even more reason to want housing!

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When you start trying to pull things from an MMO that crashed and burned harder than any MMO ever on the market, you should re-evaluate your post.

This was one of the reasons I already disliked FF14 before I tried it. If Player Housing is one of the main selling points, it shouldn’t be limited. And FF14 lovers can scream “Apartments aren’t limited” all they want, but they also aren’t nearly as spectacular as the houses.

Personally, I don’t want player housing. Too much development and art team time would be required, and I don’t want it used as an excuse for why engaging content is absent in an expansion.

“Sorry, we couldn’t make class sets for the new raid as the art team was busy making furniture.”

To be fair, the housing was easily the best thing they did in that game. And if the developers had turned away from pursuing their vision of a hardcore Vanilla like game and realized that, they might not have had to shut down.

THANK you. So I’ve been trying to get a house in FF14 for over a year. Over 100 hours of actual game time sitting at a dumb placard clicking on it, and I still don’t have one.

Complained to my best friend, who was bought a house for them by someone else, and they just go “That’s part of the system. Apartments should be good enough.” I really loathe this mentality because, as you said, apartments are not even close to the same level.

They took away tier sets for the excuse of giving us more thematic armor and instead gave us even less armor than we would get with just having class tier sets. Problem is, they waste time and development team on things they end up dropping stone cold at the end of the expansion.

Art and development went into islands, warfronts, Torghast, Visions of N’Zoth, etc etc. and they just left them. No iteration, no attempt to reuse the system, just dropped. I think they’re wasting a lot more time on bad systems, both art and design wise.


Gotta love the good old “screw you, got mine” mentality.

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The funny part is there’s nothing stopping them from making infinite houses. It’s a deliberate design choice to piss off players and make people feel special who have them.

From what I saw from the housing when I played, your “neighborhood” is instanced - meaning there’s nothing to stop them from making hundreds of instances.

Especially since they don’t load unless someone is in them.

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Something that annoyed me a lot is their new patch introduced housing in a new area. A full 24 wards or so of homes. And only 6 of those wards are for individual players, the other 18 are only for Free Companies (guild housing). They know how many people want houses and that is what they chose to do?

Now they do a lottery system so instead of sitting in front of a placard spam clicking it for hours, I get to log in at the end of the lottery entry period to either “Yay, I got the house!” or “I better remember to go pick up my money from the plot or I’ll lose 3 million Gil.” Because, y’know, can’t just mail the money back once the system determines you don’t win. Cool.

Part of why I do have minor hope in WoW is because in the past, they took ideas from other games and made them better. They haven’t done that in a while, so I have no reason to be hopeful, but here I am hoping that with their dirty laundry aired out and a cleansing of some of the worst offenders has reignited some creative passion in there, be there housing or something else fun.

Just because a game crashed and burned does not mean a system within the game wasn’t great overall. Being a community council member, you really should realize this.

This also was not my post; this was a quote from a player who enjoyed an aspect of player housing that other games did not adapt.

FFXIVs main selling point is not player housing.

I do respect your opinion, I would argue that it’s a bit moot however, because anyone can argue that all the dev time it would take would = other aspects of expansions prior, and all that dev time now days is wasted because its, “old content.”

Player housing could evolve with expansions and not be wasted.

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no it’s less…

why be trapped to a single location when you can go anywhere

See, that’s where we differ.

I don’t view Player Housing as important, and yet it’s one of the selling points of a game for me.

You view Housing as important, and yet… you don’t view it as a selling point.

If Player Housing isn’t important enough to be a selling point of a game - why should they add it to WoW?

I can travel anywhere, and then return home after a long journey to a place I built/decorated myself and chose a place for myself.

Yep, that sounds incredible to me.

Do you have a home or do you live in an RV that you move from site to site?

Good News! You can already do that in WoW. You even have a handy Garrison Hearthstone to send you there. :smiley:

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You’d be surprised how many people want this without knowing that’s what they want.

you clearly didn’t see my post earlier…

but i live in a a in a house that has 3 floors if you must know

Garrisons aren’t player housing. They’re a base of operations that failed to deliver on what they were pitched as at BlizzCon (specifically customizable buildings and race themes) and that I did not choose for myself (another pitched idea that got pitched) filled with NPCs that have the weird new mechanic of always turning their heads to stare at me if I’m close enough, which is really creepy especially in a place I’m supposed to call home.


plenty of people think they want something they don’t really want

“you think you do…but you don’t” Infamous line that honestly is partially valid and bad PR still

look at wow classic and how everyone now wants changes and era servers are dead
(SOM didn’t do enough changes, needed class/item balance changes, and I even got banned from forums for suggesting changes to the original classic release, cause #nochanges people were lunatics)

people screamed they wanted it, and now they screaming at blizzard it sucks.

there is no winning with crazies.

Actually, we have TWO houses. If you like big, the Garrison. If you like small and cozy, the farm in Pandaria.
And, whenever Goodberry needs a bit of relax, there are dozens of good inns, and hundreds of cozy houses around.

I didn’t expand on my initial statement. Not sure if it was intentional or not. Maybe laziness. Who knows.

What I meant to say is, people say they’re escaping reality, which is true, but all they ultimately want is a reality they have more control over. I see it a lot in FF and other types of games.

WoW’s the exception. I don’t see any awkward re-lifers running around turning the game into their persona. Or maybe I’m not being exposed to it. Dunno.