Player Housing possible Leak, "Dragonflight." Let's talk

RIP Player housing died …again… on 4/19, maybe next xpac

Assuming the player housing leak is true, whether you like it or not. How do you think it could be implemented correctly this time around?

If you don’t like it at all and think it’s the dumbest thing ever, what would you do in place of it? Or how could Blizzard make you happy with player housing?

Personally, I hope that the housing is not tied to the new expansion, I think we should get the choice of different “neighborhoods,” tied directly to the major cities of the factions, Stormwind/Org, Thunder Bluff/Ironforge. etc. In a perfect world, I would like to see customizable furniture/trophies/landscaping/building. I would love a dueling arena like Runescape has, I would love a stable for your Hunter pets / Battle pets.

I think the point to player housing could be guild meeting halls/RP/War rooms(dueling). And I think it would be nice to show off different trophies/statues for killing raid bosses/ achieving m+ and PVP rating thresh holds.

I think we finally need the woodworking profession; it would go hand in hand with the player housing system, let us cut the trees down!

Also I am looking for great ideas from players from other games. Are you a FFXIV, LOTRO, OSRS housing master? Please explain why it is done right in those games and I will quote you here.




(Look, just because a game failed, does not mean some of its systems werent the best iterations of what they could be. Players in this game loved housing, its obvious, maybe lets bring those people back to wow?)

Elder Scrolls Online


Other Ideas from the community summed up.

At this point, I would like to say, the community seems worried Blizzard won’t put enough effort and resources into this, I think it’s pretty obvious that you should.


In my opinion, I doubt the WoW game engine could support the required features it would take for players to consider housing to be done “correctly”

At best, I would not expect more than a snapping system that allows you to put certain items into specific places. It would be similar to garrisons but on a smaller scale.


They should try it out with a single house, like the Mists farm or garrison.
One house in Orgimmar, one in Stormwind that we can all get…
If it is popular, then add more houses later.
its literally as simple as picking ANY door and making it portal to an internal player house. They dont even have to add new external buildings to pull it off.


Where would they even stick player housing? In the new areas?

I highly doubt they’re going to expand old Azeroth. Even if they do, they’re going to gimp on other content.

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Thing about that, that sounds similar to the WOD version which was not player housing at all. I think they should go all in like legion and throw everything at the wall and see if it sticks, tip toeing can lead to players not wanting the system, like WOD.

They have revamped major cities plenty of times, they can do it again. I would never tie a feature like this to an expansion, because when an expansion is over, no one goes back. Hell the only thing I use my garrison for now days is a hearth when my other stones are on cd.

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Any door in Stormwind could act as a portal to a phased single room flat.


I very much hope for “neighborhoods” in various different zones too. It wouldn’t be the worst thing if the system were tied to only a couple of cities but it would deflate the concept significantly.

Garrisons were originally supposed to have allowed the player to choose any of the Draenor zones as their location, and the reason that this got cut is that it was just too much work to integrate all the different tiers of garrisons into the landscapes of all those zones seamlessly. This shouldn’t be a problem with player housing since the variability of house shapes should be vastly lower than it was for garrisons, plus they could put it into an instanced subzone of each area so that the neighborhood map doesn’t need to co-exist with the prior zone map and can just be what it needs to be.

The system also needs to have infinite supply of houses to prevent flusterclucks like FFXIV’s housing (where only the richest players in the game have houses), which also suggests something instanced or at minimum phased.


They would have to instance it like they did in WoD. I don’t see how they could make anything resembling a community.

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Revamped in the sense the map is static, sure. Plopping player housing in would be a revamp of the engine that runs the world in the first place. The quicker/more maintainable approach would be instanced housing similar to FF14.

Blizzard can surely do darn near anything, but I doubt they’ll go far enough to change the world itself to fit a new system. Totally possible though. If anyone’s proven they can dev new systems in, it’s Blizzard.

That’s the approach I’m thinking they’ll take as well. I doubt they’ll put in static world housing.

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I thought they were against a WoD like garrison because it made the world feel empty.

Yea I agree, I actually think the perfect iteration of player housing is the Lotro neighborhoods, or even the OSRS housing system, which are built on a worse engines than Blizzard’s. I think if Blizzard would take a leaf out of Turbines book and used their well known polish to it, it could end up being one of the most popular features.

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I agree that they’ll probably do something instanced/phased, but dynamic housing wouldn’t be that bad to monkeypatch into WoW’s engine I don’t think. For example it’d be janky but they could abuse the content streaming part of the game (where the game downloads assets as they’re needed) to stream different versions of zone maps to the client depending on the server you’re playing on.

The thing that made garrisons empty the world out was the sheer level of utility they had. Eliminate most of that utility, making them functionally equivalent to transmog where it’s just cosmetic fluff, and that ceases to be a problem.


I love eso player housing. It would be fun to add something like that to the game.

Not necessarily the richest. More along the lines of the most resilient. It was called housing savage for a reason.

The most recent patch just guaranteed most FC’s to have a house, but few players to have a house. They have way more solo players than we do so they’re not exactly pleased. With the lottery system on top of it, it’s all luck now.

They really just need to solve the overall problem by putting in infinite housing. Stop giving the players the BS excuse on data/processing limitations. That’s a one way ticket to going out of business.

[Edit] Rofl I think we just indirectly agreed with each other.

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This is why you would never tie it to the new expansion, if you leave it in Stormwind/Org, etc. People will not just stay in them. There were too many conveniences(professions) in the Garrison that made the player not go out in the world, but I think the biggest issue that no one realizes is that there wasn’t exactly a major city in WOD, so people just chilled in an instanced garrison that had all their stuff at the ready.

Then we run into the problem of them rushing it. Id personally prefer they take their time and make sure there arent any kinks.
The farm was great…the garrison is what happens when they go full blown nuts with the concept. We dont need a repeat of that mess lol

I’m ambivalent on housing. I could take it or leave it. However, if the leak is true, I’d be happy for the people who have wanted it for a long time.

I think player housing in New World is done nicely. Houses are located in the settlements. You can decorate not just the inside but the outside as well. It’s kind of neat to see how people decorate the front on their houses.


Honestly, they’re way better off doing zoning.

In-world housing would be an absolute nightmare. We’d be doing “Alliance & Horde party” testing for several patches, if not expansions.

Zoning would be quicker and let them isolate the two engines. It would give players what they want initially and let them test way faster than trying to rig two engines together.

omg I 100% agree the farm was amazing.


If we are going to do Player Housing, I hope that the house starts small and get progressively more grand each expansion.

I would also prefer if it was closer to a Class Hall instead of an actual house. It should be solo content but have some sort of function to it instead of just some place to stand around in.

Class based housing would give you the chance to have different houses on your alts.