Player Housing open letter

Actually there is.

Your feelings because you disagre with my position doesn’t make me trolling.

Brise and I heavily disagree. You don’t seem me claiming their trolling because of it.

You as well.

Always people that can’t refute points refer to calling people trolls.

You say casual players in the same breath as the most time intensive activity. It isnt that I don’t think certain players wouldn’t enjoy it.

I just don’t think enough would for the massives amounts of resources and future storage expenses it would add to every character

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Are player housing threads the new “Sylvanas Did Nothing Wrong” threads? There seems to be a new one every few hours.

How many times are we going to scream into the void for something that hasn’t happened in 20 years?

People said this about transmog as well and we can see how popular this is. People that play WoW love collecting things, having housing is just another collection. It would be a collection that spans every activity of the game crafting, pet battles, PvP, world content, raiding, M+ and even achievements for play the AH. Blizzard could even make a few changes to WoW logging to make a carpenter profession that everyone could learn, like cooking and fishing. Crafting items for housing could also make old profession mats usable.


I don’t recall anyone saying that about transmog… i recall the clown pimps of tbc.

Was a different argument about showing off prestige back then

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I never saw anyone complain about transmogs being added.


ironically…that one will tell you there is no false flagging for the same exact reason when he and his group are gang flagging posts they dont like.
VERY funny to see him now saying the opposite, lmao

I don’t flag anyone unless they make comments about my family.

I’d appreciate if you would stop spreading lies.

In the context they were mentioned in, the point was made.
Take the DRing mounts…there are mods I’ll never get because of the content they exist in that I wont ever bother with.
If that player could farm the mod, then it wasnt soulbound so they could sell it on the AH, sure…I’ll pay them a pretty penny for it.

Same here.
Put some of the recipes for housing crafted items in M+ or mythic raiding and that gives that group something they can craft and sell on the AH.
its already a thing with some crafting recipes…just bring it into housing if the ever do it.


Are you a streamer? Are you a investor? Do they call you by name when you go to a blizzard event? Do you have like a discord friend list of people in blizzard? Do you get blue responses on any of your posts? If all you have are no’s, then to them, you are a nobody. A clown. Some with opinion and beliefs that dont matter to any of them. Sorry, but it is what it is. Nice post btw. [Not heing sarcastic]

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I remember seeing a few people complain about transmogs being added and some people still do complain about them.

Heck, there’s been literal threads about people wanting to be able to hide mogs.

Link one as I have never seen one in GD

Could have just hit that little search button and typed in “Hide transmogs” and you would have seen more than a few.

I could but burden of proof is on you as you made the claim.

Even if that’s not a troll post it’s not something that’s going to happen.

Not going to waste dev time for something that is so pointless and minor for a niche amount of people.

You asked for a post, I gave it to you. Either way, I’m going to bed. This back and forth has been…exhausting and so not even remotely worth my time.

The game has housing, players would be better off asking Blizzard to update and expand it, rather than make something from scratch.

Then you haven’t read every thread in the general forums…which is of course, true for nearly all of us. The most common complaint by the ‘anti-transmog’ crowd was that PvPrs would no longer be able to gauge the relative power of their opponent just by looking at them.

Sounds silly, right? But then…most complaints against optional features ARE silly.


They did player housing. It was garrisons. And they didn’t like it because the social interaction in the cities dwindled. Because everyone just sat in their garrison and did things. It was basically their own personal. Capital city.
So I don’t think blizzard will do that again. And to be honest. I don’t think the majority of players actually want player housing. It would be a waste of development man power.


True but I was pointing out the nature of the complaints where different