Option to hide transmog

I want the check box option to hide all transmog in the game. I want to be able to see the gear that players are actually using instead of the random transmog sets people come up with. Especially now with some of the transmogs looking like Fortnite skins. I don’t want to see murloc backpacks, butterfly wings, and practically naked people in the raid.

This is all personal preference. I know and understand the argument for those pro transmog and I don’t want to take that away from the game. I simply would like a toggle off option for those who don’t like transmog, for whatever reason they have. Players didn’t really need a good argument for wanting to hide their pants, yet that’s being added.

Not sure what the tech demands are for something like this, but here’s hoping that one day this will be a new implementation.

I’ve seen a few posts on this years ago, simply wanted to bring the idea up once again.


Your request has been received and probably denied. Please try again in 5-8 business years.

Real answer: They’re not going to implement something like this because it serves no purpose and would be a waste of development time.


Serves no purpose. To say something has no purpose is purely subjective. One could argue many of the implementations serve no purpose.


Woah be careful op.

I made a similar thread asking for the same thing and all the posters who scream for more options and toggles said “NoOOoO I need a reason to receive attention from strangers!” :joy:


Okay, what purpose does it serve to the game to turn transmog off on an individual basis?


The purpose, as the op stated, is to not see other people’s transmogs.


Scary to be so heavily against an option that wouldn’t change how the user experiences transmog. You like transmog? Great, you’re able to see it. Don’t like it? You don’t have to see it.


And how would you sell this to your team leader on a development team? What would your argument be to redirect resources from other assignments?


… I think you misunderstood.

I’m pro transmog toggle.

I don’t care to see the ridiculous fortnite skins blizzard created.

How do you go through real life seeing people dress differently?


The more client side options the better.

Time was wasted for a spider toggle why not this?


Wouldn’t bother me if they did this. It’s a purely “first person mode”-like option that doesn’t prevent anyone from something, and it would function - somewhat - similarly to toys that turn folks into floating hearts or corgi’s without affecting the other players.

I’d still be able to mog, and if someone wanted to see what gear I have, inspecting is something in game.


Arachnophobia is a medical condition, not liking the way gear looks is a preference.


“isnt useful enough to justify time spent doing it”.

I think that covers the subjective aspect of it. If they dont see the masses using such a thing, why bother with it?
Not to say that anything they do specifically is used by the masses, they come up with a lot of useless crap themselves, lol…but unless youre on the dev team, I doubt theyre gonna take song requests for something that isnt gonna be used much.

So you’re against players having the ability to toggle off transmog for their personal viewing experience. Again, not sure how this personalized feature hurts your gaming experience.

I’d rather not compare WoW to real life. I’m able to walk around WoW with underwear, does that mean I can in the real world? I technically could but the law wouldn’t be as forgiving lol. You see my point.


It would bother me. Transmog is part of my character identity. It’s how I want others to see my character.


What about all the other “medical conditions”?

well, I mean we do have the Gnomish X-ray specs already…so its not like NOT seeing everyones transmogs isnt a thing already. lol.

Seems like something someone would have made an addon for, honestly.
The OP cant be the onlyperson in WoW who has considered this.

Yeah, that’s true. I guess I’m less bothered by it because I know toys exist that can make me into a cute little floaty heart ( :smiley: ) or the other player may be color blind and not see portions of my mog the same way I do, etc.

But I will always enjoy your mogs!

If video game spiders can set off arachnophobia couldn’t in game naked people set off ptsd for victims of abuse?

I suffer from neither, but I feel like the logic could work either way.