Player Housing open letter

Garrisons are not, nor ever will be housing. Anyone that says that, doesn’t know what player housing actually is. Period.


It’s not optional whether or not you see some ones transmog, otherwise

Wouldnt be an “issue,” would it?

The pro-housing people want the ability to have a single building, and then place furniture objects in it where-ever they feel like. Maybe they want a night elf couch in the corner, a dwarf kitchen table/chairs, and a gnome flavored stove. Who knows.

They want their own little area they can customize with bits of furniture that currently exists throughout the game as doodads/decoration.


Some of the complaints were different but some of the complaints were “I don’t play WoW to be a Barbie dress up simulator”. Complaints happen but that does not mean the content would not be enjoyed by many people.


not the same at all.
There were quests upon quests, AH, crap to do for hours in the Garrison.
dont do that again…just make it cosmetic. Put lots to farm for it in all content and people will be out there farming that stuff all over the game.


As a higher end pvper this argument is actually terrible. (I know you didn’t make it)

This sounds like trolls or some really really bad players coping.

Blizzard has a habit of making things not optional.

There are tons of games that people can do this with. WoW doesn’t need to be one.

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Eh. Folks have their history with this game and their characters. They enjoy the art style, music, world, etc. Generally, Wow’s done alright with things like transmog, toys, mounts, general cosmetics…

Wanting more and interesting things along those lines isn’t an unreasonable request to at least discuss.

I’m not convinced that they’d be getting it in any period of time that doesn’t involve a mention of ‘years’ and/or ‘expansions from now’, nor with the features they want initially though.


Til it happens :dracthyr_shrug:

Squeeky wheel gets the grease, mon frère


They’re implementing this feature in the next expansion.

Sure they are.

I’ve played with housing in various MMORPG’s for 25 years now, player housing takes many forms and there are lots of different ways of doing it.

Garrisons are one of them.

The OP’s proposal of having tract housing all over the open world is another. Lots of people hate that approach.

There is no, single, version of player housing, that even a majority of the people who “want player housing” could agree on.

If Blizzard DID say okay, we’ll re-do player housing from scratch, tell us what to do… it would be chaos. Nobody would be able to agree on anything.

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it really wouldn’t – the people who want a game that lets them design and decorate a house are already playing a game like that.

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lmao…and here we are…about to go into a SECOND expansion with pathfinderless flight on day one.

Guess that screeching paid off.
and STILL we have a small group in here who just cant stop insisting that things will NEVER change in this game.

yeah…housing COULD be added at some point…just like FLIGHT has changed over the years lmao.

Yes it increases the replay value of the game immensely.

Transmog was revolutionary and so would player housing.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


lol don’t let the “dragonriding isn’t flying!!!” people get wind of this post

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Transmog is vastly superior to housing because transmog is portable. It lets you show off wherever you are.

The game already has player housing, ask for it to be updated, you’ll have better luck of getting that to happen.

Im just doing my best to ignore the ones in here trolling for attention. lol
It doesnt matter what the topic is, they cant help themselves but just be contrarians just to hear themselves talk. lol

The more we ask for stuff, the more likely it becomes possible.
If no one is asking for it, theres no reason to think anyone wants it, so why bother.

Those who want housing should say it even louder and more often.

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The very best games are the ones with great replay value.
Few if any bought Monopoly back in the day, played it once and never touched it again lol
Games that suck you only play once and never bother with again.

WoW for all its shortcomings has a lot of replay value…which is why many of us have alts.
Farming mogs IS ‘end game’ for many of us. That or pets or mounts or all of the above.

Those who just want M+ and Pvp…thats great for them…but they have no business coming into threads like this just to say edgy crap to troll for attention.
No one serious about these kinds of topics should give them any energy or attention.

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I agree. For me personally it is nicer to have something of lasting value. Seasons come and go but having you earned and can look back on is really nice and fun.

Why woul BlizZard update garrisons?

Garrisons is too clunky to be player housing at this point. Player housing should be smaller and more customizable.’

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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We dont need player housing. Whole point of the game isnto be out and about exploring world doing quest,dungeons,pet battle, world quests, raids, achievements.the resource that would be potentially spent on that coukd be used elsewhere. Player housing to me is another version of Sims . Plenty of gsmes out there like that already.

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