Player Housing open letter

Ironically, ESO and other games have housing…and its certainly used. I would see other players running in and out of the player housing every time I was near a housing door myself lol.

Theyre just here to argue for attention. personally…just stop giving it to them.


Because people seem to not understand how businesses work.

Not what I said. I said they shouldn’t happen.

and yet they did garrisons and didnt whine about it. lol.
somehow methinks that talk is sourced in laziness, not reality.

Just look at every housing thread.

It’s a few known solo players everytime. Common sense would say that if it’s the same few people posting and it’s less than 100 people they are a minority of a minority.

Businesses like money. I don’t think you understand how much they would make on just that alone. They might actually have enough money to make the game worthwhile again with how much they would make off housing. I know people who would drop literal thousands of $s on housing lol. So…ya know. Enjoy your wrongness I guess.


I’m starting to think for those who really don’t want player housing the real reason is they are afraid of all the extra steps involved like there were with garrisons and this I don’t blame them for.

You make something too complex no one would want to deal with it, it’s supposed to be fun and not too extraordinary or meta,

Just something simple that does not take up too many resources, RP’ers will just use it for RP mainly.

It would be nice to just have one house for the entire account instead of multiples.

You still cannot prove that it’s impossible that a minority of a minority does not state what features the unheard majority of players might want and enjoy added to the game. Nor is your opinion on what may or may not be a profitable development by Blizzard equal incontrovertible fact.

Neither you nor I are irrefutable authorities on what is true. The difference between us is that I’m not trying to make myself out to be one. No one likes to be proven wrong…so the best way to avoid that is to not insist on being always and absolutely right.

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I think you’re drastically under estimating the upfront cost of def time to implement it

I also think you’re drastically overestimating the total crowd that actually wants player housing.

So either you know a very small minority or you’re not being honest

I’ve played MMOs with player housing. It’s just another collecting mini-game that doesn’t really appeal to me. I’d be fine if it was added to WoW, just for the love of all that is Holy, make it instanced so we don’t have to stare at trailer parks spread all over Azeroth.

I never said that was fact but it goes both ways.

You also can’t say that it would be profitable

The only thing that backs my statement is that Blizzard has t done it. If they knew it would be profitable they would do it.

Neither am I.

I’m making points. Some based on fact some based on opinion.

Yeah this isn’t going anywhere. You have zero idea on what you’re talking about, nor do you know how businesses work at all, apparently especially gaming companies. They are aware it is something that has been asked for, have acknowledged it, and said they are considering it. So again. Enjoy your wrongness.


Its Its rarely used in most games and a massive resource hog.

WoW assets are also all themed around different light sources. Its doable im just not convinced its worthwhile.

And his argument is absurd.
there are a list of things in this game that dont really draw in a bunch more money for the game specifically, but they add to the ambience of the game over all.

By that illogic, lets just remove everything that isnt used by 99% of the base.
oh wait…we did that and killed First Aid and Archeology and ruined a lot more of the personality of this game.

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If they incorporate crafting professions, personally I think it’ll blow a cork and be a fan favorite…even for players who dont like the housing themselves.
So if I just prefer my garrison, but I can make a killing crafting stuff for others housing, Im in by default anyway.

Put some of the plans/recipes in harder content…that way someone like me has to pay some high end player to make it for me if I want it.

Add storage chests, like a guild bank thing…with 30 slots or something so you can have alittle more storage in your housing.
Not necessary…but its not necessary in ESO either, but its nice to have.

personally, this would be a casual players paradise, especially those of who love farming transmog. Farming new stuff for housing would keep me busy for anotehr 7 years lol.

It makes me giggle that some here claim its no starter, but 5 years ago these are the same ones who would have been dumping on the idea of modded dragonriding mounts.

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The irony.

Actually I do.

This literally proves my point. I’d explain how this proves my point with why they haven’t done it but you’d ignore it

you have to love when they pull that business crap.
Theyve laughably tried that hoax with me and Ive been running business since 1985…long before some of the jokers were out of diapers. lol.

Meh just gonna flag as trolling, because that’s all it is at this point. They’re whole argument is “Nuh uh.”

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If you actually run a business lol because your posts come across as if you’re 12 years old

Flagging someone because you disagree with them is against tos btw

There is no false flagging, as per a moderator’s own words. I believe all you are doing is trolling, and therefore I will flag it as such. Have a fantastic day, but you are no longer worth my time.

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