Player housing? More like, Howsing... sorry

Man I wish, open the game up to allowing players to add their own stuff like with a Steam workshop, let us build wherever we want how we want, but yeh no, this is Blizzard, glorified Garrisons is about all they will plan to give us.

Maybe with enough feedback before it even hits we can force them to give us what we are all actually asking for, full customisation in a house on a plot of our choice.

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That’s probably a reach. And I think assaulting Blizzard with feedback that screams ‘You give me exactly what I want or I riot’ is a pretty good way to get ignored.

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My hopes for housing are that it focuses on customization and creativity. I’d love it if they gave us the option to place furniture and decorations anywhere in the house, instead of just having predefined spots. I want to see giant pillow forts as houses!

I also hope it’s designed as evergreen content and not just an expansion feature that we’ll rarely visit once the next expansion is released.

What have the Romans ever done for us???

The best thing about player housing is the already inflated expectations, many of which are plainly outside the realm of reality given WoW’s limitations. It’s going to be a glorious time to be on the forums when it drops I believe.


At least now I can afk in my own home instead of dornogol.

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This guy knows how to keep his expectations low.

I can’t wait for the “there is. NO “world” in world of Warcraft anymore cuz no one leaves there homes posts. Gonna be glorious

I’m also expecting garrisons 2.0 with maybe some trophies for achieves like Ksm or aotc.


I will say, in terms of sheer size, I’d take a Garrison with better placement capabilities and the ability to change the actual theme for more than just guards.

Garrisons were HUGE, it has it’s own inn with 4 bedrooms with about 2 beds each. It was practically a small town, just the buildings being so limited among some other internal stuff and the fact that it was stuck in the worst places, especially for Horde, were the biggest gripes.


I personally loved garrisons. If they gave us garrisons with a tad bit more customization I’d be completely fine.

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I think I have a fairly clear image in my head of what I think they will try to do based on deconstructing the tease and looking at the sorts of tech they have been adding over recent expansions.

But we’ll have to wait and see.

I hope the devs do a better job of managing expectations this time rather than letting the hype become disconnected from the reality again. Watching the train wreck of reactions to garrisons coming while playing WoD alpha, knowing that people were expecting something different than what was coming and getting downvoted every time I tried to correct delusions being hyped up was painful.

The way to do that is to be very clear about what to expect early. I think that ship sails when you come out of the gate with a vague teaser and little else.

Based on that teaser I expect a kind of Skyrim-lite type housing. Little customization and a few preset “nodes” to place trophies on.


I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are fishing for peoples’ wish lists while there is still time to do a little more iteration.

But yes, this is a dangerous path to have taken given how quickly dreams become expectations.

A combination of both. Maybe tie it in with warbands. But keeping the AH and stuff out. Those other plots are for your warband.

We don’t know. That’s why it is fun to visit the forums because we can guess and speculate.

I think that it will be account-wide, warband style where every toon can contribute.
I think that it will span expansions.
I think that it will start like a character creation screen with a bunch of options like housing style (night elf vs human), trophy displays, maybe three tmog displays that we can change (it’ll look like the Japanese armor that we see in movies maybe). Pick one pet to walk around.
And, after reading these forums, it seems mandatory to have professions reflected in the housing, so maybe we choose barn vs outdoors.

I do think that many will want to show off their housing to others, so maybe a version of “have group, will travel” to port them there.

Location is a trick. Can we really plant a plot and walk out the door to fish in the Grizzly Hills? Or will it be expansion exclusive? We’ll need unique hearthstones for sure.

It’s fun to guess, I’m enjoying this.

I think it will span them but I don’t expect it to travel with them. It will be a system that they can “reset” us on with each expansion like just about any other. Perhaps a single (or a few) purchasable instanced building(s) within each new capital?

That would be about my highest expectation of it.

I never really expect them to place plots out in the world. It’s a fairly big world but limited enough that this would cause clutter and server issues I believe. It will end up being completely instanced.

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“I want housing to be evergreen content”

Brevity is the soul of wit, OP. Holy moly.

The only thing it really missed were the commander’s quarters. There was no personal space for your character in the Garisson.

The alliance level II main hall was actually the most home-like structure in that expansion. They could base houses off of that.

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Personally I always designated the top floor of the tier 3 inn as that, as it was the only place with actual beds, nightstands/dressers, a table with food, etc.

But yeah, it definitely did not feel like a private residence outside of the VERY TINY corner that was the top floor of the inn.

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Judging from the teaser, we can expect:

  • A simple, instanced home
  • Decorations from our “achievements”
  • Something mildly customizeable

However, what we do not know is:

  • Is it an apartment in the city, a home in the open world, or both?
  • How much customization? If it is a home, do I get to use a Gnome housing model instead of human? Can I use Goblin instead of Orc?
  • How many open world zones will have them?
  • Can we buy more than one?

I get that it was a teaser… but it would be nice to hear

  • Where they will be located
  • How much they will cost to not just buy, but decorate
  • Which zones will they be in