Player housing? More like, Howsing... sorry

Honestly, something similar to garrisons would be the only thing to go with.
But, I don’t see it lasting very long even if Blizz did it.
After all, garrisons weren’t something that earned much praise when it was current.
A standard house that you can tinker with decor and such, would lose it’s shine far too quickly.
And with so much to do in the open world, the last thing on your mind is laying down that new rug. Ya know?

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My fear is how much trolling people will be able to do if you can put your house anywhere. What’s to stop someone from putting it at the bottom of a lake, inviting people over and having them all drown by the time they realize what’s going on? Or put the house in lava?

What’s there to stop people from putting the house in cave so you can’t get out? Sure you can hearth, but it’s still using a CD. Also, putting a house in a forest, what’s to stop someone from having a tree/rock/mountain block the door or even being in the spot where you would hearth in or teleport in? The game doesn’t do well with this and it could result in a ton of DCs.

My other question is with tables and chairs and other home items that could cause you to clip through a wall and DC, or otherwise get stuck. In order to avoid people trolling other people with tables and chairs, I almost feel like there would have to be a lot of coding put in place to stop people trapping themselves or others with placement.

I am just afraid that with a ton of customization, there is the potential for a ton of trolling/disconnecting or other weird game behavior.

I want housing to be fun — I had a LOT of fun putting together my strongholds in SWTOR, but you also didn’t get DC’d every time your character clipped into something.

I also enjoyed housing in Old School Runescape, though it has much more restrictive options.

I want housing to be good, but I am not willing to set my expectations that high because I don’t want to be disappointed.

Well today I read an interview with Holly whatsherface who said it was a 'Decades long" thing, so here’s hoping they do it right.

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Best idea ever!!