Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

That’s, like, just your opinion, man.

I disagree. Okay, now lets have cake.

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This seems to be a common thing with Blizz, they add a version of it that is either poorly designed or forced on everyone, then use the backlash to justify not adding it.

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You don’t pay my sub. Let me have my barbie mansion with my battle pets and tea time with yogg saron.

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No. Player housing doesn’t exist.

Learn more about player housing in MMOs and the garrison before you try to continue a conversation. Because I’m not arguing with someone who doesn’t even know what they’re talking about.

LOL really? Then I’m 10000% done with that person.


As harsh as the OP is and as passionate as some people are about housing, he’s 100% right in this case.

Housing is absolutely fantastic as a creative outlet! For roughly 2 weeks until you get everything set up perfectly how you want it, show it off to some friends, and move on with your life. If you’re particularly antisocial, you might afk there instead of a city while in long queues, but it’s no longer content at that point, it’s just your hiding spot.

Literally the only people I see reliably use Housing Features in other MMOs are active Roleplayers, because a highly customizable space is HUGE for RP.

Everyone else? It’s a neat one-off gimmick for a bit then it’s forgotten. Mostly. There will always be people who are exceptions, but this is the standard behavior I’ve seen.

Anyway, moving on:
Honestly, as someone that’s like… Roleplay-Adjacent, I do want Housing. But I also understand that to implement proper housing and not just some bland Skyrim-style failure of a chore list, it’d be a massive undertaking for Blizzard’s art department. And given the part joke / part truth of WoD’s “Ray D Tear” boss and gravestone poking fun at Garrisons taking resources from other aspects of the game, they simply don’t have the staff or time to work on Housing without hurting the more mainstream content avenues people expect in any given WoW expansion. Or, if not that, hurting the release schedule by pushing an expansion back several months to ensure it gets this feature as well as an acceptable amount of standard content.

For those reasons, I don’t think it would be a good move to implement Housing in WoW at this point in time. I think it could have made sense if it were added at launch in 2004, or with TBC, or… MAYBE they could get away with it in WotLK. But anytime after that? Content release windows are pretty much set in stone, so anything making it take longer or taking away from the content that can be added within that window is a no-go. If it were already here, minor updates would be possible now and again without much trouble, but making it from scratch? It’s too big of project for such a niche market.

The next time it could be feasible IMO is… if they ever decide to stop developing expansions but still keep the servers up indefinitely or at least for a long period of time afterward. That’s when we’d want to see more evergreen style content, even if it causes delays or has niche appeal, because nothing else is coming. That’s it. Leave it as something that players can mess with without needing Blizzard intervention.

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The conversation is about the implementation of player housing in WoW which can be done without knowing what a garrison is. Also, maybe instead of just taking people’s word for it…maybe think for yourself and see if what they are saying is true instead of just believing things that you want to believe. I started in wow in 2016 and that guy you are believing is lying saying that I was playing in 2012.

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housing can be a long term concept that gets developed minutely over the next 10 years. Build the foundation first and then spend more money on it later.

You can’t build anything in any aspect of life without a solid foundation and expect it to last.


You have a 2011 achievement for WoW’s 7th anniversary on that account. Then you also have achievements for doing a few things in your garrison, it is right under Achievements Expansion features Draenor Garrison.


I wouldn’t honestly go that far. In some cases, he’s correct. But it’s an incredibly popular part of nearly every modern MMO for a reason in the same was transmog is. By the logic you’re providing for the OP, you must believe people transmog once and don’t touch it again, which is objectively untrue.

So what’s the excuse if they’re already failing to provide content for people without housing being involved? Blizzard has failed to provide content all of Shadowlands and there’s no housing to blame here. Also it’s kind of baffling to me that smaller studios can provide more content than someone the size of Blizzard, because it feels like they’re the only ones who think providing two content patches in two years is acceptable.

I don’t know, I honestly can’t give kudos to the OP and I don’t think Blizzard is incapable of doing it, especially since the assets are all there already. But I do think that Blizzard is run by people and for people who don’t want any RP aspect in the game and are willing to put in a half-baked attempt in order to say “there, look, we tried and it didn’t work, you think you do but you don’t.” They like to claim they make content for all levels of play but they really make it for the raiders, dungeoners, and they throw a bone to the PvPers. They have a surprising disdain for the casual world content players, and a pure hatred for RPers.

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Then it’s some kind of error because the very first time I touched WoW was in 2016 during the launch of legion.

So I logged on to my old realm/account from legion. Apparently I did do some garrison stuff but I don’t remember it at all heh…guess it was too long ago. However all my achievements for it are listed as 2016. I see the 2012 achivement you are talking about. the darkmoon faire one. I have no clue because I know I wasn’t playing in 2012. shrugs i don’t know…i don’t know, can you get achievements while doing a trial version? that’s the only thing i can think of.

As long as there is no player power tied to the system, it’s a big whatever either way from me.


The whole point of player housing was to have place to put cosmetics like say trophy’s skulls and thing you have achieved during game, instead of just being a list on tab. it would be something tangible you can look at and if people want sit on the a++ all day that’s their choice it not like they are going play with you either way

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Sure that could happen a few ways.

Blizzard Error
Playing on a family account
Bought an account

Now you could have boosted your character but your quest are showing that you did things in 2011 as well. Just hide your profile and no one will know if you are lying or not. Right now the achievements are saying either you are a liar or you bought the account, neither of which are good.

Also knowing what the garrison is helps the talk about player housing because people are equating the garrison with housing. The issue with that is a lot of people really hated garrisons for different reasons. They were forced content, they only had one design, and they just were not “fun” for the most part. People want housing they can personalize, that is optional, and that is fun for them to collect things for.


there’s another possibility besides lying or buying an account, and that is being mistaken. i don’t know if you saw my edited post above…but the only thing i can think of is that i tried a trial version of the game in 2012…because i’m certain i wasn’t playing during mists. if i was playing during 2012…that should mean i mean i have some other achievements during that time that shows this right?

i have no need to hide my profile because i have nothing to hide…but yes i do make mistakes

edit: after cycling through achievements…apparently i do have some from 2011 and 2012 on a name that vaguely sounds familiar…jesus i don’t remember this at all…i coulda swore legion was the first time i played…oh well…damn my memory sucks as i age…

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Sorry but I’ve been working on my housing for years in Rift and Old Republic. There’s always new things to craft or get and new ways to set up. Also more than one housing to work on.

Being in a city doesn’t mean you have to be social. And if someone is AFKing, where they AFK is irrelevant.

Literally I see more than roleplayers in housing other than roleplayers. Having the public boards in Old Republic means people show off their housing to others and lots of people spend time on it.

points to Rift and Old Republic

Reused assets in smaller instanced areas. Rift specifically reuses empty dungeons and portions of zones. Old Republic just puts existing styles of buildings in portions of zones. It doesn’t need to be a massive undertaking.


ridiculous, lol.
just make it for hearthing and cosmetic…dont be dumb and put the AH and everything else in there. Dont have mission tables in there either. Just cosmetic and some storage and a hearth and it’ll be fine.

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if its cosmetic only, then those who want it can enjoy it and those who dont can ignore it…just like I do pet battles.
the OP is being dramatic…likely for attention…and thinking HIS way is the only way. lmao.

As someone who still uses their garrison quite a bit and spends more time with little pets then raiding, I believe you are incorrect. Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean other people won’t.



I run on the assumption that Blizzard would only bother with a feature if they’re actually planning on polishing it a reasonable degree. Throwing random old art assets from various time periods together into a mishmash mess of a feature isn’t something I see them doing.

I agree if they handled it that way the resource and time cost would go WAY down and therefore the feature as a whole suddenly becomes much more feasible, but I just don’t see them handling it that way.

and literally modeling can be taken from interiors theyve already designed and just make them instance by adding a portal to some external doors in Stormwind, orgrimmar, etc.
They can add in some more ‘bags’ that can only be accessed while in the house instanced like we do banks and just make it a chest or something.
ESO does really nice with housing. I think I have 14 houses there…and Im NEVER in them lol. Theyre mostly just cosmetic and a free hearth. Nothing to get bunched up over like this overly dramatic OP is being here lol

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