Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

you don’t answer a question with a multitude of questions:

all i wanted to know was what are the details to make housing worth spending extra man hours taken away from expansion content development. i didn’t ask how it makes you feel to have it.

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see, now this is an answer i was looking for, as in- what actual purpose would it be… won’t lie though, this does seem what our garrisons provided and more with the bank, inn, stables, fishing/mining/herbing, professions, etc.


Off the top of my head I can think of 2 major arguments against player housing:

  1. there will be less people in major cities and in the open world
  2. resource + energy cost to develop could take away from developing other content

Regarding 1), it’s difficult because the more people there are that want and would use player housing, the greater the impact on this point. To argue there would be no difference is to say that there aren’t a lot of people that want or would use player housing.


Sure you can. And it still answered your question. As did I. But keep ignoring it just to troll.

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Not a good argument, because housing doesn’t have to have banks and AHs. And all content can drop decorations or be crafted by all professions.

Also not a good argument, because smart games reuse existing assets and make it instanced.

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Please list your experience with player housing in games and why you and the people who also played that game didn’t like it. If you have none you are arguing from ignorance and your opinion is not worth the responses you have gotten.

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The only reason this would happen if Blizz abandons it as evergreen content.

you just described what Blizzard does with all of its content.

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To whatever degree that you think they won’t be affected, the fact of the matter is that at the very minimum, they absolutely would be affected. If a player is in their housing they are not in a major city or open world. This is true of other instance content, but people don’t regularly afk in an instance like they would in player housing. Also, it’s a zero sum game when it comes to developer resources. Any time and resources used to develop and maintain X content is time and resources not spent developing Y content.

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No. They wouldn’t. No other MMORPG that has housing has been affected. Even Old Republic isn’t affected. And that game is small.

Again, minimal effort when it’s reused resources.

There’s no good argument here when other MMOs have easily and successfully added housing without issue and without affecting people out in the world.


I’m not nearly as militant about it as you op but I agree in that it baffles me what appeals to people about player housing.

That said I don’t care if they put it in so long as it is 100% optional. And I mean 100%. I don’t even want an auto quest prompting me towards it.


I personally have zero interest in player housing and see it at a total waste of development time and resources.


I think the fact that it’s NOT added is evidence for the point that there are issues that exist. If there were no negative effects and the resource cost was non-existent, then it would be added.

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OP, “I don’t like this idea and won’t take part in it, so don’t add it.”

That is basically what I’m getting.


It’s not added because Blizz thinks Garrisons were player housing. Not because of the issues you claim.


I don’t even know what a garrison is. So you’re saying player housing already exists? What’s the problem then.

Regardless, you still have to explain why Blizzard doesn’t implement the kind of player housing you want if there are no issues with it.


Your achievements say otherwise.

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party pooper

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What do you mean? I played the first 6 months of legion, 6 months in wow classic, and started SL in 9.15. I don’t remember anything about a garrison.

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If that’s true some one else was playing on your account from 2012 on, because you have a lot of completed achievements from years you apparently weren’t playing.


It is 100% true. Legion at launch was the very first time I played WoW. What achievements are you talking about?

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