Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

That philosophy literally brought the game to its current state. I wish more people had the intellectual capacity to see 2 feet in front of them but that’s asking a lot at this point. The community is so bad. Any time the idea of having a neat little aside thing added to the game is just shot down, so the game stagnates and uses what it currently knows.

which is borrowed power, systems, some new talents and spells that gets disabled at the end of the expansion, and then you rinse and repeat all over again. if OP represents what the devs feel, it’s no wonder people left to go play some of the other MMO’s that actually has those things.


They wasted probably millions of man hours building cities just for player to be AFK in that and you’re complaining about player housing?

Player housing is a fun side system that you don’t have to do. Its there for players to have fun, makes the world more engaging, RP will be a lot more engaging, and the accomplishments for players to look back on wha they’ve done in the pass.

If they create it as a feature it’ll be a huge selling point for the game. Thousands of man hours would be worth it and besides, they’re getting paid for it. We’re paying the game the least they could do is build a housing systems for players since it has been asked by majority of the playerbase.


The OP was pretty harsh, but I honestly don’t get the whole player housing thing either. Is the amount of people that want it worth the time and resources? Who knows. My intuition is that a lot of people wouldn’t really use it. Clearly there are people that would as indicated by these threads, I just don’t think it’s a lot of people. I would have to be really bored to even check out player housing if it were in the game. Maybe I’m weird, but I enjoy combat when it comes to WoW. Yeah, having cool mogs is nice, but that’s part of my character that I bring into battle. A player housing system is like collectibles for a collectible. It just seems like a lot of energy for something that doesn’t have anything to do with the core gameplay of WoW which is combat.

That’s just my personal opinion, but I don’t really care if it’s added to the game. I don’t think the aggression and vitriol is warranted though. I doubt people spending a lot of time and energy using player housing is really going to affect what I enjoy doing in WoW.

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One might say something similar (and in fact, prior to its addition, some did) about transmog – “Why would anybody want this stupid feature, all this time wasted on implementing dress up for your characters. You’ll screw around with it for a week, find an outfit you like, and forget it.”

And yet, today transmog is probably the single most popular and most consistently expanded feature.

Player housing is basically just transmog for a little piece of the world. Almost everything that applies to transmog also applies to player housing. No, it won’t be everybody’s thing, but that’s fine. If you don’t like it just ignore it.


I have player housing in ESO . I only use it as a free spot to port to if I am not near a wayshrine . Basically to return to what I use as my base city to clear my bags .

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We lose more raid tiers by them making new systems to fix the ones we told them were broken during Beta.


Sometimes after doing keys, or raiding, or questing, I just want a place to chill that’s my own. It’d be nice to have a place to customize, decorate, etc. I’d especially like it if housing items could come from all over Azeroth, from dungeons to raids to overworld places. I think it’d give players a reason to head back into older content areas. I’m hopeful that we’ll eventually get something like that (not Garrisons 2.0), but until then, instead of running around Oribos in circles, I just… log out, lol.

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Ur stupid op. Yeah take that

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I just recently started playing ESO . GOt the main game and up to the latest expansion for $20 . Played all the main stories , now I am going back through zones and completing stories for the zones as well as exploring and doing delves ( kind of mini 1 boss dungeons )

THe avatar I use in The Murloc discord channel is my ESO toon

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No kidding, i would definitionally see the OP doing that back in Wrath or TBC, i imagine. :laughing:

Speaking of seeing, am i the only one who just now noticed your guild name and my mind immediately went to Nine Inch Nails for a second there? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Because it’s a feature in most other major MMOs, both active and otherwise, yet it’s not in the single most recognizable one ever. EQII, FFXIV, DCUO, SWTOR, WildStar, MapleStory 2, ESO, New World… People just consider this game not having it to be an anomaly, especially when it already has a massive RP scene, and apparently, the devs had plans to add it way, way back in development.

I don’t consider it a feature that’s necessary for this game’s survival, but it’s not something that I would raise hell over if it becomes a reality like I would if they one day decided to make your choice of race entirely cosmetic (all races neutral, all race/class combos open, racial abilities removed).

They already did that in WoD; it was that expansion’s main complaint that we were spending hours in our garrisons while our followers went off on their own adventures that we couldn’t even see. Would you rather they devote the manpower and resources to another gameplay feature like Island Expeditions, Visions of N’Zoth, or Torghast that will be relevant for one expansion and then later become trivialized by gear upgrades in the next?

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Thanks for calling more attention to how much the community wants player housing, OP!


/looks at garrisons


Its not an add on, its a game feature. Please attempt to be more precise in the wording of your silly opinion.

You could probably have a chat to people who play the other games that have it (such as FF14 and ESO) or games that did have it (Wildstar, where it was probably the best thing about the game) whether they feel it was a worthwhile investment.

Nobody - nobody - goes afk inside a house. The purpose of PH is to get it, complete it, collect things for it and decorate it, invite their friends and guildies over for a chat and a cuppa or a social occasion…and that’s basically it. It is a social, rp, creative casual content feature.

And if Blizzard can spend pointless dollars on dance halls in Stormwind AH or Darkmoon Faire or most of the other silly events that nobody pays attention to, they can certainly spend it on something that would give a huge boost to old world content and professions and social interaction.


I mean, I don’t see the particular grandiose design in having player housing either. Others want it and if they get it, good for them. I won’t use it, if at all. We already have housing which is the Garrison.

However: There’s prime real estate sitting in that SW field where you had to eliminate the cultists with twerp-sized Anduin that one time - kinda like where Chromie and the Allied Race house is, whole bunch of unused land…

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Every time somebody says that, somewhere a fairy dies. Or possibly a gnome.


Noooooooo :scream:. I take my slanderous words back for the lives of fairies!


You won’t have to worry about housing OP devs only care about the 1% and end game.


It’s not though. Encounter and Raid Designer are separate titles at blizzard for just that.

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Apparently not true as they put a lot of silly nonsense in the game that hardly anyone pays attention to for…reasons.

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