Player housing is stupid, and i hope it never gets added to WoW

I agree. I thought I wanted player housing, but then I got to experience it in another notable (ahem ffxiv) mmo and frankly, it’s a disaster. Most people have no access to it and the ones who do either A. forget about using it or B. use it for ERP, and not much else. It doesn’t add as much to the game as people think it will. The fervor for player housing is a whole lot of “we want it because we don’t have it”…


The game is LITERALLY the most balanced its ever been.

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The op has clearly never played a game with a detailed and vibrant housing system built in. I use to think the way he does, then I played games with good player housing and it changed my mind about it. It’s not for everyone but then neither is mog or pet farmer, yet blizzard wastes hours on them every expansion…


It adds hundreds of hours of enjoyment for those that like housing. Just like dungeons and raids add hundreds of hours of enjoyment for those that like that type of content. Just like pet battles add hundreds of hours of enjoyment for those that like pet battles.

Pet battles aren’t for higher gear or to run with friends. Transmog runs aren’t for higher gear and most often aren’t run with friends. Darkmoon Faire isn’t for higher gear and most often isn’t run with friends. Holiday events aren’t for higher gear and only the one dungeon boss is run with friends.

Housing adds the same thing everything else does: another level of interaction for people who enjoy it. It also adds a reason to do all of the content, like I listed earlier:


WoW players have been trained over the years by rhetoric to consider anything that isn’t ‘proper content’ a waste of resources. The issue is that… WoW doesn’t lack the resources, at all. What we once thought was Activision squeezing them with a smaller budget, was actually their office situation making literally every development cycle be way more painful than it normally would be.

Blizzard is a massive corporation and WoW still has millions of subscribers on top of likely millions raked in for store and service purchases. The idea that they need to be so stingy with what they develop is ridiculous, but they’ve done a very good job, especially since WoD launched, to ‘trim the fat’ but tell us it’s a good thing.

Instead they’ve created systems that keep people playing, just like housing would, but with less content.


Wildstar. I loved the housing there.

Housing in WoW doesn’t need to be that advanced, but it should be pretty customizable.


agreed, i think its lame but some people like it in other games like FFX and BDO.

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no, you actually didn’t… hence my responses.

OP, you’re allowed to be wrong. :heart:


I think it’s weird you seem to think afking in a player house would somehow be more of a waste of time compared to literally anything else you do in this video game.


I actually did.

And yes, they did, as well:

And if you reread the entire statement, it answers the entirety of why anything exists in this game:

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It also not need 1000 or 100,000 hours.

with moderate modding skills you can make a decent house in skyrim in under 40 hours.

I am assuming the devs who work the creation tools for world building have skills just a bit above mine as an admitted hobbyist.

I am also assuming they have prefab templates to drop in. Insert elf wall. insert or orc wall.

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Alot of people don’t do mythic raids or 3v3 or rbgs lets get rid of them too i suppose…

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Its amazing how players will demand that every animal have a battle pet and mount version available for them to collect.

Every new beast-person race we encounter in the world absolutely has to be a new allied race to grind out over the course of a month.

But when you suggest that players have an opportunity to have a personal space in the world where they can collect furniture and other structure building blocks and assets that already exist in the game, PEOPLE LOSE THEIR MINDS.

Seriously we should have this feature by now. We’ve had enough dev time wasted on pointless raiding for stats that get squished and gear that gets thrown in a tab for you to mog over it with stuff from old expansions. Give us player housing already.



Player housing would be a brilliant idea, it’s just that Blizzard considers Garrisons to be housing.


Just because you don’t see any value who cares?

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RP and a personal goal to chase after i would imagine. I mean i knew half of my time in Ark, and Fallout is looking for parts to build my homestead or find a place where i will place my home even. :slight_smile:

Blizzard spends hundreds, if not thousands of man hours only for some people to AFK in a BG and raid or not even see it. What’s your point? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, RP, using it to immerse yourself in the world, show off to your friends, have another niche carrot on the stick to chase after like tmogs. None of these things are “Going AFK”.

Then don’t use it, simple. :man_shrugging:

Maybe you’ve never played any game where it has housing, but i don’t think you understand why people want this feature.

I will say though, i want the housing that is more closer to Ark and Fallout’s where it’s way more freeform in how, where and when you want to build it. Rather then pre-determined houses with an unnecessarily tiring property system where at that point, would be easier to get a real house then get a fake one.

/side eyes FF14’s player housing. :eyes:

Sorry FF14 fans, but i really don’t like the sound of that system. I’m more of a … “I see that island, bam, now it’s my island. I call it ‘Baritonia’”. “I see that beach, boom, i remade Venezia (Venice) with just wood and stone lying about. Now watch me go splat as i free run on my own city.”

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It’s really quite simple.

In a videogame, I can earn luxury cars (mounts), and live in a mansion (player housing). Do you like nice houses and nice cars? That’s literally the appeal for putting it in a videogame.

I want them to spend their man-hours developing features and systems that won’t be scrapped at the end of a single measley patch.

Socializing? What a terrible, awful thing.

“everything i that doesn’t cater to me is stupid and pointless waaaa”

boring take
:yawning_face: :roll_eyes:


Because other MMOs done it and its apparent its popular. You might not like it but you aren’t the voice of a whole country. Much like how Pet Battle is pointless but people still play with that feature. What about PvP? Its pointless for many. Meanwhile those who only do PvP will find Raiding or Mythic + pointless…

With that said, Player Housing is another thing that isn’t truly pointless, it adds content. More so, how does this matter so much for you to NOT want it? It isn’t going to be impacting your experience since its entirely optional.

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Adding it would be harmless so long as it doesn’t empty out hub zones.

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